Guilford is interested in considering professional books from clinicians, researchers, and scholars in Psychology, Mental Health, Education, Research Methods, and Geography, plus trade books for the general public in Mental Health, Psychology, and Parenting. We do not publish fiction, poetry, dissertations, biographies, or autobiographies. Please explore our website for more detail on our current subject areas.

We prefer to receive a proposal at first rather than an entire manuscript. The following materials will help us determine whether your work is a good fit with Guilford's list:

1. PROSPECTUS, which should include:

2. CURRENT CURRICULUM VITAE for yourself and any co-authors or co-editors. CVs need not be provided for contributors to edited books.

3. SAMPLE CHAPTERS: While sample chapters are not essential, if you have started work on the volume, choose one or two chapters which you feel best represent the work, ideally from different parts of the book. If you don't have chapters prepared, send a few samples of your writing (on the same subject, if possible), such as journal articles, chapter reprints, etc.

Please email your query or proposal to, or mail it to the attention of Book Proposals at the address below, and be sure to include an email address for response. If you want your materials returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. We try to respond within four weeks of receipt of materials. We thank you for your interest in Guilford, and look forward to hearing from you.