This is the breathing space practice. Step 1. Becoming aware. Sit or stand with an upright and dignified posture. Becoming aware of how things are in this moment. Asking yourself what body sensations are here right now, what moods and feelings are around, What about any thoughts or imagery? Lightly noting what's around for you in your mind and body just now. Now in step 2, gathering the mind. Focusing on the physical sensations of breathing. Noticing the breathing wherever you feel it most vividly. Paying attention to the full in breath and the full out breath. Riding the waves of the breathing as a way of gathering, anchoring the mind. Nothing to change. Nothing to fix. Simply tuning into and being with the sensations of breathing in and breathing out. And step 3, Expanding your attention from the breath to include your whole body. Perhaps noticing your posture, facial expression, your torso, the whole of the body. A sense of floodlighting the body with awareness. And as best you can, forming an intention to bring this awareness to the next moments of your day. The breathing space is a mindfulness practice you can take anywhere. It uses your breath as an anchor. And you learn each time that you do it that you can always step back, Tune into what's happening and then anchor your attention. It's a practice that helps you come home to your body. Take a pause, and reset. It opens up choices and a sense of freedom in any moment.