This is a practice for connecting with ourselves and others. We connect through speaking and listening, but also nonverbal communication, gaze, touch, hugging and physical intimacy. Our bodies are an important way of connecting that we often don't fully listen to or use. This everyday practice can be used in everyday moments with people in your life, be that exchanging a smile, conversation or an embrace. Start by preparing yourself in the moments before you encounter the person, by following your breathing and establishing a sense of presence in your body. As you come into contact with the other person, really sense them through listening to what they're saying verbally and nonverbally? Stay in contact with your breathing and body. Can you have a real sense of the other person? Can you really see them? Now widen your awareness to include yourself, the other person, and your connection. This is a practice to approach with a sense of curiosity and playfulness, staying real and natural, while exploring different ways of being in connection with yourself and others. As you bring this practice into your life, what can you learn? How might your interactions with others go if you're more connected to your body? How might you respond differently to the people around you as you go about your day if you took more notice of your body's cues and messages? Can you adopt a stance that asserts strength in the face of bullying? Can you hug a loved one you haven't seen for a while with a real sense of presence? All of these are ways of exploring this practice, of connecting with ourselves and connecting with others.