This is a practice to help you make appreciation part of your everyday life. As you go about your day, make it a habit to really see, touch and listen to what's around you. Be mindful of how you're interacting with the world. Take moments to pause and notice your surroundings. Perhaps feel the warmth of the sun or the cool breeze on your skin. Notice the cold on your face on a chilly day and the comfort of your warm clothes. See if you can look at the trees and see the space around them. Or gaze at the stars and the vast sky that holds them. And as you do this, pay attention to your body sensations, feelings, and thoughts, approaching each experience as you move through your day with curiosity and openness. Pay attention to the small moments. Acts of kindness like a smile or someone holding the door for you, or hear the laughter of children playing, really tasting and savouring your food, As you move through your day, taking time to reflect on good things. Think about what goes well for you each day. Your ability to move, eat, stay warm, and take care of yourself. In each moment, find what has the potential to bring you joy when you're truly present to it. See if you can be present in the enjoyable activities. Every day, focus on something you enjoy. It could be anything. Your morning cup of tea or coffee, a walk, a favorite snack, time spent with someone you love, moments with your pet, reflecting while you travel. And in these moments, explore your senses with an attitude of playfulness. Maybe explore each of the senses in turn. Seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling. You're learning to allow joy into the moments of your day. Notice how paying attention with an open mind changes your experience. What happens when you recognize and savour the simplicity of the moment? You're learning to appreciate your life as it is, finding enjoyment, meaning and connection in everyday moments. Explore these moments with all your senses and an attitude of friendly curiosity.