This is a practice for savoring good moments. How can you savor all that's good in a way that supports your well-being? So let's start by bringing to mind a time from today or the last few days when you felt good, you were having fun, or perhaps you felt a sense of meaning, connection, or happiness. Once you've settled on something, bring the memory into focus. Perhaps, you can even imagine it like a video in your mind running from the beginning to the end. And as you bring this memory to mind, notice what's happening in your body. What sensations are around? What's happening emotionally? What feelings are around? Are there any calls to action? Any impulses? What thoughts and images are unfolding in your mind's eye. So what you're doing is you're bringing a good moment, a meaningful moment to mind And really dropping into and savouring the experience in terms of what's happening in the body and the mind. And when you do this, what do you notice? At what point did your mind decide this memory was pleasant? What happened next? One of the ways of thinking about this is like a metal chain made of links. And with pleasant events, you can see the links in the chain and choose to stop and pause and savour them and appreciate them. Strengthening the chain that can anchor and support and build positive experiences. This practice of savoring good moments is one that you can use at any point in the day as you move through the day.