This is a practice for pausing and checking in. I'd like to invite you right now in this moment to pause and turn your attention inwards, asking yourself, what's the state of my mind right now? Is it alert, or dull, curious, or bored, vibrant or hazy, or something else. Try choosing a word or two to describe your mind in this moment. Now shift your attention to your body and scan through your body and see if there are any particular sensations. Notice any discomfort or ease, tightness or relaxation, warmth or coolness, or anything else as you scan through your body. Can you describe your body in this moment with just a word or two? See if you can welcome whatever you discover. Like you'd welcome a guest into your home, whether it's something pleasant like a sense of curiosity or something challenging like a pain. Remember you don't need to change or fix anything. Your experience is already here. See if you can set an intention to pause and check in as you go through your day. And in these moments there's nothing to fix or do, instead bringing a friendly curiosity and welcoming whatever you find. Transcribed with Cockatoo