This is an exercise for exploring generosity. Start by steadying yourself, focusing on your breathing and your breathing in your body. Moving into a posture that feels open and steady, and opening both hands so the fingers and the thumbs are outstretched and relaxed. And imagine that your left palm is holding an object that you really value and cherish. How does it feel to hold this object? In the left palm, when you're ready close your fingers around it protectively, And keep your right hand open. And imagine your right hand asking your left hand, is that a gift for me? Can you share it with me? What comes up? Do you feel willing to share? Or do you feel protective? Perhaps the left hand feels ready to open or perhaps it feels like holding tightly. The request to share can bring out different things. Connection, protectiveness, resentment, even anger. There's no right or wrong way to feel during this exercise. It's just a playful way to explore how you relate to what you value, how you protect it and how you feel about giving and receiving. Use this exercise to gain insight into your feelings and attitudes about the things you hold dear. It's also very helpful to become familiar with all the attitudinal qualities that make your mind a good lifelong friend, trust, patience, courage, balance. Let awareness becomes mindfulness when it's infused with these attitudes of mind.