This is the tree practice. Begin by standing or sitting in a way that makes you feel rooted and upright. When you're ready, bring to mind a tree that you know that you see as strong and flexible. Really sharpen the image of that tree, its trunk, its branches, its foliage, the landscape that it sits in. Now imagine yourself becoming that tree, having a sense of yourself becoming that tree, lightly scanning through your body from your feet, the roots of the tree, up through your body, the legs and the torso, the trunk of the tree. Fingers, hands and arms, the branches of the tree. To your head and the crown of your head, top of the tree. And as you move through the body, from the roots, through the trunk, through the branches and the foliage to the top, lightly notice any sensations with interest, with friendliness. So really having a sense of yourself, like a tree in this moment, all the sensations in the body, the roots, trunk, branches, the foliage. Recognizing and noticing all of these experiences and responding to them in the same way that a tree responds to shifting day and night, weather and seasons with strength, with flexibility, with responsiveness. Feel your rootedness, your strength, your flexibility in response to all the shifting weather systems that move through the body and the mind. When you're ready, just expanding awareness to a sense of the whole body breathing steadily like a tree, alive, rooted, strong yet flexible. And just like a tree, stay strong and flexible with changes. See if you can respond to whatever comes up with steadiness, with balance, with flexibility. Moment to moment to moment, rooted, upright, strong, yet adaptable. Set an intention to carry this sense of rootedness, strength, and flexibility into your day.