This is a practice to help you identify your values. Values are the core beliefs that guide your actions and shape the person you want to be. They influence how you interact with others and the world around you. When the going gets tough or you feel unclear and confused, they can point you in the right direction. Everyone has their own set of values and they can change over time. To help identify your values, imagine a special event where people gather to celebrate you. This could be a milestone birthday like your 16th, 21st, 40th, or 80th or another significant occasion like starting a new job, leaving a job, retiring. Think about the people whose opinions you value the most. Maybe a partner, close friends, family members, mentors, a teacher, or colleagues. Now picture these people speaking about you at this event. What might they say? And what might they say they admire and respect about you? And if you want to explore further, consider what these people might say about your role in your work, your community, and the wider world. How you respond to difficulties and challenges. How you treat the people around you. How you do the things that are important to you. These reflections can reveal the impact you have on others and help clarify your values. Your values act like a compass guiding you when you feel off track. They point you towards your true north. When your actions align with your values, you often end the day feeling peaceful even if the day was tough. Take a moment to write down or store in your phone whatever insights you discover about your values. This can be a helpful reminder of what truly matters to you.