This is a practice to start the day. The start of the day offers several opportunities to pause and really wake up. Whether it's the moment you transition from sleep to wakefulness, just before or after you get out of bed, in the shower, while exercising or eating breakfast, or during your way into college or work. See if you can find a moment where it's appropriate for you to pause and check-in. And when you found that moment, tune in to how you're feeling. Start by grounding yourself with a sense of asking, how's my body right now? Do I feel rested or tired? How's my mind just now? Is it alert or drowsy or anything else? And then taking a moment to turn your attention to your breath and body, notice the sensations of breathing in your belly or chest. Having a sense of anchoring as you ride the waves of a few breaths. Steadying yourself. Gathering yourself. Anchoring yourself. You don't need to change your breathing. Just being with it. Once you have a sense of being gathered and grounded, Reflect about the day ahead. As you scan through the day, what are you looking forward to? Is there anything that you're worried about? Is there anything that you move through with just a sense of habit or routine? Now ask, are there any commitments you'd like to make to yourself about how you'd like the day ahead to be? See if you can take a moment to make these commitments, being specific and positive. For example, you might say to yourself, today I will, or I'll move through my day with an attitude of curiosity. It's important to frame this positively, I will rather than I won't. So just take a moment to scan through your day ahead and see if any of those moments that you're looking forward to, that you're worried about, that perhaps you move through normally with a sense of habit, are moments where you might want to make a commitment to yourself or you might want to meet them with a particular attitude of curiosity or courage or letting go or appreciation. Try to see in your mind's eye how you'd like your day to pan out. Each day is a chance to start anew, choosing how you want to be as you pass through today.