This is a practice for developing awareness and a sense of space. Start by settling into a comfortable position, feeling rooted and strong and upright. And once you feel steady, gently bring your attention to your body and move your awareness up through your body, from the base up through the trunk and the torso, through the limbs and the head. Notice the sense of space within and around you. Take a moment to really inhabit the space. Grounded base, solid torso, arms open, shoulders relaxed, back upright and relaxed, flexible, and the head supported like a tree or a mountain, really open to, ready for whatever comes up. And then whenever you're ready, opening your awareness up to all of your experience both inside you but also what you're picking up from outside of you. Having a sense of your awareness zooming out, taking a wider perspective So the sensations, sounds, moods, thoughts and images are experienced like weather patterns moving through the sky of awareness. Your senses open and awake, hearing, feeling, Seeing. A sense of space. A sense of your body, Meeting whatever arises with friendliness, with care, with interest. Holding your experience with spaciousness like a sky that can hold everything that moves through it. And as you bring the practice to a close, Coming back to a sense of the body rooted. The torso strong and upright. Shoulders relaxed. The face relaxed, the head with a sense of uplift and dignity. And make a commitment to yourself to keep this possibility of openness to whatever comes up like a sky of awareness available to you throughout the day.