Is an exercise for reflecting on all the balls you juggle in your life. There are times when living intentionally with a sense of our true north can seem like a luxury. Our lives are full, and we're surviving with little sense of the possibility of thriving. Imagine that you're juggling all the major balls in your life. What are they? Work, your health, your finances, your friends, your values, your family, children. And which are the most important to you? And as you think about juggling all of these balls, what would happen if you dropped one of them? Short term, would it just bounce back unharmed? Would it be okay to sit out the juggling for a while? Would the drop ball get a bit damaged but irreparable? Or would it shatter irreparably? And what about longer term? Same question. But now asking what would be the effect of dropping any balls over months or even years? Living well is all about finding balance in what you prioritize, how you spend your time, and with whom. There are priorities we simply can't drop, financial security, childcare, for example. There are those that, if we neglect them, could be damaged, perhaps a relationship. There are those that we'd miss, but we can pick them up again later. Perhaps hobbies or interests. This question of juggling our lives is an ongoing exploration. Sometimes you need to do less. Sometimes you can do more. And sometimes you need to make changes in your life.