This is a practice to revisit your values in an ongoing way. Start by gathering and grounding yourself, Having a sense of coming home to really inhabiting the body. And now imagine a majestic tree. And seeing yourself as that tree, you have strong roots anchored in your values, spreading into the ground and drawing strength from the soil. What brings you meaning and lasting happiness? Who or what gives you purpose and joy? What truly matters to you? These roots of the tree draw on your values. Your torso is like the tree trunk, and your legs, arms, neck, and head are like the branches and leaves. Together, they represent your understanding and wisdom. Your values, like nutrient rich groundwater, rise up the tree as intentions. And these intentions and your understanding naturally guide your actions and words. And like a tree, you can adapt to life's changes while staying true to yourself. Picture yourself as this tree. Strong, adaptable. Able to thrive in all kinds of conditions. This exercise helps uncover your deeper values. What matters most is different for everyone. Maybe it's family, work, nature, or financial security. It can also point to shared values in a family or community, like respecting elders, being a good sport, individual rights, collective harmony. Finally, it can reveal universal values that most people agree on. Helping loved ones, returning favours, sharing things out fairly, respecting other people's property. These values act as your guide and can be explored throughout your life as you meet new people and face new situations.