This is the body scan practice. Find somewhere to lie or sit where you can be comfortable and won't be disturbed. Take a moment to gather yourself and let your body guide you into a posture that feels well supported with a sense of being upright and open. And if it feels okay, closing your eyes. You'll learn to pay attention to your body and all that's happening in your body in any moment. Begin by bringing your attention to your breathing, the natural rhythm of breathing in and out. A sense of bringing your attention into concentration, focus, and calm, settling your awareness into your body, noticing the landscape of sensations. These sensations might be pleasant, unpleasant or just neutral. Be mindful of how sensations change moment to moment to moment. Now when you're ready, move the flashlight of your awareness to the soles of your feet. Any pressure points? Any tightness from clothing or shoes or from the floor? Perhaps sensations that are stronger. Sensations that are more subtle. And expanding this now out to a sense of the whole of the feet, toes, the spaces between the toes, the tops of the feet, the arches, and the ankles. And moving the awareness up through the ankles and the lower legs. And just letting whatever is around in this part of the body come into awareness. This quality of curiosity and interest, what's here? Where does it begin? Where does it end? Where is it strongest? Where is it most subtle? And see if you can also imbue this, sort of, interest with a friendliness, with a kindness. And then when you're ready, moving the awareness up through the knees. Again, having a sense of the flashlight shining awareness. The outsides of the knees, the insides of the knees, and up through the upper legs. It's friendly interest. See if there's a sense of welcoming different sensations, changing moment by moment, being with whatever you discover in the spirit of befriending your body. And when you're ready, moving the awareness up to the pelvis. And again, letting the flashlight of awareness move around the pelvis, the inside of the pelvis, again, with this light curiosity, this sense of friendliness. Allowing whatever you discover there to be there exactly as it is. And then when you're ready, moving your awareness up through the lower back and including the belly and perhaps the movements of the breath in the belly. And up into the torso. A sense of the chest expanding on the in breath. And contracting on the out breath. Maybe even the subtle sensations of the beating of the heart. Holding the torso in awareness. Allowing whatever's there to be there exactly as it is. Nothing to fix. Nothing to change. Then when you're ready, bring your awareness to the the fingers and the hands of both hands. Tips of the hands, maybe anywhere that they're in contact with, backs of the hands, palms. And when you're ready, moving your awareness up through the wrists and the lower arms, the elbows and the upper arms. Bathing the body in awareness. Moving up through the shoulders. Again, just see if you can bring a kindly awareness to whatever's around in the shoulders. And then when you're ready, moving up through the neck, the face, and the head. Scanning through this part of the body to see what sensations are around here, perhaps around the mouth, tongue, the eyes, all the many tiny muscles in the face that throughout the day, busy reacting and projecting how we are in the world. The back of the head and the scalp and crown of the head. And then when you're ready, see if you can take the flashlight of your awareness and broaden it right out to a sense of the whole body. So the inner sense of the whole body is floodlit with awareness. From the soles of the feet all the way up through the body, including the hands and the arms, head to the crown of the head, floodlit with awareness. An awareness that has these attitudes of curiosity, of interest, of kindness. As we bring this practice to a close, forming an intention to carry this awareness of your body with this sense of kindly interest through the day. Any moment of your day, you can come home to your body.