This is a practice in seeing afresh. Find something to look at either inside or outside. If you have a window, look through it. And find an object outside to focus on. If not, choose something inside near you. It doesn't matter too much what the object is. Once you've settled on something to look at, pick a point in the object and steady your attention there. Notice its colors, shape, shade, patterns, and movement. Look at it with curiosity, like a baby seeing it for the first time. Perhaps asking yourself, what are the colors? What's the shape? What's the pattern of light and dark and shade? Does it change moment to moment? Inevitably, the mind will wonder. That's what minds do. Gently bring it back to seeing. Colors, shapes, shades, patterns. Now whenever you're ready, expand your focus to include the space around the object. Imagine your attention becoming more like a floodlight lighting up the wider view. Notice the objects, colours, textures, and edges in this expanded frame. Floodlit with your awareness. And of course, the mind will label and categorize and say I know what this is. That's what minds do so quickly, so automatically. Gently noticing it, doing that and bringing it back to seeing. And throughout your day, perhaps making a commitment to bringing the sense of seeing things afresh. And when you do this, what do you learn?