This is a practice for noting the body's climate. Pause and turn your attention to your body. Imagine lighting it up with awareness. How is your body right now? Scan from your feet up through your legs, pelvis, lower back and torso. Hands, arms, shoulders, neck and head. And note any sensations in your body. These sensations could be pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral. There's no need to change anything. Simply noticing what you feel. Try as best you can to allow any sensations to be exactly as they are. Noticing any discomfort, pleasant sensations or parts of your body where nothing much seems to be happening? Is there an overall sense of calm or agitation? Safety or anxiety? Patience, or impatience, or anything else? What did you find? When you pay attention to your body, you can learn how in any moment, it's giving you an update on your state of health and well-being. And that in any moment of your day, you can pause and note the climate of your body.