This is a mindful walking practice. Let's always walk from place to place on autopilot without much awareness of walking. This practice asks you to walk with awareness as a way of coming home to your body moving. Choose a place where you can walk without being self conscious or disturbed. It could be a room, a corridor, pavement or footpath. And as you start to walk, pay attention to the soles of your feet and the movement of your legs as you walk. Notice how you lift your foot and place it down, how the sensations shift and move through the soles of the feet, the legs. When you're ready, stop walking and come to stand. Really feel into your feet standing on the ground. Notice the sensations in your feet. Turn around very intentionally with awareness of the movements of the feet and the legs and the body as you turn around. And walking back, paying attention to your feet and legs again. And as you're walking, inevitably the mind will wander. Gently bring it back, the sensations in your feet and legs. Walking with a sense of awareness There's a sense of kindness and friendliness and coming home to your body. Walking slowly, intentionally with awareness for as long as it feels helpful. Is there a stretch of corridor, pavement, or a footpath you walk every day? Make this your secret walking path. Each day when you walk this stretch, pay attention to your feet and legs. Instead of looking around or daydreaming, press your awareness in your body as it walks. Use the sensations in your feet and legs to connect you to the present moment. This is a very movable practice. You can do it anytime in any way you're walking. It can be very grounding to anchor yourself in the sensations of your feet, legs, and whole body walking.