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Best Practices in ELL Instruction

Edited by Guofang Li and Patricia A. Edwards
Foreword by Lee Gunderson

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
April 23, 2010
ISBN 9781606236635
Price: $86.00
392 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
April 24, 2010
ISBN 9781606236628
Price: $57.00
392 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
August 22, 2012
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Price: $57.00
392 Pages
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392 Pages
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In this indispensable work, prominent authorities review the latest research on all aspects of ELL instruction (K–12) and identify what works for today's students and schools. Provided are best-practice guidelines for targeting reading, writing, oral language, vocabulary, content-domain literacies, and other core skill areas; assessing culturally and linguistically diverse students; and building strong school–home–community partnerships. Chapters include clear-cut recommendations for teaching adolescent ELLs and those with learning disabilities. The comprehensive scope, explicit linkages from research to practice, and guidance for becoming a culturally informed, reflective practitioner make the book an ideal course text.

“Informative chapters by well-known authors address a variety of topics related to classroom practice, and provide a useful mix of theory and application. Many of the chapters include useful tools that can be adapted for the reader’s own purposes. An additional strength of the book is the attention it gives to often-ignored areas such as ELLs in special education, teacher professional development, and parent and family considerations. Highly valuable for teacher education courses and practicing teachers.”

—Robert Rueda, PhD, Stephen H. Crocker Professor of Education, University of Southern California

“This is exactly the text I've been looking for to use in my undergraduate teacher education and master's-level certification courses. It has a great blend of theory and teacher-tested strategies for working with a variety of ELLs. I especially appreciate the chapters on ELLs with disabilities and Native Americans, two populations overlooked in most textbooks, as well as the broad span of grade levels and ages represented across the chapters. I am thrilled to see sound research and practical strategies presented in a manner that will be so accessible to our preservice teachers.”

—Margarita Jimenez-Silva, EdD, College of Teacher Education and Leadership, Arizona State University

Best Practices in ELL Instruction is a rich, invaluable resource for teacher educators, literacy specialists, and, most important, classroom teachers. Leading ESL and bilingual education experts address relevant research, theory, strategic teaching, special populations, and teacher preparation. Both scholarly and accessible, this book is certain to become a classic in the field of language teaching and learning.”

—Yvonne S. Freeman, PhD, Department of Language, Literacy, and Intercultural Studies, University of Texas at Brownsville

Table of Contents

Foreword, Lee Gunderson

Introduction, Guofang Li and Patricia A. Edwards

I. Perspectives on ELL Instruction

1. Improving Achievement for English Learners: Conclusions from Recent Reviews and Emerging Research, Claude Goldenberg

2. Language Development and the Education of Dual-Language-Learning Children in the United States, Eugene E. García and Erminda H. García

II. Strategies for Teaching Young ELLs

3. Principles for Teaching Young ELLs in the Mainstream Classroom: Adapting Best Practices for All Learners, Ellen McIntyre

4. Engaging Young ELLs with Reading and Writing, Diane Barone

5. Principles for Writing Practices with Young ELLs, Sarah McCarthey and Xun Zheng

III. Strategies for Teaching Adolescent ELLs

6. Teaching Academic Literacies in Secondary School, Harriett Allison and Linda Harklau

7. Constructing Access and Understanding in Inclusive Middle-Grade Content Classrooms: A Sociocognitive Apprenticeship in Literacy with Bilingual Students and Those with Language/Learning Disabilities, Troy V. Mariage and Carol Sue Englert

IV. Best Practices in ELL/Bilingual Programs and Approaches

8. From Models to Principles: Implementing Quality Schooling for ELLs, Ester J. de Jong

9. Using Workshop Approaches to Support the Literacy Development of ELLs, Kathryn H. Au and Taffy E. Raphael

10. A Bilingual Perspective on Writing Assessment: Implications for Teachers of Emerging Bilingual Writers, Lucinda Soltero-González, Kathy Escamilla, and Susan Hopewell

V. Critical Issues Concerning ELL Instruction

11. Meeting the Needs of ELLs with Disabilities: A Linguistically and Culturally Responsive Model

Alba A. Ortiz and Alfredo J. Artiles

12. Best Practices for Native American Language Learners

Mary Eunice Romero-Little

13. Supporting Literacy Learning in Families for Whom English Is an Additional Language

Jeanne R. Paratore, Barbara Krol-Sinclair, Mariela Páez, and Kristen Paratore Bock

14. “It’s Just Like Telling Them They Will Never Be Scientists”: A White Teacher’s Journey Transforming Linguistic and Racial Categories, Cynthia H. Brock, Julie L. Pennington, Eleni Oikonomidoy, and Dianna R. Townsend

15. Best Practices in Professional Development for Teachers of ELLs, Guofang Li and Maria Selena Protacio

About the Editors

Guofang Li, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Teacher Education and Senior Researcher at the Literacy Achievement Research Center at Michigan State University, where she teaches undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses in second-language and literacy education. Her research focuses on ESL/ELL education, family and community literacy, and Asian American education. Dr. Li has been honored with the Early Career Award from Division G, Social Context of Education, of the American Educational Research Association, among other awards. Her books include the authored volume Culturally Contested Pedagogy, which won the Edward B. Fry Book Award from the National Reading Conference.

Patricia A. Edwards, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Language and Literacy at Michigan State University, where she is also Senior Researcher at the Literacy Achievement Research Center. Her research addresses issues of culture, identity, equity, and power that affect families and schools. Dr. Edwards is a recipient of the Teacher-Scholar Award and the Distinguished Faculty Award from MSU. She served as the first African American President of the National Reading Conference and as President (2010-2011) of the International Reading Association. She is the author of two nationally acclaimed family literacy programs and a number of books.


Harriett Allison is a Temporary Assistant Professor in the Teaching Additional Languages program and Foreign Language Education program at the University of Georgia.

Alfredo J. Artiles is Professor of Special Education and Transborder Chicana/o Latina/o Studies at Arizona State University.

Kathryn H. Au is Chief Executive Officer of SchoolRise, LLC.

Diane Barone is Foundation Professor of Literacy at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Kristen Paratore Bock is a doctoral student in Curriculum and Instruction at the Lynch School of Education at Boston College.

Cynthia H. Brock is Professor of Literacy Studies in the Department of Educational Specialties at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Ester J. de Jong is Associate Professor in Bilingual Education/ESOL at the College of Education, University of Florida, Gainesville.

Patricia A. Edwards is Distinguished Professor of Teacher Education and Senior University Outreach Fellow at Michigan State University, where she is also Senior Researcher at the Literacy Achievement Research Center.

Carol Sue Englert is Professor in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education in the College of Education at Michigan State University.

Kathy Escamilla is Professor of Education at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Erminda H. García is an Instructional Coach at the University Public School in Phoenix, Arizona.

Eugene E. García is Professor of Education and Vice President for Education Partnerships at Arizona State University.

Claude Goldenberg is Professor of Education at Stanford University.

Linda Harklau is Professor in the Teaching Additional Languages program and Linguistics program at the University of Georgia.

Susan Hopewell is a PhD candidate in the division of Education Equity and Cultural Diversity at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Barbara Krol-Sinclair is Director of the Intergenerational Literacy Program, a collaborative effort of the Chelsea Public Schools and Boston University.

Guofang Li is Associate Professor in the Department of Teacher Education and Senior Researcher at the Literacy Achievement Research Center at Michigan State University.

Troy V. Mariage is Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education in the College of Education at Michigan State University

Sarah McCarthey is Professor of Language and Literacy in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Ellen McIntyre is Professor and Department Head of Elementary Education at North Carolina State University.

Eleni Oikonomidoy is Assistant Professor of Multicultural Education at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Alba A. Ortiz is Director of the Office of Bilingual Education in the College of Education at the University of Texas at Austin, where she is also Professor in the Department of Special Education and Coordinator of the Bilingual/Bicultural Education Program.

Mariela Páez is Associate Professor at the Lynch School of Education, Boston College.

Jeanne R. Paratore is Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Reading Education and Literacy and Language Education Programs at Boston University.

Julie L. Pennington is Associate Professor of Literacy Studies in the Department of Educational Specialties at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Maria Selena Protacio is a doctoral student in the Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education Program at Michigan State University.

Taffy E. Raphael is Professor on the Literacy, Language and Culture faculty in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Mary Eunice Romero-Little is Assistant Professor in the Division of Advanced Studies in Education Leadership, Policy, and Curriculum in the Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education at Arizona State University.

Lucinda Soltero-González is Assistant Professor in the Division of Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Dianna R. Townsend is Assistant Professor of Literacy Studies in the Department of Educational Specialties at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Xun Zheng is a PhD candidate in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Teachers in K–12 general education and ESL classrooms; literacy specialists and coaches; advanced undergraduates and graduate students in literacy and ESL programs.

Website Category: EDUCATION: English Language Learners, Literacy

Subject Areas/Keywords: adolescents, assessments, best practices, bilingual education, classrooms, communication, elementary education, ELLs, English language learners, ESL, family literacy, instructional, learning disabilities, literacy, methods, multicultural education, reading, secondary, speech, teachers, teaching English as a second language, writing

Course Use

Will serve as a text in advanced undergraduate-and graduate-level courses such as Teaching Reading, Teaching English as a Second Language, Multicultural Education, and Second Language Acquisition.