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Biopsychosocial Assessment in Clinical Health Psychology

Edited by Frank Andrasik, Jeffrey L. Goodie, and Alan L. Peterson

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
January 5, 2015
ISBN 9781462517732
Price: $99.00
512 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
January 16, 2014
Price: $99.00
512 Pages
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Filling a key need, this practical volume provides state-of-the-art approaches and tools for evaluating both health-related behaviors and psychosocial aspects of medical illness. The book begins by presenting a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment framework. Evidence-based strategies are described for assessing such key lifestyle factors as tobacco use, alcohol and other drugs, physical activity, and social support.  Behavioral, cognitive, and emotional issues associated with a range of specific medical conditions—including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic pain, and others—are addressed. Chapters on assessment of specific populations cover pediatric patients, older adults, ethnic/racial minority groups, organ transplant and bariatric surgery patients, and primary care.

Biopsychosocial Assessment in Clinical Health Psychology is replete with chapters written by a who's who of research and clinical scholars discussing the biopsychosocial model and psychology's role across a range of healthcare problems, diagnoses, special populations, and healthcare venues….The choice of topics is comprehensive and reflects the importance of biopsychosocial assessment across major diseases and for significant cross-cutting healthcare issues….A useful encyclopedia of terms, tools, and techniques for educating students, early career psychologists, or clinical health psychologists already in practice.”


“This is an important and unique book that will become essential reading for clinicians, researchers, and students in clinical health psychology and behavioral medicine. Chapters written by an impressive collection of leaders in the field are both current and comprehensive, yet easily accessible to the reader. This outstanding contribution is ideally suited for use as a clinical resource and graduate text. Regardless of the setting, it is an enormously beneficial book that professionals and students will use often.”

—David S. Krantz, PhD, Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology,Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

“Informative science and effective service both begin with sound assessment. Andrasik, Goodie, and Peterson have assembled an exceptional team of clinical scientists and practitioners to provide a timely and thorough review of basic issues and the most common problems in clinical health psychology assessment. The volume should be required reading for graduate students, and will be a valuable resource for researchers and clinicians, especially those who increasingly find themselves drawn from traditional domains of psychological practice to the rapidly evolving interface with medical care.”

—Timothy W. Smith, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Utah; past president, Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association

“A long-awaited, much-needed synthesis of evidence-based assessment practices in health psychology. Andrasik et al. have brought together an impressive cast of contributors to offer insightful guidance on the most frequently encountered assessment domains. Well grounded in the extant science, the biopsychosocial assessment model, and psychometric theory, this volume is destined to become a seminal clinical reference and text.”

—Kim E. Dixon, PhD, Health Behavior Coordinator, Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center, Alabama

Table of Contents

I. Overview

1. Introduction to Biopsychosocial Assessment in Clinical Health Psychology, Alan L. Peterson, Jeffrey L. Goodie, & Frank Andrasik

2. Fundamentals of Assessment in Clinical Health Psychology, Cynthia D. Belar, & William W. Deardorff

3. Medication Adherence, Howard Leventhal, Danielle E. McCarthy, Elaine A. Leventhal, & Krysten Williams Bold

II. Assessment of Health-Risk Behaviors

4. Eating Disorders, Susan Himes, Tovah Yanover, & J. Kevin Thompson

5. Tobacco Use, Alan L. Peterson, Antoinette R. Brundige, & David Houghton

6. Drug Use and Abuse, Deborah L. Haller, Michelle C. Acosta, Howard Newville, & Abigail Herron

7. Alcohol Use, Tony Toneatto & Mekhala Gunaratne

8. Social Support, Merideth D. Smith & Amy Fiske

9. Coping, Lauren M. Penwell-Waines, Kevin T. Larkin, & Jeffrey L. Goodie

10. Physical Activity, Patricia M. Dubbert, Todd A. Smitherman, & Jeanne Gabriele

11. Quality of Life, Jan Passchier & Jan Busschbach

III. Assessment of Clinical Problems

12. Cancer, Tammy A. Schuler, Thomas M. Atkinson, & Errol J. Philip

13. Cardiovascular Disease, Benson Hoffman, Amy Goetzinger, & James A. Blumenthal

14. Chronic Pain, Donald D. McGeary, Robert J. Gatchel, Cindy A. McGeary, & Monica Escamilla

15. Headaches, Dawn C. Buse, Frank Andrasik, & C. Mark Sollars

16. Facial Pain, Alan G. Glaros

17. Diabetes, Linda Gonder-Frederick, Laura K. Campbell, & Jaclyn A. Shepard

18. Gastrointestinal Disorders, Brenda B. Toner & Iman Hussain

19. Insomnia, Daniel J. Taylor, Christina S. McCrae, Kenneth L. Lichstein, & Adam D. Bramoweth

20. HIV/AIDS, Anne-Lise C. Smith, Dean G. Cruess, & Seth C. Kalichman

IV. Assessment of Special Populations

21. Cultural Concerns, Luz Garcini, Kate Murray, Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris, & Elizabeth A. Klonoff

22. Organ Transplant, Douglas P. Gibson, Kristin Kuntz, Solam Huey, & Mary Ellen Olbrisch

23. Bariatric Surgery, Mary Ellen Olbrisch, Melanie K. Bean, & Karen E. Stewart

24. Pediatrics, Lisa M. Buckloh & Lisa M. Schilling

25. Older Adults, Christine E. Gould, Merideth D. Smith, & Barry A. Edelstein

26. Primary Care, Christopher L. Hunter

Author Index

Subject Index

About the Editors

Frank Andrasik, PhD, is Distinguished Professor and Chair of Psychology at the University of Memphis. He is Editor-in-Chief of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Associate Editor of Cephalalgia, and past Editor-in-Chief of Behavior Therapy. Dr. Andrasik’s primary areas of research include behavioral medicine, pain (with a particular focus on recurrent headache disorders), stress, and biofeedback and applied psychophysiology. He has published extensively and delivered numerous presentations in the United States and abroad on these topics. Dr. Andrasik is a past president of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.

Jeffrey L. Goodie, PhD, ABPP, is Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and the Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. Dr. Goodie’s research, clinical, and teaching interests focus on behavioral health assessments and interventions in primary care settings, disaster behavioral health, and community resilience. He is coauthor of the book Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care.

Alan L. Peterson, PhD, ABPP, is Aaron and Bobbie Elliott Krus Endowed Chair in Psychiatry andProfessor and Chief of the Division of Behavioral Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He is Director of the STRONG STAR Consortium and the Consortium to Alleviate PTSD. Dr. Peterson served previously as Chair of the Department of Psychology and Clinical Health Psychology Fellowship Program Director at Wilford Hall Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. His research and publications focus on posttraumatic stress disorder, tobacco cessation, pain management, weight management, insomnia, temporomandibular disorders, tic disorders, aerophagia, and blepharospasm.


Michelle C. Acosta, PhD, Center for Technology and Health, National Development and Research Institutes, Inc., New York, New York.

Frank Andrasik, PhD, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee.

Thomas M. Atkinson, PhD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York.

Jessica Barnack-Tavlaris, PhD, Department of Psychology, College of New Jersey, Ewing Township, New Jersey.

Melanie K. Bean, PhD, Children’s Hospital of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.

Cynthia D. Belar, PhD, ABPP, past Executive Director, Education Directorate, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

James A. Blumenthal, PhD, ABPP, Division of Behavioral Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.

Krysten Williams Bold, MS, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway Township, New Jersey.

Adam D. Bramoweth, PhD, VISN 4 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

Antoinette R. Brundige, MA, Division of Behavioral Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas.

Lisa M. Buckloh, PhD, Nemours Children’s Clinic–Jacksonville, and Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Jacksonville, Florida.

Dawn C. Buse, PhD, Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, New York, New York.

Jan Busschbach, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Laura K. Campbell, PhD, Division of Psychiatry, Geisinger Health System, Danville, Pennsylvania.

Dean G. Cruess, PhD, Department of Psychology, Department of Medicine, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut.

William W. Deardorff, PhD, ABPP, American Psychological Association, Beverly Hills, California.

Patricia M. Dubbert, PhD, Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center; Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center; Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System; and Department of Psychiatry, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas.

Barry A. Edelstein, PhD, Department of Psychology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.

Monica Escamilla, PsyD, Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center, Audie L. Murphy VA Hospital, San Antonio, Texas.

Amy Fiske, PhD, CBSM, Department of Psychology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.

Jeanne Gabriele, PhD, the G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center, and Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi.

Luz Garcini, MS, San Diego State University–University of California, San Diego, California.

Robert J. Gatchel, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, University of Texas, Arlington, Texas.

Douglas P. Gibson, PsyD, MPH, MedPsych of Virginia, Reston, Virginia.

Alan G. Glaros, PhD, School of Dentistry, University of Missouri–Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri.

Amy Goetzinger, PhD, Department of Anesthesiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Linda Gonder-Frederick, PhD, Department of Neurobehavioral Sciences and Psychiatry, Behavioral Medicine Center, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Jeffrey L. Goodie, PhD, ABPP, Department of Family Medicine, Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland.

Christine E. Gould, PhD, Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center, VA Palo Alto Health Care System and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California.

Mekhala Gunaratne, MA, Psychosocial Medicine Lab, Department of Psychology, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario.

Deborah L. Haller, PhD, ABPP, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New York, New York.

Abigail Herron, DO, Institute for Family Health, and Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New York, New York.

Susan Himes, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Lifespan Physician Group, and Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.

Benson M. Hoffman, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.

David Houghton, MS, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Solam Huey, PhD, James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, New York.

Christopher L. Hunter, PhD, ABPP, Department of Defense Program Manager for Behavioral Health in Primary Care, Washington, DC.

Iman Hussain, BS, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario.

Seth C. Kalichman, PhD, Psychology Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut.

Elizabeth A. Klonoff, PhD, San Diego State University, and University of California, San Diego, California.

Kristin Kuntz, PhD, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio.

Kevin T. Larkin, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.

Elaine A. Leventhal, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine Emeritus, Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway Township, New Jersey.

Howard Leventhal, PhD, Institute for Health, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway Township, New Jersey.

Kenneth L. Lichstein, PhD, CBSM, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Danielle E. McCarthy, PhD, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway Township, New Jersey.

Christina S. McCrae, PhD, CBSM, Department of Health Psychology, University of Missouri–Columbia, Columbia, Missouri.

Cindy A. McGeary, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas.

Donald D. McGeary, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas.

Kate Murray, PhD, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California.

Howard Newville, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, St.Luke’s–Roosevelt Hospital, New York, New York.

Mary Ellen Olbrisch, PhD, ABPP, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.

Jan Passchier, PhD, VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Lauren M. Penwell-Waines, PhD, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, Blacksburg, Virginia.

Alan L. Peterson, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas.

Errol J. Philip, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York.

Lisa M. Schilling, PhD, Division of Psychology and Psychiatry, Nemours Children’s Clinic–Jacksonville, and the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Jacksonville, Florida.

Tammy A. Schuler, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York.

Jaclyn A. Shepard, PsyD, Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Anne-Lise C. Smith, PhD, Massachusetts Mental Health Center, and Brookline Community Mental Health Center, Brookline, Massachusetts.

Merideth D. Smith, PhD, PsiMed, Inc., Morgantown, West Virginia.

Todd A. Smitherman, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.

C. Mark Sollars, MS, McMahon Publishing Group, New York, New York.

Karen E. Stewart, PhD, Departments of Psychiatry and Gastroenterology, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, Virginia.

Daniel J. Taylor, PhD, CBSM, ABSM, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas.

J. Kevin Thompson, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.

Tony Toneatto, PhD, Department of Psychiatry; Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.

Brenda B. Toner, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, and Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario

Tovah Yanover, PhD, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida.


Clinical and health psychologists, social workers in hospitals and other settings, psychiatrists, nurses, and counselors; also of interest to physicians.

Course Use

May serve as a supplemental text in graduate-level courses on clinical health psychology, integrated health care, and related topics.