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Child Psychopathology

Third Edition

Edited by Eric J. Mash and Russell A. Barkley

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
July 3, 2014
ISBN 9781462516681
Price: $156.00
1010 Pages
Size: 7⅜" x 9¼"
July 3, 2014
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Price: $156.00
1010 Pages
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This highly respected reference and text on developmental psychopathology brings together leading authorities on the psychological, biological, and social-contextual determinants of child and adolescent problems. The comprehensive introductory chapter provides a state-of-the-art developmental—systems framework for understanding behavioral and emotional disturbances. Subsequent chapters synthesize the developmental bases of specific disorders. The characteristics, epidemiology, developmental course and outcomes, and etiological pathways of each disorder are described, as are risk and protective factors and issues in conceptualization and diagnosis. Important unanswered questions are identified and implications for treatment and prevention considered.

New to This Edition

“Mash and Barkley have produced a superb text/resource….They have chosen a stellar group of contributors, covered the range of relevant topics in child psychopathology, and given the authors plenty of space to cover their area in great detail. Finally, the volume is tightly edited and very readable.”

Behavioral Science (on the second edition)

“This book is the first place to go for a comprehensive, up-to-date review of the field of developmental psychopathology or a specific question about any number of issues related to particular disorders.”

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolsescent Psychiatry (on the first edition)

“Comprehensive, clear, well organized, and scholarly....The breadth and depth of coverage concerning childhood psychopathology are quite remarkable....This substantial reference certainly can inform the clinical practice of child mental health professionals. Moreover, it can be a valuable resource for clinical supervisors, graduate school instructors, researchers, and graduate students.”

Psychiatric Services (on the first edition)

“The chapters are both well written and well organized. The material is covered in great depth, providing the reader with an exceedingly comprehensive picture of each disorder....I would recommend this outstanding text to any pediatric health care professional who wants to expand his or her scientific knowledge base about…behavioral, emotional, developmental, and learning disorders.”

Emergency and Office Pediatrics (on the first edition)

“Mash and Barkley score big with this third edition. This book has become the classic in the field, and the third edition will seal its status for years to come. Eminent contributors weave interesting and intricate descriptions of the various disorders and problems in living. The book is squarely at the interface of clinical practice and intervention science and will go a long way toward bridging the gap between them. Students and professionals alike will benefit from this stimulating, up-to-date volume.”

—Thomas H. Ollendick, PhD, ABPP, University Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, Virginia Tech

“The third edition of Child Psychopathology reviews current research and theory, provides conceptual models for disorders, and points to new developments in the field. Nineteen chapters cover the major disorders of childhood, including four timely new chapters and 15 that have been superbly updated. Many of the authors from the second edition have remained on board, providing welcome continuity. This volume is the source for understanding the state of the field of child psychopathology. It is a 'must read' for professionals and for graduate-level courses.”

—Rex Forehand, PhD, University Distinguished Professor and Heinz and Rowena Ansbacher Professor of Psychology, University of Vermont

“The third edition of this highly esteemed work sets the standard for the field by providing comprehensive coverage of childhood disorders from a developmental psychopathology perspective. Like previous editions, the volume is skillfully edited and chapters are written by leading experts in the field. Important additions to this edition include a description of childhood disorders based on DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. This volume is an ideal text for graduate courses in child psychopathology as well as an invaluable resource about childhood disorders that can be used to guide and inform evidence-based assessment and treatment.”

—Bryce D. McLeod, PhD, Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University

Table of Contents

I. Introduction to Child Psychopathology

1. Child Psychopathology: A Developmental-Systems Perspective, Elizabeth P. Hayden & Eric J. Mash

II. ADHD, Conduct Disorders, and Substance Use Disorders

2. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Joel T. Nigg & Russell A. Barkley

3. Conduct and Oppositional Defiant Disorders, Eva R. Kimonis, Paul J. Frick, & Robert J. McMahon

4. Adolescent Substance Use Disorders, Laurie Chassin, Kaitlin Bountress, Moira Haller, & Frances Wang

III. Mood Disorders and Self-Harm

5. Child and Adolescent Depression, Constance Hammen, Karen D. Rudolph, & Jamie L. Abaied

6. Pediatric Bipolar Disorder, Eric A. Youngstrom & Guillermo Perez Algorta

7. Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors, Christine B. Cha & Matthew K. Nock

IV. Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Stress Disorders

8. Anxiety Disorders, Charmaine K. Higa-McMillan, Sarah E. Francis, & Bruce F. Chorpita

9. Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders, John Piacentini, Susanna Chang, Ivar Snorrason, & Douglas W. Woods

10. Childhood Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Kathleen Nader & Kenneth E. Fletcher

V. Neurodevelopmental Disorders

11. Autism Spectrum Disorder, Laura Grofer Klinger, Geraldine Dawson, Karen Burner, & Megan Crisler

12. Early-Onset Schizophrenia, Jon Kuniyoshi & Jon M. McClellan

13. Intellectual Disability, Andrea N. Witwer, Kathy Lawton, & Michael G. Aman

14. Learning Disabilities, Lawrence J. Lewandowski & Benjamin J. Lovett

VI. Infants and Children at Risk for Disorder

15. Disorder and Risk for Disorder during Infancy and Toddlerhood, Karlen Lyons-Ruth, Charles H. Zeanah, Diane Benoit, Sheri Madigan, & W. Roger Mills-Koonce

16. Child Maltreatment, Christine Wekerle, David A. Wolfe, Josephine Dunston, & Tracy Alldred

VII. Eating, Personality, and Health-Related Disorders

17. Eating Disorders, Kristin M. von Ranson & Laurel M. Wallace

18. Personality Disorders in Children and Adolescents, Rebecca L. Shiner & Jennifer L. Tackett

19. Health-Related and Somatic Symptom Disorders, Ronald T. Brown, Deborah Ellis, & Sylvie Naar-King

About the Editors

Eric J. Mash, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Calgary and Affiliate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Oregon Health and Science University. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association and of the Society of Clinical Psychology, the Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice, the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, and the Society of Pediatric Psychology of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Mash is also a Fellow and Charter Member of the Association for Psychological Science. He has served as an editor, editorial board member, and editorial consultant for numerous journals and has published widely on child and adolescent psychopathology, assessment, and treatment.

Russell A. Barkley, PhD, ABPP, ABCN, before retiring in 2021, served on the faculties of the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, the Medical University of South Carolina, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Barkley has worked with children, adolescents, and families since the 1970s and is the author of numerous bestselling books for both professionals and the public, including Taking Charge of ADHD and Your Defiant Child. He has also published six assessment scales and more than 300 scientific articles and book chapters on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, executive functioning, and childhood defiance. A frequent conference presenter and speaker who is widely cited in the national media, Dr. Barkley is past president of the Section on Clinical Child Psychology (the former Division 12) of the American Psychological Association (APA), and of the International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. He is a recipient of awards from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the APA, among other honors. His website is


Jamie L. Abaied, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

Guillermo Perez Algorta, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Tracy Alldred, MD, Department of Medicine, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Michael G. Aman, PhD, Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University, and The Ohio State University Nisonger Center, Columbus, Ohio

Russell A. Barkley, PhD, ABPP, ABCN, Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina

Karen Barnes, PhD, Seattle Children’s Autism Center, Seattle, Washington

Diane Benoit, MD, FRCPC, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, and Department of Psychiatry, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Kaitlin Bountress, MA, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

Ronald T. Brown, PhD, Office of the President, University of North Texas at Dallas, Dallas, Texas

Christine B. Cha, MA, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Susanna Chang, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Laurie Chassin, PhD, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

Bruce F. Chorpita, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Megan Crisler, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Geraldine Dawson, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina

Josephine Dunston, MD, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Deborah Ellis, PhD, Department of Pediatrics, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan

Kenneth E. Fletcher, PhD (deceased), Department of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts

Sarah E. Francis, PhD, Department of Psychology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada

Paul J. Frick, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana

Moira Haller, PhD, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

Constance L. Hammen, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Elizabeth P. Hayden, PhD, Department of Psychology, Brain and Mind Institute, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

Charmaine K. Higa-McMillan, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, Hawaii

Eva R. Kimonis, PhD, School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Laura Grofer Klinger, PhD, TEACCH Autism Program and Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Jon Kuniyoshi, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, and Child Study and Treatment Center, Lakewood, Washington

Kathy Lawton, PhD, BCBA-D, Department of Special Education, The Ohio State University, and Early Childhood Education, The Ohio State University Nisonger Center, Columbus, Ohio

Lawrence J. Lewandowski, PhD, Department of Psychology, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York

Benjamin J. Lovett, PhD, Department of Psychology, Elmira College, Elmira, New York

Karlen Lyons-Ruth, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, and Department of Psychiatry, Cambridge Hospital, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Sheri Madigan, PhD, CPsych, SCAN Program, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Eric J. Mash, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Jon M. McClellan, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Robert J. McMahon, PhD, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

W. Roger Mills-Koonce, PhD, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina

Sylvie Naar, PhD, Pediatric Prevention Research Center and Department of Pediatrics, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan

Kathleen Nader, DSW, Two Suns Childhood Trauma Program, Cedar Park, Texas

Joel T. Nigg, PhD, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon

Matthew K. Nock, PhD, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

John Piacentini, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Karen D. Rudolph, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Champaign, Illinois

Rebecca L. Shiner, PhD, Department of Psychology, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York

Ivar Snorrason, MA, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Jennifer L. Tackett, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Houston, Houston, Texas

Kristin M. von Ranson, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Laurel M. Wallace, MSc, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Frances Wang, MA, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

Christine Wekerle, PhD, Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Andrea N. Witwer, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, The Ohio State University, and The Ohio State University Nisonger Center, Columbus, Ohio

David A. Wolfe, PhD, CAMH Centre for Prevention Science, London, Ontario, Canada

Douglas W. Woods, PhD, Department of Psychology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas

Eric A. Youngstrom, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Charles H. Zeanah, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana


Practitioners, researchers, and students in child clinical psychology, child psychiatry, and related fields.

Course Use

Serves as a text in advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in abnormal child psychology and developmental psychopathology.
Previous editions published by Guilford:

Second Edition, © 2003
ISBN: 9781572306097

First Edition, © 1996
ISBN: 9781572300651
New to this edition: