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Clinical Handbook of Schizophrenia

Edited by Kim T. Mueser and Dilip V. Jeste

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
March 27, 2008
ISBN 9781593856526
Price: $120.00
650 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
January 31, 2011
ISBN 9781609182373
Price: $80.00
650 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
March 1, 2011
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Price: $80.00
650 Pages
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"A true gold mine!..."   read more »
Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes

Reviewing the breadth of current knowledge on schizophrenia, this handbook provides clear, practical guidelines for effective assessment and treatment in diverse contexts. Leading authorities have contributed 61 concise chapters on all aspects of the disorder and its clinical management. In lieu of exhaustive literature reviews, each chapter summarizes the state of the science; highlights key points the busy practitioner needs to know; and lists recommended resources, including seminal research studies, invaluable clinical tools, and more. Comprehensive, authoritative, and timely, the volume will enable professionals in any setting to better understand and help their patients or clients with severe mental illness.

“An extremely user-friendly distillation of the literature necessary to effectively understand and treat individuals with schizophrenia. A true gold mine! This valuable guide highlights the optimism that we can share with our patients and their families about the treatability of schizophrenia....It helps us digest the expertise and voluminous literature from leading authorities in the field by downsizing the coaching of these authorities into clinically applicable, bite-sized portions....The in-depth nature of the 61 chapters reveals how well planned this handbook istruly addressing key issues in a bio-psycho-social manner. The topics covered are very comprehensive in nature, yet succinct in a clinically relevant way, and they extend further than any other book I've encountered. New ideas for improved care and understanding will naturally flow from you as you read this text. Each chapter is tightly written, highlighting what practitioners need to know and including the most up-to-date findings, clinical pearls, and pertinent references and recommendations for further reading. Simply reading the Key Points section (major take-home" points for each area) included with each chapter makes it a very worthwhile activity. This handbook has very broad appeal and was written for any individual, student, practitioner, researcher, or policymaker who wants a comprehensive understanding of the illness of schizophrenia and its far-reaching impact on society. I highly recommend this jewel.”

Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes

“A timely, up-to-date, and comprehensive book addressing all aspects of schizophrenia. The editors, who are highly prominent health professionals, include a psychologist (Dr. Mueser) and a psychiatrist (Dr. Jeste). They have done an outstanding job of gathering a total of 91 clinicians from universities throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and several other countries to contribute a total of 61 chapters to this excellent book....This is a well-written, well-organized book that I highly recommend to all clinicians involved in the scientific, rational, and humane treatment of this disabling illness. The editors should be congratulated on an excellent job done in editing this book.”

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

“Each chapter is written in a clear, simple style, with a minimum of jargon and sparse references, followed by a useful summary of key points and a list of recommended further reading. It is an excellent format and it works well....The book's forte is in its comprehensive discussion of psychological and social aspects of treatment and service delivery, areas which are often neglected in psychiatric textbooks....The editors have succeeded in their objective to produce a collection of accessible and concise reviews on a comprehensive variety of clinical topics, particularly the social and psychological aspects of schizophrenia care.”

The British Journal of Psychiatry

“This handbook is an exhaustive summary of the state-of-the-art in the field of schizophrenia....Each chapter is formatted creatively to meet multiple purposes and have a wide appeal, including key points that provide distilled take-home messages. Best of all, it has an easy reading style....The book is highly recommended to all levels of clinicians and trainees, and those who wish to get a substantive overview of the realities, hopes, and challenges of schizophrenia.”

Psychological Medicine

“This comprehensive volume, edited by well-known researchers and clinicians, is a collective monograph presenting a current body of knowledge and evidence-based treatment of schizophrenia....Each chapter is written in plain language, by a world authority on the subject, and contains only essential references. Offering condensed information, having a uniform layout of the chapters and supplemented by a series of 'key points' summarizing its contents along with references and recommended readings, the book is a useful reference for busy clinicians....Overall, this book offers a very good overview of the schizophrenia arena and the editors are to be congratulated for pulling together such a useful book.”

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal

“Do we need another large book about schizophrenia? In the case of the Clinical Handbook of Schizophrenia, edited by Kim Mueser and Dilip Jeste, the answer is a resounding yes. The editors, a psychologist and psychiatrist who are preeminent schizophrenia treatment experts, set out to create an interesting and useful resource for clinicians. Overall, the editors have succeeded....This is a useful reference book for those interested in clinical and systems issues in the treatment of schizophrenia. Its strengths are in its worldwide perspective, its mostly successful effort to be brief and practical, its chapter-ending key point summaries, and its up-to-date list of references and recommended readings. It is a book I am likely to refer to often as we look to develop effective new programs in our service system.”

Psychiatric Services

“Of the current books on schizophrenia, this one ranks as one of the best, as it is easy to read, comprehensively reviews a wide range of topics, succinctly summarizes key research findings, and formats information clearly to allow easy reference. The writing style is one of its greatest strengths, striking that rare balance between literary ease and scientific presentation. I would recommend this as an essential reference for any mental health professional treating individuals with schizophrenia....4 stars!”

Doody's Review Service

“Its inclusion of topics seldom covered with reference to schizophrenia, such as sexuality, post-traumatic stress disorder, recovery, and spirituality, makes it a comprehensive handbook indeed....The editors comment that the handbook is designed to meet the practical needs of clinicians, and for this purpose it will be very valuable....Recommended. Researchers/faculty and professionals/practitioners.”


“This book provides comprehensive, up-to-date, easy-to-access information on every aspect of schizophrenia that clinically oriented readers would want in a single source. It reflects well the diverse and extensive experience of Mueser and Jeste, who are clinicians, researchers, and educators of great distinction.”

—Herbert Y. Meltzer, MD, Division Director, Psychopharmacology, Department of Psychiatry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

“This handbook is a landmark effort to give the working clinician portals of entry to the vast scientific and clinical literature on schizophrenia. The chapters provide accessible summaries, efficiently and sensibly organized by topic—from basic science, to assessment and treatment, to service systems, policy, law, and ethics. There is no other volume available with comparable breadth, accessibility, and sensitivity to the needs of the clinical practitioner. This work promises to be a key reference and resource for students and professionals for years to come.”

—Will Spaulding, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

“Although I have read (and written) many books about schizophrenia, I was highly impressed by the extensive array of topics that this volume addresses. It is remarkable in encompassing the complex scope of biological, psychological, and social features of this severe mental illness. The volume is distinctive in the way it interweaves scientific knowledge and practical living issues, medical and functional features, individual and population aspects, and somatic and rehabilitative interventions. I recommend this excellent handbook to both professionals and students. It will very likely be adopted as a text for trainees in psychiatry, psychology, social work, rehabilitation counseling, and other disciplines. This book informs, enriches, and inspires.”

—Henry A. Nasrallah, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

“The last 20 years have seen extraordinary breakthroughs in our understanding and treatment of schizophrenia. This handbook manages to capture both the breadth and depth of these advances with impressive scholarship and élan. Written by international leaders in the field, this volume is an essential addition to the libraries of scientists and clinicians. It offers an unparalleled opportunity for students in multiple disciplines to peruse the current literature in a single, state-of-the-art volume. A major contribution to the clinical science of schizophrenia.”

—Max Birchwood, DSc, Professor of Mental Health, University of Birmingham, UK

“It would not surprise me if this handbook quickly became the 'go-to' book on schizophrenia for researchers, clinicians, and students. This is one of those rare volumes that combine excellent depth (via the leading schizophrenia researchers in the world) with a breadth of topics that is second to none. The book goes beyond addressing basic science and treatment, covering such important areas as systems of care, special populations, and special topics. Anyone who treats or conducts research with this population should have this book on his or her shelf, and I will likely adopt it as a required text for my graduate seminar on schizophrenia.”

—David L. Penn, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill

Table of Contents

I. Core Science and Background Information

1. History of Schizophrenia as a Psychiatric Disorder, Helen Lavretsky

2. Epidemiology, David J. Castle and Vera Morgan

3. Biological Theories, Jonathan Downar and Shitij Kapur

4. Brain Imaging, Lisa T. Eyler

5. Neuropathology, Daniel G. Stewart and Kenneth L. Davis

6. Genetics, Stephen J. Glatt

7. Environmental Pre- and Perinatal Influences in Etiology, Lauren M. Ellman and Tyrone D. Cannon

8. Psychosocial Factors, Paul Bebbington and Elizabeth Kuipers

9. Psychopathology, Ipsit V. Vahia and Carl I. Cohen

10. Cognitive Functioning, Gauri N. Savla, David J. Moore, and Barton W. Palmer

11. Course and Outcome, Heinz Häfner and Wolfram an der Heiden

II. Assessment and Diagnosis

12. Diagnostic Interviewing, Abraham Rudnick and David Roe

13. Assessment of Co-Occurring Disorders, Karen Wohlheiter and Lisa Dixon

14. Assessment of Psychosocial Functioning, Tania Lecomte, Marc Corbière, and Catherine Briand

15. Treatment Planning, Alexander L. Miller and Dawn I. Velligan

III. Somatic Treatment

16. Antipsychotics, Eric C. Kutscher

17. Side Effects of Antipsychotics, Christian R. Dolder

18. Clozapine, Martha Sajatovic, Subramoniam Madhusoodanan, and Matthew A. Fuller

19. Other Medications, Britton Ashley Arey and Stephen R. Marder

20. Electroconvulsive Therapy, Shawn M. McClintock, Najeeb Ranginwala, and Mustafa M. Husain

IV. Psychosocial Treatment

21. Environmental Supports, Dawn I. Velligan and Alexander L. Miller

22. Family Intervention, Christine Barrowclough and Fiona Lobban

23. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Anthony P. Morrison

24. Social Skills Training, Wendy N. Tenhula and Alan S. Bellack

25. Cognitive Rehabilitation, Til Wykes

26. Vocational Rehabilitation, Deborah R. Becker

27. Illness Self-Management Training, Kim T. Mueser and Susan Gingerich

28. Group Therapy, John R. McQuaid

29. Supported Housing, Priscilla Ridgway

30. Self-Help Activities, Frederick J. Frese III

V. Systems of Care

31. Clinical Case Management, Margaret V. Sherrer and Thomas O’Hare

32. Strengths-Based Case Management, Charles A. Rapp and Richard J. Goscha

33. Assertive Community Treatment, Natalie L. DeLuca, Lorna L. Moser, and Gary R. Bond

34. Emergency Room, Inpatient, and Residential Treatment, Mounir Soliman, Antonio M. Santos, and James B. Lohr

35. Treatment in Jails and Prisons, Roger H. Peters, Pattie B. Sherman, and Fred C. Osher

VI. Special Populations and Problems

36. First-Episode Psychosis, Donald Addington and Jean Addington

37. Treatment of the Schizophrenia Prodrome, Barnaby Nelson and Alison Yung

38. Older Individuals, Thomas W. Meeks and Dilip V. Jeste

39. Understanding and Working with Aggression, Violence, and Psychosis, Gillian Haddock and Jennifer J. Shaw

40. Housing Instability and Homelessness, Alan Felix, Dan Herman, and Ezra Susser

41. Medical Comorbidity, Ingrid B. Rystedt and Stephen J. Bartels

42. Intellectual Disability and Other Neuropsychiatric Populations, Richard B. Ferrell and Thomas W. McAllister

43. Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Syndromes, Stanley D. Rosenberg and Kim T. Mueser

44. Management of Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders, David J. Kavanagh

45. Parenting, Joanne Nicholson and Laura Miller

46. Children and Adolescents, John G. Cottone and Sanjiv Kumra

47. Suicide, Marnin J. Heisel

VII. Policy, Legal, and Social Issues

48. The Economics of Schizophrenia, Mihail Samnaliev and Robin E. Clark

49. Involuntary Commitment, Jonathan Bindman and Graham Thornicroft

50. Jail Diversion, Joseph P. Morrissey and Gary S. Cuddeback

51. Stigma, Patrick W. Corrigan and Jonathan E. Larson

52. Evidence-Based Practices, Mathew R. Merrens and Robert E. Drake

53. Schizophrenia in Developing Countries, Vihang N. Vahia and Ipsit V. Vahia

VIII. Special Topics

54. Remission, Bernard A. Fischer IV and William T. Carpenter, Jr.

55. Recovery, David Roe and Larry Davidson

56. Gender, Mary V. Seeman

57. Quality of Life, Stefan Priebe and Walid K. H. Fakhoury

58. Spirituality and Religion, Roger D. Fallot

59. Sexuality, Alex Kopelowicz, Robert Paul Liberman, and Donald Stolar

60. Schizophrenia in African Americans, William B. Lawson

61. Ethics, Abraham Rudnick and Charles Weijer

About the Editors

Kim T. Mueser, PhD, is Executive Director of the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Boston University. Dr. Mueser's clinical and research interests include psychiatric rehabilitation for persons with severe mental illnesses, intervention for co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders, and the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. He has served on numerous editorial boards, has published many journal articles and book chapters, and has coauthored over 10 books. His book The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia (with Susan Gingerich) received the National Alliance on Mental Illness NYC Metro Ken Book Award.

Dilip V. Jeste, MD, is the Estelle and Edgar Levi Chair in Aging, Director of the Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging, and Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He is also Director of the Advanced Center for Interventions and Services Research at UCSD and of the John A. Hartford Center of Excellence in Geriatric Psychiatry. Dr. Jeste is the Principal Investigator on several research and training grants, has published 8 books and over 500 articles and book chapters, and is Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. His work has been recognized with many honors and awards, including, most recently, the American Psychiatric Association’s Research Award.


Donald Addington, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Jean Addington, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, and PRIME Clinic, Center for Addiction and Mental Health Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Britton Ashley Arey, MD, private practice, Costa Mesa, California

Christine Barrowclough, PhD, Academic Division of Clinical Psychology, School of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom

Stephen J. Bartels, MD, Department of Psychiatry, New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Concord, New Hampshire

Paul Bebbington, MD, Department of Mental Health Sciences, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, United Kingdom

Deborah R. Becker, MEd, Department of Psychiatry, New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Concord, New Hampshire

Alan S. Bellack, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Jonathan Bindman, MD, PhD, Lambeth Hospital, London, United Kingdom

Gary R. Bond, PhD, Department of Psychology, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana

Catherine Briand, PhD, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Tyrone D. Cannon, PhD, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, California

William T. Carpenter, Jr., MD, Departments of Psychiatry and Pharmacology and Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

David J. Castle, MD, Mental Health Research Institute, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Robin E. Clark, PhD, Center for Health Policy and Research, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Carl I. Cohen, MD, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York

Marc Corbière, PhD, Institute of Health Promotion Research, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Patrick W. Corrigan, PsyD, Institute of Psychology, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois

John G. Cottone, PhD, Stony Brook Psychotherapy and Wellness, Stony Brook, New York

Gary S. Cuddeback, PhD, Department of Social Work, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Larry Davidson, PhD, Program on Recovery and Community Health, School of Medicine and Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

Kenneth L. Davis, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York

Natalie L. DeLuca, PhD, National Center for Organizational Development, VA Health Care System of Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio

Lisa Dixon, MD, MPH, Division of Health Services Research, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Christian R. Dolder, PharmD, Wingate University School of Pharmacy, Wingate, North Carolina

Jonathan Downar, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Robert E. Drake, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Concord, New Hampshire

Lauren M. Ellman, PhD, New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University, New York, New York

Lisa T. Eyler, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Walid K. H. Fakhoury, PhD, Unit for Social and Community Psychiatry, Newham Centre for Mental Health, London, United Kingdom

Roger D. Fallot, PhD, Community Connections, Washington, DC

Alan Felix, MD, Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York

Richard B. Ferrell, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire

Bernard A. Fischer IV, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Fredrick J. Frese III, PhD, Summit County Recovery Project, Akron, Ohio

Matthew A. Fuller, PharmD, Pharmacy Service, Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Brecksville, Ohio

Susan Gingerich, MSW, private practice, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Stephen J. Glatt, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Richard J. Goscha, MSW, School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Gillian Haddock, PhD, Academic Division of Clinical Psychology, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Heinz Häfner, PhD, Schizophrenia Research Unit, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany

Wolfram an der Heiden, DiplPsych, Schizophrenia Research Unit, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany

Marnin J. Heisel, PhD, Departments of Psychiatry and Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

Dan Herman, DSW, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, New York

Mustafa M. Husain, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

Dilip V. Jeste, MD, Institute for Research on Aging and Departments of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, and VA San Diego Healthcare System, La Jolla, California

Shitij Kapur, MD, PhD, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

David J. Kavanagh, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Alex Kopelowicz, MD, San Fernando Mental Health Center, Granada Hills, California

Elizabeth Kuipers, PhD, Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, London, United Kingdom

Sanjiv Kumra, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Eric C. Kutscher, PharmD, Department of Pharmacy Practice, South Dakota State University College of Pharmacy, Brookings, South Dakota; Department of Psychiatry, Sanford School of Medicine, University of South Dakota School of Medicine, Vermillion, South Dakota; Department of Psychiatry, Avera Behavioral Health Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Jonathan E. Larson, PhD, Rehabilitation Psychology Faculty, Institute of Psychology, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois

Helen Lavretsky, MD, MS, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, California

William B. Lawson, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Howard University Hospital, Washington, DC

Tania Lecomte, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Robert Paul Liberman, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, California

Fiona Lobban, PhD, Academic Division of Clinical Psychology, School of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

James B. Lohr, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Subramoniam Madhusoodanan, MD, St John's Episcopal Hospital, Far Rockaway, New York, and Department of Psychiatry, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York

Stephen R. Marder, MD, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior and Department of Psychiatry, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, California

Thomas W. McAllister, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire

Shawn M. McClintock, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

John R. McQuaid, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Thomas W. Meeks, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Mathew R. Merrens, PhD, New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire

Alexander L. Miller, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas

Laura Miller, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

David J. Moore, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Vera Morgan, PhD, Neuropsychiatric Epidemiology Research Unit, School of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

Anthony P. Morrison, PhD, Department of Clinical Psychology, Mental Health Services, Manchester, United Kingdom

Joseph P. Morrissey, PhD, Departments of Health Policy and Administration and Psychiatry and Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Lorna L. Moser, MS, Department of Psychology, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana

Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Concord, New Hampshire

Barnaby Nelson, PhD, The PACE Clinic, ORYGEN Youth Health, Parkville, Australia

Joanne Nicholson, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Community Health Center for Mental Health Services Research, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts

Thomas O'Hare, MSW, PhD, Graduate School of Social Work, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts

Fred C. Osher, MD, Health Systems and Services Policy Justice Center, Council of State Governments, Bethesda, Maryland

Barton W. Palmer, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Roger H. Peters, PhD, Department of Mental Health Law and Policy, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida

Stefan Priebe, PhD, Unit for Social and Community Psychiatry, Newham Centre for Mental Health, London, United Kingdom

Najeeb Ranginwala, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

Charles A. Rapp, MSW, PhD, School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Priscilla Ridgway, PhD, Connecticut Mental Health Center, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

David Roe, PhD, Department of Community Mental Health, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Studies, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

Stanley D. Rosenberg, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Dartmouth Trauma Intervention Research Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire

Abraham Rudnick, MD, PhD, Departments of Psychiatry and Philosophy, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

Ingrid B. Rystedt, MD, PhD, Department of Community and Family Medicine, New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire

Martha Sajatovic, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio

Mihail Samnaliev, PhD, Center for Health Policy and Research, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

Antonio M. Santos, PhD, private practice, La Jolla, California

Gauri N. Savla, MA, MS, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Mary V. Seeman, MD, Center for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jennifer J. Shaw, MD, Guild Lodge Medium Secure Unit, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Pattie B. Sherman, BA, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida

Margaret V. Sherrer, MSW, Department of Psychology, Lyndon State College, Sutton, Vermont

Mounir Soliman, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Daniel G. Stewart, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York

Donald Stolar, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles, California

Ezra Susser, MD, Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, New York

Wendy N. Tenhula, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Graham Thornicroft, MD, PhD, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, London, United Kingdom

Ipsit V. Vahia, MD, Department of Psychiatry, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York

Vihang N. Vahia, MD, Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California

Dawn I. Velligan, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas

Charles Weijer, MD, PhD, Department of Philosophy, Talbot College, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

Karen Wohlheiter, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Til Wykes, PhD, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, London, United Kingdom

Alison Yung, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia


Clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, and other clinicians treating people with severe mental illness; also of interest to researchers and students.

Course Use

May serve as a text in graduate-level courses.