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Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders

Science and Practice

David A. Clark and Aaron T. Beck

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
October 8, 2009
ISBN 9781606234341
Price: $104.00
628 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
August 10, 2011
ISBN 9781609189921
Price: $69.00
628 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
June 6, 2017
PDF and ePub ?
Price: $69.00
628 Pages
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Paperback + e-Book (PDF and ePub) ?
Price: $138.00 $82.80
628 Pages
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"Will become the gold standard for the assessment and treatment of anxiety...."   read more »

Updating and reformulating Aaron T. Beck's pioneering cognitive model of anxiety disorders, this book is both authoritative and highly practical. The authors synthesize the latest thinking and empirical data on anxiety treatment and offer step-by-step instruction in cognitive assessment, case formulation, cognitive restructuring, and behavioral intervention. They provide evidence-based mini-manuals for treating the five most common anxiety disorders: panic disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. User-friendly features include vivid case examples, concise “Clinician Guidelines” that reinforce key points, and over three dozen reproducible handouts and forms.

Winner—American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award!

“A valuable resource and reference. Written by two eminent and respected researchers in the field of cognitive psychology, this work is offered to readers as both an updated and reformulated presentation of the cognitive model of anxiety as originally presented by Beck and Emery (1985) and as an evidence-based treatment handbook....Given how thorough, well researched, and applicable the information is, this text will quickly become a classic reference for instructors, graduate students, and clinicians....From the perspective of one who trains predoctoral interns and teaches graduate courses, I think this book would be the textbook of choice for introducing the cognitive conceptualization of anxiety, treatment planning from the cognitive perspective, and application of the cognitive model of anxiety in treatment settings. The authors examine and update the cognitive theory of anxiety and use this as the underpinnings for introducing cognitive techniques for treatment....From a clinician's perspective, this work contains a wealth of useful information. It will become the gold standard for the assessment and treatment of anxiety. It is a work that clinicians will repeatedly turn to when looking for the most relevant information....This book has a niche of its own as a reference of the highest caliber. It is a volume that will withstand the test of time.”


“An immense amount of research into the anxiety disorders has been conducted in the last 25 years, leaving the authors with the considerable task of including all the necessary information, a task they achieve with magisterial skill and authority....Will serve as a master text on the overall direction in which this work should be heading.”

Healthcare, Counselling, and Psychotherapy Journal

“David A. Clark has done an outstanding job...over the past four years of reviewing, evaluating, and synthesizing the enormous research and clinical literature on the cognitive perspective toward anxiety....There is no question that this is a practical treatment manual....The last five chapters are really mini treatment manuals for panic disorder, social phobia, GAD, OCD, and PTSD. Plus you'll find rating scales, checklists, structured diaries—almost forty reproducible handouts and forms. In every chapter you will find Clinician Guidelines." Each is a boxed-in few sentences that reinforce key points. They serve as a great way for experienced clinicians to scan through sections of this sizable book and settle in on passages that expand their comprehension. If you are ready to sharpen your clinical skills, you will truly appreciate this book.”

“Practicing cognitive therapists (and trainees in particular) will find much to like here. Particularly welcome are the frequent, one-paragraph Clinician Guidelines set apart in boxes throughout the text....The authors also provide a Quick Reference Summary at the end of each chapter in Parts I and II, presenting the high points of interest to the practitioner. Other clinician-friendly features include assessment and monitoring forms, actual interview questions for specific aspects of assessment, and a list of recommended self-help workbooks for patients....Perhaps the most thorough, scholarly, and practical volume on the treatment of anxiety disorders currently available. It is an invaluable addition to the anxiety literature, meeting and exceeding the high standard set by previous works by Dr. Beck and his collaborators. It would behoove all mental health practitioners and clinical researchers to be familiar with its contents.”

Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic

“The authors provide students and practitioners with the strong theoretical base that is a sine qua non for effective treatment. They show how cognition links up with multiple other etiological factors in anxiety and hence can serve well as a treatment target and focus. Marvelous, instructive clinical pearls accompany each theoretical point. An excellent chapter on assessment contains all the necessary rating forms needed for patient evaluation and monitoring of outcomes. Treatment techniques are described in depth; the book concludes with outstanding disorder-specific chapters. The definitive text.”

—Peter P. Roy-Byrne, MD, Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine at Harborview Medical Center

“Exceptional. In this comprehensive and integrative work, Clark and Beck offer their latest insights in treating anxiety disorders and provide specific conceptual frameworks. Clinicians, students, and researchers will find this important work to be of immense value in guiding treatment and research. Included are a wealth of practical assessment and monitoring tools that can be used effectively with clients. The book will also be valuable as a course text in clinical psychology training programs.”

—Adrian Wells, PhD, Division of Clinical Psychology, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, and Director, Metacognitive Therapy Institute

“The authors' scientific expertise and clinical experience are evident in this well-written, practical book. It is an excellent contribution to the cognitive therapy literature that will enhance the skills of professionals and trainees, irrespective of theoretical orientation. Detailed case examples illustrate the application of cognitive therapy principles and practices for treating each of the anxiety disorders.”

—Kamila S. White, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Missouri-Saint Louis

“Clark and Beck have produced a landmark work. Scholarly and clinically rich, the book presents the contemporary status of the cognitive model of anxiety disorders with great clarity. It provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-read summary of the empirical literature and describes concrete clinical techniques for addressing some of the most common psychiatric problems. This book is essential reading for current and future mental health professionals.”

—Stefan G. Hofmann, PhD, Department of Psychology, Boston University

Table of Contents

I. Cognitive Theory and Research on Anxiety

1. Anxiety: A Common but Multifaceted Condition

2. The Cognitive Model of Anxiety

3. Empirical Status of the Cognitive Model of Anxiety

4. Vulnerability to Anxiety

II. Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety: Assessment and Intervention Strategies

5. Cognitive Assessment and Case Formulation

6. Cognitive Interventions for Anxiety

7. Behavioral Interventions: A Cognitive Perspective

III. Cognitive Theory and Treatment of Specific

Anxiety Disorders

8. Cognitive Therapy of Panic Disorder

9. Cognitive Therapy of Social Phobia

10. Cognitive Therapy of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

11. Cognitive Therapy of Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder

12. Cognitive Therapy of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

About the Authors

David A. Clark, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. He has published seven books, including Intrusive Thoughts in Clinical Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment; Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD; and Scientific Foundations of Cognitive Theory and Therapy of Depression, as well as over 100 articles and chapters on various aspects of cognitive theory and therapy of depression and anxiety disorders. Dr. Clark is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association, a Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies, and a recipient of the Academy’s Aaron T. Beck Award for significant and enduring contributions to cognitive therapy. He is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Cognitive Therapy and maintains a private practice.

Aaron T. Beck, MD, until his death in 2021, was Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania and President Emeritus of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Internationally recognized as the founder of cognitive therapy, Dr. Beck has been credited with shaping the face of American psychiatry and was cited by American Psychologist as “one of the five most influential psychotherapists of all time.” Dr. Beck was the recipient of awards including the Albert Lasker Clinical Medical Research Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Psychological Association, the Distinguished Service Award from the American Psychiatric Association, the James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award in Applied Psychology from the Association for Psychological Science, and the Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health and Gustav O. Lienhard Award from the Institute of Medicine. He authored or edited numerous books for professionals and the general public.


Clinicians and graduate students in all of the mental health disciplines, including clinical psychology, social work, psychiatry, and counseling.

Course Use

Serves as a text in graduate-level CBT and psychotherapy courses.