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Cognitive and Behavioral Theories in Clinical Practice

Edited by Nikolaos Kazantzis, Mark A. Reinecke, and Arthur Freeman
Foreword by Frank M. Dattilio

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
October 16, 2009
ISBN 9781606233429
Price: $61.00
380 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
March 1, 2011
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Price: $61.00
380 Pages
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Demonstrating the importance of theory for effective clinical practice, this thought-provoking volume brings together leading experts on a range of contemporary cognitive and behavioral approaches. The contributors probe the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of each model—its assumptions about normal psychological processes, the development and maintenance of psychopathology, and the mechanisms by which therapeutic changes take place. The historical antecedents of the theories are examined and studies that have tested them are reviewed. Vivid case studies show practitioners how theory informs clinical decision making and technique in each of the respective approaches.

“This book will enable therapists and students to grasp contemporary cognitive and behavioural approaches, and understand the similarities and differences between approaches. It would be invaluable to clinical nurse specialists.”

Nursing Standard

“The book provides an excellent overview of CBT interventions and demonstrates that CBT is a rich and wide-ranging set of therapeutic interventions. Moreover, it provides for the clinician in a practical and clinical context with which the theoretical and therapeutic potentially come together.”

Journal of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy

“This book is focused on understanding, planning, and conducting CBT, and written with insight into what theoretical knowledge is useful for psychologists doing these everyday clinical tasks. Several of the chapter authors will be familiar to clinicians as they have had a pivotal role in the ongoing development of the therapy they are writing about. In addition to being well versed in theory, it is also important to acknowledge that the authors themselves are practicing clinicians....A tool that will support 'knowledgeable, flexible, and creative work' by practitioners. This book will sit nicely alongside clinicians' handy 'how to' therapy resources, encouraging them to remember 'why' they are using a particular CBT approach. For psychologists whose continuing professional development goals include consolidating or updating on cognitive and behavioural theories this book is definitely a resource to consider.”

Psychology Aotearoa

“The special strength of this volume is the multiple case illustrations that show how each particular theory informs clinical decision making and techniques used in the therapy.”

Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic

“This powerful and thought-provoking book will provide exciting reading for any therapist who wants to better understand how theoretical constructs can guide and enrich clinical practice. By bringing together clear and compelling accounts of the major forms of cognitive and behavioral therapies, the editors give us a wonderful opportunity to make side-by-side comparisons of different but related approaches. This is an 'A-list' book that should be in every cognitive-behavioral therapist’s library.”

—Jesse H. Wright, MD, PhD, Professor and Kolb Endowed Chair of Outpatient Psychiatry and Director, Depression Center, University of Louisville

“This excellent volume brings together leading experts to discuss how cognitive-behavioral theories are applied in real-life clinical settings, and why they work. Including discussions of cutting-edge approaches, this is 'must' reading for practicing clinicians and graduate students.”

—Robert L. Leahy, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York Presbyterian Hospital

“This book's well-written chapters reflect the rich tapestry of approaches, views, lively controversies, and major issues in CBT today. One key way that the volume differs from others is its emphasis on understanding the different contemporary CBT approaches 'from the ground up' by elucidating their underlying philosophies and assumptions. The book is likely to attract a wide audience from practitioners, instructors in graduate and medical schools, and all those who want to become more broadly acquainted with the intellectual bases and current status of CBT.”

—John H. Riskind, PhD, Department of Psychology, George Mason University

Table of Contents

Foreword by Frank M. Dattilio

1. Philosophy, Psychology, Causes and Treatments of Mental Disorders, Paul M. G. Emmelkamp, Thomas Ehring, and Mark B. Powers

2. Beck’s Cognitive Therapy, Jan Scott and Arthur Freeman

3. Problem-Solving Therapy, Arthur M. Nezu, Christine Maguth Nezu, and Thomas J. D’Zurilla

4. Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy, Raymond A. DiGiuseppe

5. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Thomas J. Waltz and Steven C. Hayes

6. Behavioral Activation Therapy, Christopher R. Martell, Sona Dimidjian, and Peter M. Lewinsohn

7. Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Thomas R. Lynch and Prudence Cuper

8. Cognitive Analytic Therapy, Anthony Ryle

9. Positive Psychology and Therapy, Nansook Park, Christopher Peterson, and Steven M. Brunwasser

10. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Sona Dimidjian, Blair Kleiber, and Zindel V. Segal

11. Emotion-Focused/Interpersonal Cognitive Therapy, Jeremy D. Safran, Catherine Eubanks-Carter, and J. Christopher Muran

12. Concluding Remarks, Nikolaos Kazantzis, Mark A. Reinecke, and Arthur Freeman

About the Editors

Nikolaos Kazantzis, PhD ("Nik"), is Founding Director of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Research Unit (CBTRU), based in Melbourne, Australia, and is an adjunct faculty member at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. The research conducted by the CBTRU team has yielded over 200 scholarly publications, including 6 books for clinicians, and is highly cited by the international scientific community; for example, an article coauthored by Dr. Kazantzis was the most downloaded article across all 89 journals of the American Psychological Association in 2019. Dr. Kazantzis is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cognitive and Behavioral Practice and Editor of Springer Nature's "CBT: Science into Practice" book series. In recognition of his scholarly contributions, he has received the Beck Scholar Award from the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Dr. Kazantzis has designed national CBT training programs for the Australian Psychological Society and has delivered CBT training in 23 countries worldwide. Now retired from academia, Dr. Kazantzis runs a private practice in Toorak, Melbourne, Australia. His websites are and

Mark A. Reinecke, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Chief of the Division of Psychology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. He serves on the staff of Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago. He is a Distinguished Fellow and former president of the Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies and a Diplomate of the American Board of Professional Psychology. His research and clinical interests focus on understanding and treating depression and suicide among children and adolescents. Dr. Reinecke's numerous publications include seven books.

Arthur Freeman, EdD, LLD (h.c.), ABPP, until his death in 2020, was Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. A leading expert on cognitive-behavioral therapy, he was a past president of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and of the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy, and a Distinguished Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. Dr. Freeman's research and clinical interests included marital and family therapy and cognitive-behavioral treatment of depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. The author of over 100 chapters and articles, he lectured in 45 countries and his work has been translated into 20 languages.


Steven M. Brunwasser, BA, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Prudence Cuper, BA, Department of Psychology and Neurosciences, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

Raymond A. DiGiuseppe, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, St. John's University, Queens, New York Sona Dimidjian, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado

Thomas J. D'Zurilla, PhD, Department of Psychology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York

Paul M.G. Emmelkamp, PhD, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Thomas Ehring, PhD, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Catherine Eubanks-Carter, PhD, Psychotherapy Research Program, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, New York

Arthur Freeman, EdD, Department of Psychology, Governors State University, University Park, Illinois

Steven C. Hayes, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada

Nikolaos Kazantzis, PhD, School of Psychological Science, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Blair Kleiber, BS, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado

Peter M. Lewinsohn, PhD, Oregon Research Institute, Eugene, Oregon

Thomas R. Lynch, PhD, School of Psychology, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom

Christopher R. Martell, PhD, ABPP, private practice and Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, Washington

J. Christopher Muran, PhD, Derner Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University, and Psychotherapy Research Program, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, New York

Arthur M. Nezu, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Christine Maguth Nezu, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Nansook Park, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Christopher Peterson, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Mark B. Powers, PhD, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mark A. Reinecke, PhD, Division of Psychology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois

Anthony Ryle, DM, (Oxford) Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists, retired. Formerly Consultant Psychotherapist, St. Thomas's Hospital, London, United Kingdom

Jeremy D. Safran, PhD, Department of Psychology, New School for Social Research, New York, New York

Jan Scott, MB, BS, PhD, FRCPsych, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Newcastle, and Psychological Treatments Research, Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom

Zindel V. Segal, PhD, Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Canada

Thomas J. Waltz, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada


Researchers, instructors, students, and practitioners in clinical psychology, psychiatry, counseling, and social work.

Course Use

May serve as a supplemental text in graduate-level courses.