Product Cover

Constructive Therapies

Volume 1

Edited by Michael F. Hoyt

July 4, 1997
ISBN 9781572302815
Price: $48.00
340 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 1994

Recognizing that clients are unique and resourceful creators of their own realities, this hands-on guide promotes skills that help clinicians meet the demands of the current health care environment. Contributors representing a range of specialties demonstrate how they assist clients to achieve desired goals, using actual case examples that provide a vivid sense of what these noted authorities do and why they do it. Topics covered include enabling clients to draw on their own strengths and competencies; staying on track in brief therapy; asking solution-oriented questions; utilizing such techniques as role playing, reframing, story telling, acknowledgment humor, and encouragement in resolving conflict; helping clients access valuable resources that may have been compartmentalized as a result of physical or sexual abuse; supporting clients in freeing themselves from maladaptive patterns such as eating disorders; and more.

Note: This book was previously published in hardcover. See the hardcover listing for the original copyright date.

“A rich, and recommended, read. ”

Journal of Family Psychotherapy

“A rich, and recommended, read. ”

Journal of Family Psychotherapy

“Will give the reader clear insight into the solution-oriented model.”

The Journal of Family Practice

“Will give the reader clear insight into the solution-oriented model.”

The Journal of Family Practice

Constructive Therapies will give the reader clear insight into the solution-oriented model. There are numerous case examples, including applications for drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, toilet training, severe sexual abuse, marital difficulties, and smoking cessation.”

—Eric L. Weiner, The Journal of Family Practice

“Considering your therapeutic power and perspective in today's health care climate? Then Constructive Therapies is 'must reading.' Michael Hoyt has gathered some of the most innovative minds in brief therapy to describe the essentials of clinical change. Careful study of this important book will benefit both beginners and experts.”

—Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D.

“If the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, one need only look at the contributing authors to know this book is a `must' for every solution-oriented therapist.”

—Michele Weiner-Davis, MSW

“The current health care environment demands that therapists provide treatment more thoughtfully, effectively, and efficiently. In this wonderful edited volume, brief therapy and managed care expert Michael Hoyt extends an invitation to us all to learn about constructive therapies. I would recommend that you accept his invitation. The book is packed with interesting, exciting material which will help you immediately begin to move your clients in more constructive ways.”

—Simon H. Budman, PhD

“The doctoral students in my counseling class found this text to be extremely helpful and practical. It covers a wide range of concerns that are readily applicable to practice, with useful case examples and condensed theoretical discussions throughout. I would recommend it for students in any advanced counseling or therapy course. ”

—John J. Zarski, PhD, Director, Clinic for Child Study and Family Therapy, University of Akron

“....Highly recommended for practitioners and students studying practice....A very special feature of this book is the excellent and extended bibliography at the end of the book. Hoyt has compiled a 16 page listing of almost 400 articles and books on the subject of (mostly) systemic and post systemic therapies. It alone is worth the price of the book. A special strength of the book is its extensive use of case materials in transcript form....”

—Patricia Kelley in Crisis Intervention

Constructive Therapies is a rich, and recommended, read.”

—Eric E. McCollum in Journal of Family Psychotherapy

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: Competency-Based Future-Oriented Therapy, Hoyt.

2. On the Importance of Keeping It Simple and Taking the Patient Seriously: A Conversation with Steve de Shazer and John Weakland, Hoyt .

3. Solution Talk: The Solution-Oriented Way of Talking about Problems, Furman and Ahola .

4. Narrative Intentions, Combs and Freedman .

5. Some Questions (Not Answers) for the Brief Treatment of People with Drug and Alcohol Problems, Miller .

6. "On Track" in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Walter and Peller .

7. Basic Elements in the Brief Therapies, Fisch .

8. Single-Session Solutions, Hoyt .

9. Coauthoring a Love Story: Solution-Oriented Marital Therapy, O'Hanlon and Hudson .

10. Entering One Another's Worlds of Meaning and Imagination: Dramatic Enactment and Narrative Couple Therapy, Roth and Chasin .

11. Staying Simple, Staying Focused: Time-Effective Consultations with Children and Families, Friedman .

12. Solving the Unknown Problem, Greenleaf .

13. Solution-Focused Therapy with a Case of Severe Abuse, Dolan .

14. Tales of the Body Thief: Externalizing and Deconstructing Eating Problems, Zimmerman and Dickerson .

About the Editor

Michael F. Hoyt, PhD, is Director of Adult Psychiatric Services at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Hayward, California, and serves on the Clinical Faculty of the University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco. Widely published on brief therapy and related topics, Dr. Hoyt is the author of Brief Therapy and Managed Care (1995), coeditor (with Simon H. Budman and Steven Friedman) of The First Session in Brief Therapy (Guilford, 1992), and editor of volume one of Constructive Therapies (Guilford, 1994). A multitheoretical thinker and expert clinician, he is an internationally respected lecturer.


Clinicians interested in time-effective and brief therapy methods, including those working in a managed care context, as well as students and researchers in mental health.

Serves as a text for graduate-level courses in psychotherapy and family therapy.