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Contemporary Rhetorical Theory

Second Edition
A Reader

Edited by Mark J. Porrovecchio and Celeste Michelle Condit

A Paperback Original
A Paperback Original
August 9, 2016
ISBN 9781462526581
Price: $82.00 $10.00?
627 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"

An indispensable text—now revised and expanded for the digital age—this volume showcases some of the most important work by contemporary rhetorical theorists. The introduction and section openers frame major problems and questions facing the field. Topics include the epistemological status of rhetoric, how rhetorical address shapes public responses to social and political controversies, the shifting contexts of public communication, how theorists have negotiated the tensions between modernist and postmodernist considerations, mass media, and the relationship between rhetoric and traditionally marginalized groups. A wide range of voices from the 1970s to today are represented, including both classic essays and alternative approaches extending beyond the traditional borders of communication studies.

New to This Edition

“A comprehensive source book for libraries serving advanced undergraduate and graduate students in rhetoric and communication….Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty.”

Choice Reviews

“The treasure trove of thematically grouped essays that I found so useful in the first edition is now supplemented by reflections on the digital environment, changing cultural practices, and evolving intellectual interests. This book is just the right anchor for a course designed to encourage graduate students or advanced undergraduates to think seriously about the possibilities of rhetoric. I relish the thought of using it for that purpose.”

—John Lyne, PhD, Department of Communication, University of Pittsburgh

“For anyone interested in rhetorical theory, the revised second edition of this reader is simply a 'must have.' The second edition still contains the indisputable classics of rhetorical theory, but now also covers pertinent present-day topics: digital rhetoric, invitational rhetoric, cyberspace, and social media. The book keeps the tradition of rhetorical theory alive while helping students, as well as scholars, to pursue new directions.”

—Jens E. Kjeldsen, PhD, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway; President, Rhetoric Society of Europe

“The book is organized around recurring problems and topics in rhetorical theory, which departs from the more conventional way of organizing readers around particular theorists. I have always liked the topical approach; it helps students see how rhetorical theory is constructed to solve specific problems, as well as how certain questions and concerns persist across decades.”

—J. David Cisneros, PhD, Department of Communication, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Table of Contents

Introduction, Mark J. Porrovecchio & Celeste Michelle Condit sample

I. What Can a “Rhetoric” Be?

Toward a Sophistic Definition of Rhetoric, John Poulakos

Status, Marginality, and Rhetorical Theory, Robert Hariman

The Habitation of Rhetoric, Michael Leff

Text, Context, and the Fragmentation of Contemporary Culture, Michael Calvin McGee Practicing the Arts of Rhetoric: Tradition and Invention, Thomas Farrell

Beyond Persuasion: A Proposal for an Invitational Rhetoric, Sonja K. Foss & Cindy L. Griffin

Digital Rhetoric: Toward an Integrated Theory, James P. Zappen

II. Rhetoric and Epistemology

On Viewing Rhetoric as Epistemic, Robert L. Scott

Knowledge, Consensus, and Rhetorical Theory, Thomas Farrell

Rhetorical Perspectivism, Richard A. Cherwitz & James W. Hikins

Rhetoric and Its Double: Reflections of the Rhetorical Turn in the Human Sciences, Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar

What Do You Mean, Rhetoric is Epistemic?, William D. Harpine

III. The Evolution of the Rhetorical Situation

The Rhetorical Situation, Lloyd F. Bitzer

The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation, Richard E. Vatz

Rethinking the Rhetorical Situation from within the Thematic of Différance, Barbara A. Biesecker

Unframing Models of Public Distribution: From Rhetorical Situation to Rhetorical Ecologies, Jenny Edbauer

IV. Perspectives on Publics

The Personal, Technical, and Public Spheres of Argument: A Speculative Inquiry in the Art of Public Deliberation, G. Thomas Goodnight

Narration as Human Communication Paradigm: The Case of Public Moral Argument, Walter R. Fisher

Crafting Virtue: The Rhetorical Construction of Public Morality, Celeste Michelle Condit

The Polis as Rhetorical Community, Carolyn R. Miller

Publics and Counterpublics (abbreviated version), Michael Warner

Public Identity and Collective Memory in U.S. Iconic Photography: The Image of “Accidental Napalm,” Robert Hariman & John Louis Lucaites

V. The Persistence of Persona(e) in Rhetorical Theory

The Second Persona, Edwin Black

The Third Persona: An Ideological Turn in Rhetorical Theory, Philip Wander

The Null Persona: Race and the Rhetoric of Silence in the Uprising of '34, Dana L. Cloud

Pink Herring and the Fourth Persona: J. Edgar Hoover's Sex Crime Panic, Charles E. Morris III

VI. Rhetoric and the Problems of Political Change

The Rhetoric of Women's Liberation: An Oxymoron, Karlyn Kohrs Campbell

The “Ideograph”: A Link Between Rhetoric and Ideology, Michael Calvin McGee

Constitutive Rhetoric: The Case of the Peuple Québécois, Maurice Charland

Critical Rhetoric: Theory and Praxis, Raymie E. McKerrow

Critical Rhetoric as Political Discourse, John M. Murphy

Imagining in the Public Sphere, Robert Asen

VII. Rhetoric and the Mass Media

Burke's Representative Anecdote as a Method in Media Criticism, Barry Brummett

The Rhetorical Limits of Polysemy, Celeste Michelle Condit

Pranking Rhetoric: “Culture Jamming” as Media Activism, Christine Harold

A Virtual Death and a Real Dilemma: Identity, Trust, and Community in Cyberspace, John W. Jordan

An Epideictic Dimension of Symbolic Violence in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: Inter-Generational Lessons in Romanticizing and Tolerating Intimate Partner Violence, Kathryn M. Olson

VIII. Alternatives to the Rhetorical Tradition

Cultures of Discourse: Marxism and Rhetorical Theory, James Arnt Aune

Disciplining the Feminine, Carole Blair, Julie R. Brown, & Leslie A. Baxter

Postcolonial Interventions in the Rhetorical Canon: An “Other” View, Raka Shome

Refiguring Fantasy: Imagination and Its Decline in U.S. Rhetorical Studies, Joshua Gunn Pure Persuasion: A Case Study of Nüshu or “Women’s Script” Discourses, Lin-Lee Lee

Epilogue: Contributions from Rhetorical Theory, Mark J. Porrovecchio & Celeste Michelle Condit

About the Editors

Mark J. Porrovecchio, PhD, is Director of Forensics and Associate Professor in the Department of Speech Communication at Oregon State University. He studies pragmatism and the history of speech communication and rhetoric. His work has appeared in the Western Journal of Communication, Etica & Politica, and Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society. Dr. Porrovecchio is the editor of Reengaging the Prospects of Rhetoric and author of F. C. S. Schiller and the Dawn of Pragmatism.

Celeste Michelle Condit, PhD, is Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Georgia. She studies rhetorical theory and criticism, especially in the areas of feminism, racism, rhetoric of science (genetics), and health communication, and has served as coeditor of the journals Women's Studies in Communicationand Critical Studies in Media Communication. Dr. Condit is a National Communication Association Distinguished Scholar.


Students and instructors in rhetoric, communication studies, speech communication, and English.

Course Use

Serves as a text in undergraduate- and graduate-level courses such as Rhetoric; Rhetorical Theory; Digital Rhetoric; Rhetoric, Culture, and Technology; and Rhetorical Criticism.
Previous editions published by Guilford:

First Edition, © 1999
ISBN: 9781572304017
New to this edition: