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Creating Winning Grant Proposals

A Step-by-Step Guide

Anne L. Rothstein

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
April 23, 2019
ISBN 9781462539093
Price: $71.00
302 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
May 2, 2019
ISBN 9781462539086
Price: $47.00
302 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
March 26, 2019
PDF and ePub ?
Price: $47.00
302 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF and ePub) ?
Price: $94.00 $56.40
302 Pages
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Providing clear-cut steps for producing each section of a competitive grant proposal, this hands-on book is filled with examples from actual RFPs and proposals, practical tools, and writing tips. Prominent educator and successful proposal writer Anne L. Rothstein shares a systematic process created over decades of experience in the field. She details how to: achieve group consensus around a project; identify likely funding sources; establish need; develop objectives; assemble a Master Project Table and other needed tables, figures, and charts; create an effective logic model; prepare an evaluation; put together a budget; tailor the proposal to meet the requirements of funders; and avoid common errors. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the book's 14 reproducible templates in a convenient 8½“ x 11” size.

“This book provides invaluable guidelines for all aspects of writing successful grant proposals. It is clearly organized and easy to use. Chapters cover critical topics related to preparing for a proposal, putting together specific elements, and understanding how proposals are scored. Appendices provide additional resources such as examples and web resources. Aspiring and seasoned grant writers alike will find Rothstein's practical advice useful, refreshing, and insightful. Simply put, this book is a gem.”

—Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Department of Occupational Therapy, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, and Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University

“Rothstein provides a thoughtful and comprehensive guide to what she terms the 'process approach.' The book describes important general principles of grant writing and details the elements that need to be included in proposals. This book will be beneficial to graduate students and early-career professionals, as well as more seasoned grant writers seeking to develop their skill sets. Rothstein draws on extensive experience to deliver an accessible, useful book that will quickly become a favorite reference in the field.”

—Jason J. Burrow-Sanchez, PhD, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Utah

“This book offers an innovative blueprint for navigating the often challenging and complex grant world. From federal to private funding sponsors, the book provides a practical approach to securing extramural funding. Rothstein shares her proven formula that has resulted in millions of dollars of grant support. Her knowledge and insight help the reader develop a grant-writing skill set and use pragmatic steps to approach the task.”

—Saeedah Hickman, MA, Assistant Dean of Finance and Administration, School of Health Technology and Management, Stony Brook University

“Writing grant proposals can be an intimidating process for students because of the complicated dance of developing ideas within the constraints of regulations and guidelines. This book is an excellent resource to instruct students about the skills and knowledge necessary to develop grants successfully. It offers practical suggestions with many valuable examples of how to present programs in clear, impactful ways.”

—David Lotempio, MA, Instructor, Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Degree Programs, University at Buffalo, State University of New York

“This very useful book provides a detailed explanation of how to navigate each sequential step of the grant-writing process. Following these guidelines will demystify grant writing, leading to successful proposal writing that garners the financial support needed to solve problems and change lives.”

—Vicki Jozefowicz, EdD, Chief Administrative Officer, Kentucky River Foothills Development Council

Table of Contents

I. Preparing for the Proposal

1. The Process Approach: How and Why sample

2. Elements of the Planning Process

3. Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Approaches

4. Broadening, then Focusing Your Project

5. Finding Funding

II. Elements of the Proposal

6. The Master Table and Creating Subtables

7. Narrative Summary of Proposal Elements

8. Preparing the Abstract and Introduction

9. An In-Depth Look at Logic Models

10. Establishing Need for the Project

11. Project Goals and Objectives

12. Plan of Operation

13. Evaluation

14. Budget and Budget Narrative

III. Additional Considerations

15. Dissemination, Sustainability, and Significance

16. Addressing Invitational and Competitive Priorities

17. Guide to Proposal Review and Scoring

18. Next Steps

Practice Exercises






About the Author

Anne L. Rothstein, EdD, is Professor in the Department of Early Childhood and Childhood Education at Lehman College of the City University of New York. During her more than 50 years at Lehman, she has served as Department Chair, Associate Dean of Professional Studies, and Associate Provost for Sponsored Program Research. Since 1985, Dr. Rothstein has written over 400 grant proposals and received more than 300 grant awards. She has also directed many grant-funded programs for K–12 students and teachers and for college students. Her current research interests focus on college access and readiness, the impact of college readiness program dosage on student success, high school graduation and college enrollment, and the role of college student support in increasing 4-year graduation rates.


Graduate students, professors, and research practitioners in applied program areas such as education, psychology, social work, health administration, and family and human services; grant writers and development directors in nonprofit organizations.

Course Use

May serve as a core book for the graduate grant writing course or as a supplement in the master’s thesis and dissertation courses.