Data Analysis with Mplus
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A practical introduction to using Mplus for the analysis of multivariate data, this volume provides step-by-step guidance, complete with real data examples, numerous screen shots, and output excerpts. The author shows how to prepare a data set for import in Mplus using SPSS. He explains how to specify different types of models in Mplus syntax and address typical caveats—for example, assessing measurement invariance in longitudinal SEMs. Coverage includes path and factor analytic models as well as mediational, longitudinal, multilevel, and latent class models. Specific programming tips and solution strategies are presented in boxes in each chapter. The
companion website ( features data sets, annotated syntax files, and output for all of the examples. Of special utility to instructors and students, many of the examples can be run with the free demo version of Mplus.
This title is part of the Methodology in the Social Sciences Series, edited by Todd D. Little, PhD.
“Mplus is arguably the most flexible commercially available software program for SEM and all of its special cases. Geiser has provided an admirable service to the community of researchers who use Mplus with this highly readable book. The book is an indispensable companion to more advanced SEM texts and is certainly an important supplementary text for graduate courses on SEM.”
—David Kaplan, PhD, Hilldale Professor and Patricia Busk Professor of Quantitative Methods, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison
“More and more researchers all over the world are using Mplus. I know of no other book that provides such a truly helpful tutorial on everything from the very first steps to how to run complicated SEM models like latent growth models. Beginners will very much appreciate how much attention the author pays to the basics. Many easy-to-make mistakes can be prevented by keeping this book within arm's reach. It is perfect for researchers at any career stage seeking an accessible, informative introduction to analyzing data with Mplus.”
—Rens van de Schoot, PhD, Department of Methodology and Statistics, Utrecht University, Netherlands
“This text combines an extensive tutorial in Mplus programming with clear descriptions of the statistical models being implemented. Coverage includes standard path and factor analytic models, as well as longitudinal, multilevel, and latent class models. Many real examples are analyzed throughout the book, with careful explanations of syntax, screen shots to help navigate the program, and thorough discussions of results. The companion website provides the data, input, output, and annotated syntax files for all examples. This book will be of great interest to students and researchers who want not only to learn about Mplus, but also to gain a better understanding of SEM.”
—Roger E. Millsap, PhD, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University
“Absolutely fantastic! I really wish I had had this book when I was a grad student. I will strongly recommend it to my own students, as well as to colleagues who ask for help with Mplus. The breadth of statistical techniques covered goes far beyond conventional SEM and makes this a valuable resource for both new and experienced Mplus users.”
—Alex Bierman, PhD, Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, Canada
Table of Contents
1. Data Management in SPSS
1.1 Coding Missing Values
1.2 Exporting an ASCII Data File for Mplus
2. Reading Data into Mplus
2.1 Importing and Analyzing Individual Data (Raw Data)
2.1.1 Basic Structure of the Mplus Syntax and Basic Analysis
2.1.2 Mplus Output for Basic Analysis
2.2 Importing and Analyzing Summary Data (Covariance or Correlation Matrices)
3. Linear Structural Equation Models
3.1 What are Linear SEMs?
3.2 Simple Linear Regression Analysis with Manifest Variables
3.3 Latent Regression Analysis
3.4 Confirmatory Factor Analysis
3.4.1 First-Order CFA
3.4.2 Second-Order CFA
3.5 Path Models and Mediator Analysis
3.5.1 Introduction and Manifest Path Analysis
3.5.2 Manifest Path Analysis in Mplus
3.5.3 Latent Path Analysis
3.5.4 Latent Path Analysis in Mplus
4. Structural Equation Models for Measuring Variability and Change
4.1 Latent State Analysis
4.1.1 LS versus LST Models
4.1.2 Analysis of LS Models in Mplus
4.1.3 Modeling Indicator-Specific Effects
4.1.4 Testing for Measurement Invariance across Time
4.2 LST Analysis
4.3 Autoregressive Models
4.3.1 Manifest Autoregressive Models
4.3.2 Latent Autoregressive Models
4.4 Latent Change Models
4.5 Latent Growth Curve Models
4.5.1 First-Order LGCMs
4.5.2 Second-Order LGCMs
5. Multilevel Regression Analysis
5.1 Introduction to Multilevel Analysis
5.2 Specification of Multilevel Models in Mplus
5.3 Option two level basic
5.4 Random Intercept Models
5.4.1 Null Model (Intercept-Only Model)
5.4.2 One-Way Random Effects of ANCOVA
5.4.3 Means-as-Outcomes Model
5.5 Random Intercept and Slope Models
5.5.1 Random Coefficient Regression Analysis
5.5.2 Intercepts-and-Slopes-as-Outcomes Model
6. Latent Class Analysis
6.1 Introduction to Latent Class Analysis
6.2 Specification of LCA Models in Mplus
6.3 Model Fit Assessment and Model Comparisons
6.3.1 Absolute Model Fit
6.3.2 Relative Model Fit
6.3.3 Interpretability
Appendix A: Summary of Key Mplus Commands Discussed in This Book
Appendix B: Common Mistakes in the Mplus Input Setup and Troubleshooting
Appendix C: Further Readings
About the Author
Christian Geiser, PhD, is a former professor of quantitative psychology. He currently works as an instructor and statistical consultant. His areas of expertise are in structural equation modeling, longitudinal data analysis, latent class modeling, multitrait–multimethod analysis, and measurement. His website is
Graduate students, instructors, and researchers in psychology, education, human development and family studies, management, sociology, social work, nursing, public health, criminal justice, and communications.
Course Use
Serves as a supplemental text in graduate-level courses in multivariate statistics, factor analysis, structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, or advanced quantitative methods.