Product Cover

Developing Literacy in Preschool

Lesley Mandel Morrow

June 2, 2007
ISBN 9781593854621
Price: $33.00
231 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"

Preschoolers are passionate about learning, and a high-quality preschool program offers rich learning experiences in the areas of language and literacy. This engaging book gives teachers and other professionals fresh ideas, inspiration, and practical tools for integrating age-appropriate literacy instruction into the preschool curriculum. Including helpful vignettes, sample lesson plans, and reproducibles, the book shows how to create a motivating classroom environment, balance child-initiated exploration with structured activities, and support students' developing skills in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension. Essential topics include preschool assessment and working with English language learners.

“A recent and excellent addition to the Guilford Press Tools for Teaching Literacy series....Authors for the series have been carefully selected and Morrow is no exception....Her insights and experience are deep; she carries a strong understanding of the kinds of specific information that teachers need and of the research and theory that supports those approaches; and she writes in an extremely readable style. These characteristics are part of what make this book so valuable....Throughout the book, children are constructed as unique individuals, persons with differing interests and at different stages of development....Deserves rave reviews. Three different groups of people will find the book to be immensely helpful: pre-service teachers; newly qualified teachers; and experienced classroom teachers who are re-assigned for their first early years teaching. If the quality of this text reflects that of the whole series, head teachers and principals would be well advised to purchase the series for their in-school professional libraries.”

Educational Review

“This comprehensive book is well organized and easy to read, and contains many practical examples for preschool classrooms. It would be excellent as the focus text in a professional development program for practicing early childhood educators. Morrow has provided a strong resource for anyone wanting to build a supportive literacy environment for young children.”

—Terri Lowery, Literacy Coordinator and first-grade teacher, Union Elementary School, Warsaw, Ohio

“An excellent source for developmentally appropriate activities that can be used to create a supportive, literacy-rich preschool environment. Morrow clearly blends up-to-date research with classroom-tested techniques. In this book, you will find strategies, organizational tips, management techniques, and realistic examples that can easily be adapted to individual classrooms. I will definitely take many of these ideas and use them with my current pre-K class!”

—Angela Yeaman, prekindergarten teacher, Connaught School, North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada

“Morrow’s ability to help readers really see classroom practice is outstanding. The book is comprehensive, covering all topics essential to a literacy- and language-rich preschool classroom. Most importantly, the text is filled with realistic and interesting teaching activities that will help classroom teachers succeed in enhancing their practice with young children.”

—Billie Enz, PhD, College of Education, Arizona State University

“Preschoolers are intentional learners, so their teachers have to be intentional too. This authoritative and engaging guide helps new teachers gain the knowledge and skills needed to foster language and literacy development in the prekindergarten years. The book provides current and useful information on all relevant areas of language and literacy instruction, including the crucial topics of inclusion and English language learners. Thoughtful and balanced, it emphasizes the importance of play as a context for the blossoming of young children's skills in speaking, listening, writing, and reading. This text has much to offer students who are preparing to become effective and responsible teachers of our youngest school citizens.”

—Jim Johnson, PhD, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, The Pennsylvania State University

“This book will strengthen your existing early literacy practices by providing ways to expand on classroom activities. You will find valuable teaching strategies to help children with early reading skills such as letter recognition. The suggestions for exposing children to early literacy—using rhymes, play, conversations, participation, interaction, and sight vocabulary—could easily become part of your daily routine. Morrow also provides helpful examples of quality early childhood literature and a variety of enjoyable ways to introduce these books into your classroom.”

—Jeanine Graham, teacher, Weinstein JCC Preschool, Richmond, Virginia

Table of Contents

1. A Literacy-Rich Preschool Classroom

2. Research about Preschool That Informs Good Practice

3. Organizing and Managing a Literacy-Rich Preschool Environment

4. Organizing and Managing Instruction in Preschool

5. Oral Language Development in Preschool

6. Knowledge about Print

7. Comprehending and Enjoying Children's Literature

8. Writing in the Preschool Classroom



A. Glossary, Lisa Fazzi. B. Integrated Language Arts Thematic Unit, Harriet Worobey. C. Children's Literature, Lisa Fazzi and Paula Aguroso.

D. Magazines for Preschoolers, Paula Batsiyan.

E. Professional Associations, Related Publications, and Websites Dealing with Early Literacy, Kelli Dunston.

About the Author

Lesley Mandel Morrow, PhD, is Professor of Literacy at Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Education, where she is Chair of the Department of Learning and Teaching. She began her career as a classroom teacher, became a reading specialist, and received her PhD from Fordham University. She has done extensive research in the areas of early literacy development and the organization and management of language arts programs, which involves working with children and families from diverse backgrounds. Dr. Morrow has authored or edited more than 250 publications. She received the Excellence in Research, Teaching, and Service Award from Rutgers University, the International Reading Association’s Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award, and Fordham University’s Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement. In addition, Dr. Morrow has received numerous grants for research from the federal government and has served as a principal research investigator for the Center for English Language Arts, the National Reading Research Center, the Center for Early Reading Achievement, and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Lab. She was an elected member of the Board of Directors of the International Reading Association, and served as President of that organization from 2003 to 2004. Dr. Morrow was elected to the Reading Hall of Fame in 2006.


Teachers and other professionals working with preschoolers; staff developers; and students in early childhood education and literacy education.

Course Use

Serves as a supplemental text in early literacy methods courses.