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Dropout Prevention

C. Lee Goss and Kristina J. Hokkanen

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
June 5, 2014
ISBN 9781462516209
Price: $41.00
176 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
June 5, 2014
Price: $41.00
176 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $82.00 $49.20
176 Pages
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Meeting a crucial need, this book presents effective prevention and intervention methods that can help all students stay—and succeed—in school. The authors emphasize that dropout is a process, not an event. They provide tools for identifying dropout risk (including academic, behavior, and attendance problems) and strategies for problem solving and data-based decision making at the elementary and secondary levels. Illustrative case examples and reproducible checklists and tools enhance this user-friendly resource. The print book has a large-size format to facilitate photocopying. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.

This title is part of The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.

“This carefully researched book provides insights and, more important, clear direction for those committed to dropout prevention and intervention. With an emphasis on multi-tiered systems of support such as response to intervention, the authors provide an action plan to stop student disengagement from learning, which can start as early as elementary school. The book identifies critical measurable indicators of dropout risk and offers evidence-based practices to reduce risk at both the elementary and secondary levels. I highly recommend this book for educators looking for ways to reach their most challenging students and create positive learning outcomes.”

—Kathleen L. Vespia, EdD, Secondary Education Coordinator, Salve Regina University

“One of the few resources on dropout prevention that thoroughly examines how to organize evidence-based practices within a multi-tiered system of support. This is a superb resource that integrates depth of scholarship with practical application. The book focuses on implementing academic interventions and social/behavioral supports to create effective school environments that increase student engagement. The authors have made a major contribution to addressing a complex and persistent challenge.”

—A. James Artesani, EdD, College of Education and Human Development, University of Maine

“Provides a well-researched and holistic approach. The authors clearly understand both the complexity of this issue and how to apply strategies that have been proven to be successful. All preservice teachers would be fortunate to take a course that incorporates this text, and master's and doctoral students in education leadership would add much to their knowledge and expertise. This is also a much-needed professional development resource for those already working in schools. It addresses the full range of dropout prevention needs at all levels and what can be done about them.”

—Marty Duckenfield, former Public Information Director, National Dropout Prevention Center, Clemson University

Table of Contents

I. Systemwide Dropout Prevention

1. The Dropout Crisis

2. School, Family, and Community Partnerships

3. Academic and Behavior Links to Inform Dropout Prevention Methods

II. Dropout Prevention at the Elementary Level

4. A Process, Not an Event: Early Identification of Dropout Risk

5. Tier 2 and Tier 3 Problem Solving at the Elementary Level: Are We Closing the Gap?

6. Early Intervention: Elementary Evidence-Based Resources (with Jennifer L. Robert)

III. Dropout Prevention in Middle School and High School

7. Time Is of the Essence: Early Warning Systems for Middle School and High School

8. Tier 2 and Tier 3 Problem Solving at the Secondary Level

9. Middle School and High School Evidence-Based Resources (with Jennifer L. Robert)

10. The Role of Technical Education, Alternative High Schools, and Postsecondary Options in Dropout Prevention

Conclusion: Time for a Change

Appendix: Reproducible Materials

Appendix A. Checklist for Monitoring and Improving Family Engagement

Appendix B. Academic Intervention Record Form

Appendix C. Building an Early Warning System

Appendix D. Evidence-Based Interventions

Appendix E. Online Resources for Dropout Prevention and Intervention Methods

About the Authors

C. Lee Goss, PsyD, NCSP, is a Lecturer in the Educational and School Psychology Programs at the University of Southern Maine. She has provided school psychology services, professional development, and consultation for schools and districts in multi-tiered, system-wide prevention and early intervention methods. In private practice, Dr. Goss takes a collaborative and comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to supporting children and adolescents at risk for academic, social, and mental health problems that often result in underachievement and school failure. Her research interests include prevention, early intervention, and problem-solving methods to inform effective interventions and dropout prevention.
Kristina J. Andren, PsyD, NCSP, has practiced as a school psychologist in Maine schools since 2005. She served as Assistant Professor of Educational and School Psychology at the University of Southern Maine, and continues to be affiliated with the University as a supervising licensed psychologist for PsyD school psychology interns and practicum students and as a member of the School Psychology Advisory Board. Dr. Andren's research interests include assessment and intervention within a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) framework. Her current work focuses on the application of MTSS methods—such as response to intervention—to reading initiatives, schoolwide practices, and dropout prevention.


Jennifer L. Robert, PsyD, is a 2013 graduate from the doctoral school psychology program at the University ofSouthern Maine. She graduated from the University of Southern Maine with her master’s degree in school psychologyin 2000, after which she worked as a school psychologist/specialist for the Lewiston Public Schools. As aschool psychologist, she worked on the development and implementation of a schoolwide RTI model. She has alsoconsulted with schools implementing Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions, including supporting teachers to improve thelink between assessment and instruction.


School psychologists and counselors; PreK–12 administrators at the school, district, and state levels; school social workers; general and special education teachers.

Course Use

May serve as a text in graduate-level courses such as Dropout Prevention, Prevention Strategies in Schools, or Academic and Behavioral Interventions.