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Enhancing Instructional Problem Solving

An Efficient System for Assisting Struggling Learners

John C. Begeny, Ann C. Schulte, and Kent Johnson

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
May 9, 2012
ISBN 9781462504770
Price: $51.00
336 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
May 25, 2012
Price: $51.00
336 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $102.00 $61.20
336 Pages
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This book presents a schoolwide model of instructional support designed to make the most of available time, resources, and personnel—one that is also fully compatible with other problem-solving models, such as response to intervention. The authors provide a comprehensive and cohesive framework for linking assessment and intervention. They show how to interweave evidence-based instruction with targeted professional development and other components that support improved learning outcomes for all K–8 students. Helpful tables describe dozens of research-based assessments and interventions in reading, writing, and math. In a large-size format to facilitate photocopying, the volume includes more than 20 reproducible worksheets and forms.

This title is part of The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.

“What district or school couldn't utilize a research-based, user-friendly book that strengthens their response-to-intervention process? The clear, step-by-step plan outlined in this book can enhance any school's capacity to improve student learning outcomes. Complete with specific procedures and resources, this unique guide will serve as a roadmap for district- and school-level educators as they struggle with the reality of addressing the learning needs of all students.”

—Kathy Durbin, PhD, Student Services Director, Lancaster County (South Carolina) School District

“Helping schools to implement systemwide change to improve student academic performance can be exhilarating, but practitioners often face deeply frustrating obstacles. This is absolutely the best book I have come across as a map for successfully navigating and mastering the difficult process of schoolwide change. The book provides guidance for promoting a problem-solving approach throughout the school to improve every classroom teacher's day-to-day instructional practices. The authors offer valuable recommendations for training teachers to serve as intervention consultants; assessing academic delays and monitoring student progress; and making efficient use of personnel and school resources.”

—Jim Wright, MS, CAS, RTI consultant and trainer, New York

Table of Contents

I. Preparing for Implementation

1. Introduction to the Systems-Oriented Plan for Academic Achievement

2. SOPAA Key Definitions, History, Components, and Roles

3. Preliminary Considerations for SOPAA Implementation

II. The Six SOPAA Components

4. Initial Steps of the TAPS Process: Requests for Academic Support and Preparation for the Intervention Planning Meeting

5. Secondary Steps of the TAPS Process: Intervention Planning, Follow-Ups, and Summative Reviews of Intervention Effectiveness

6. Assessment for Instruction

7. Maximizing Implementation through Targeted Professional Development

8. Maximizing Intervention Delivery through Recruiting and Training School Volunteers

9. Obtaining Support for the SOPAA through Effective Communication with School Leaders

10. Obtaining and Sustaining Support for the SOPAA through Effective Communication with Teachers

11. Using the SOPAA with Multidisciplinary Co-Facilitators

III. Additional Information and Guidance

12. Evidence-Based and Learner-Verified Intervention Programs in Reading, Mathematics, and Writing

13. Case Illustrations of SOPAA Implementation

14. Using the SOPAA to Support Graduate Students’ Training and Applied Experiences in Schools



About the Authors

John C. Begeny, PhD, is Associate Professor in the School Psychology Program at North Carolina State University and a psychologist in North Carolina. He was awarded the Ernest A. Lynton Citation for Distinguished Engaged Scholarship. Dr. Begeny's research interests include academic consultation, methods to improve children’s reading abilities, international education, and strategies to narrow the gap between research and practice in education.

Ann C. Schulte, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Psychology at North Carolina State University. She serves on the editorial boards of multiple journals, including Journal of School Psychology, School Psychology Review, and Learning Disabilities Research & Practice. Dr. Schulte's research focuses on school-based services for children with disabilities and improvement of achievement outcomes for this population.

Kent Johnson, PhD, is Founder and Executive Director of Morningside Academy, a laboratory school in Seattle, Washington. Morningside Academy investigates effective curriculum materials and teaching methods, and has provided training and consulting in instruction to over 125 schools and agencies in the United States and Canada. Dr. Johnson has published many articles and books on research-based curriculum and teaching methods.


School psychologists, administrators, special educators, reading specialists, school counselors and social workers, and general education teachers working in grades K–8.

Course Use

May serve as a primary or supplemental text in graduate-level courses.