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Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies

Fourth Edition

Edited by Keith S. Dobson and David J. A. Dozois

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
March 12, 2019
ISBN 9781462538584
Price: $78.00
526 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
April 23, 2021
ISBN 9781462547722
Price: $52.00
526 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
February 1, 2019
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Price: $52.00
526 Pages
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Now revised and expanded with over 50% new material, this definitive clinical reference is the text of choice for graduate-level courses in evidence-based psychotherapy. Foremost authorities describe the conceptual and scientific foundations of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and provide a framework for assessment and case formulation. Major approaches are reviewed in detail, including emotion-centered problem-solving therapy, rational emotive behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, schema therapy, mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Applications to specific populations are discussed, including children and adolescents, couples, culturally diverse clients, and more.

New to This Edition

“This excellent book describes the principles and various therapies within the CBT tradition. It contains case examples that highlight how the theory is applied. The fourth edition is justified because of the burgeoning amount of research since the previous edition.”

Doody's Review Service

“A mainstay in the cognitive behavioral field....Provides a sophisticated and intelligent empirical base from which clinicians can base their psychotherapy. This makes this book highly recommended not only for psychology, nursing, or research students at graduate level and beyond, but for all therapists who want empirically based, up-to-date knowledge on our ever broadening therapy.”

Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy (on the third edition)

“The editors have assembled an outstanding group of clinical researchers to describe the most important forms of CBT, their empirical and historical bases, and the challenges of disseminating and adapting them for different populations. The volume also includes a valuable chapter on common factors as well as issues related to therapeutic integration. This fourth edition is a crucial resource for graduate students, researchers, and clinicians wishing to learn about evidence-based therapies.”

—Sabine Wilhelm, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Chief of Psychology, Massachusetts General Hospital

“This well-written handbook presents need-to-know, state-of-the-science, clinically relevant guidelines for practitioners who want to deliver effective CBT. As a complement to books organized by disorder, this handbook tackles assessment, the various therapies, specific populations, and extending the reach of CBT. This is an invaluable text for training in evidence-based treatment and an excellent resource for seasoned clinicians.”

—Steven A. Safren, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, University of Miami

“Many of the leading figures in CBT have contributed to this comprehensively updated fourth edition. Chapters address the clinical and conceptual implications of the latest research on classic approaches, as well as recent influential developments, including transdiagnostic treatments and culturally informed adaptations of CBT. The lucid explications of theory, objective reviews of research, and vivid descriptions of technique make this text ideal for graduate seminars and CBT practica alike.”

—David A. F. Haaga, PhD, Department of Psychology, American University

“Reading the fourth edition of this handbook made me reflect on the incredible advances that CBT has achieved over the past 40 years. Expert contributors have written compelling chapters on a broad scope of topics, from the history and philosophy of CBT to its scientific underpinnings, empirical evidence base, and clinical applications across an array of human problems. Major schools of thought are engagingly described—problem-solving therapy, rational emotive behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, mindfulness, and the integrative psychotherapy movement are all well represented. I cannot think of a finer graduate school textbook for a course on CBT, nor a better reference for practitioners.”

—Bruce A. Thyer, PhD, LCSW, BCBA-D, Distinguished Research Professor, Florida State University College of Social Work

Table of Contents

I. Historical, Philosophical, and Scientific Foundations

1. Historical and Philosophical Bases of the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, David J. A. Dozois, Keith S. Dobson, & Katerina Rnic sample

2. Empirical Validation and the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, Keith S. Dobson, Amanda M. McEpplan, & Deborah Dobson

3. Cognitive Science Foundations of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Rick E. Ingram, Jessica Balderas, & Greg Siegle

II. Assessment Considerations

4. Cognitive Assessment: Issues and Methods, David M. Dunkley, Zindel V. Segal, & Kirk R. Blankstein

5. Clinical Assessment in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, John Hunsley & Teresa Allan

6. Case Formulation-Driven Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Jacqueline B. Persons, Casey L. Brown, & Allison Diamond

III. The Therapies

7. Emotion-Centered Problem-Solving Therapy, Arthur M. Nezu, Christine Maguth Nezu, & Alexa M. Hays

8. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Raymond DiGiuseppe & Kristene A. Doyle

9. Cognitive Therapy, Robert J. DeRubeis, John R. Keefe, & Aaron T. Beck

10. Schema Therapy, Odette Brand-de Wilde & Arnoud Arntz

11. Mindfulness and Acceptance Interventions in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Alan E. Fruzzetti, Caitlin McLean, & Karen Erikson

12. Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Comprehensive Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder, Emotion Dysregulation, and Difficult-to-Treat Behaviors, Shireen L. Rizvi & Alexandra M. King

13. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Psychotherapy Integration, John C. Norcross, Larry E. Beutler, & Marvin R. Goldfried

IV. Applications to Specific Populations

14. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Youth, Jordan P. Davis, Sophie A. Palitz, Mark Knepley, & Philip C. Kendall

15. Cognitive-Behavioral Prevention Programs, Aliza Werner-Seidler, Alison L. Calear, & Helen Christensen

16. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Comorbidity and Transdiagnostic Populations, Peter J. Norton, Kelly R. Harris, Isabella Marker, & Shaun Pearl

17. Cognitive-Behavioral Couple Therapy, Norman B. Epstein, Donald H. Baucom, Jennifer S. Kirby, & Jaslean J. LaTaillade

18. Affirmative Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Culturally Diverse Populations, David W. Pantalone, Gayle Y. Iwamasa, & Christopher R. Martell

19. Going Beyond Didactic Training: How to Increase Utilization of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Adam M. Reid & R. Kathryn McHugh


About the Editors

Keith S. Dobson, PhD, is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and a Principal Investigator for the Opening Minds program of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, with a focus on stigma reduction in the workplace. His research has focused on both cognitive models and CBT for depression. Dr. Dobson has published over 300 articles and chapters and numerous books, including Evidence-Based Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Second Edition; Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, Fourth Edition; and The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. He is past president of the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), the Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies, and the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy. Dr. Dobson is a recipient of the Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Profession of Psychology and the Donald O. Hebb Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Science of Psychology from the CPA, among other honors.

David J. A. Dozois, PhD, is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Clinical Psychology Graduate Program at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), the Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies, the CPA Section on Clinical Psychology, the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, and the Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies. Dr. Dozois’s research focuses on cognitive vulnerability to depression, including different aspects of core beliefs and self-schemas, and cognitive-behavioral theories and therapy. He has published 168 scientific papers, book chapters, and books and has given over 330 research presentations. Dr. Dozois twice served as president of the CPA and is on the boards of directors of Mental Health Research Canada and the International Association of Applied Psychology. He also maintains a small private practice.


Teresa Allan, BA, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Psychology,University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Arnoud Arntz, PHD, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Amsterdam,Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jessica Balderas, MA, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas,Lawrence, Kansas

Donald H. Baucom, PHD, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Aaron T. Beck, MD, Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Bala Cynwyd,Pennsylvania; Department of Psychiatry (Emeritus), University of PennsylvaniaPerelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Larry E. Beutler, PHD, Institute for the Study of Equine Assisted Change,Palo Alto University, Palo Alto, California

Kirk R. Blankstein, PHD, Department of Psychology, University of Torontoat Mississauga, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Odette Brand-de Wilde, PHD, International Society of Schema Therapy,Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Casey L. Brown, MA, Clinical Science Program, University of California, Berkeley,Berkeley, California

Alison L. Calear, PHD, Centre for Mental Health Research, Australian NationalUniversity, Canberra, Acton, Australia

Helen Christensen, PHD, National Health and Medical Research Council, Centreof Research Excellence in Suicide Prevention, Black Dog Institute, Randwick,New South Wales, Australia

Jordan P. Davis, MA, Department of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania

Robert J. DeRubeis, PHD, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Allison Diamond, BA, Clinical Science Program, University of California, Berkeley,Berkeley, California

Raymond A. DiGiuseppe, PHD, Department of Psychology, St. John’s University,Queens, New York

Deborah Dobson, PHD, private practice, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Keith S. Dobson, PHD, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary,Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Kristene A. Doyle, PHD, Albert Ellis Institute, New York, New York

David J. A. Dozois, PHD, Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario,London, Ontario, Canada

David M. Dunkley, PHD, Institute of Community and Family Psychiatry,SMBD Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Norman B. Epstein, PHD, Department of Family Science, University of Maryland,College Park, College Park, Maryland

Karen Erikson, PHD, Durham DBT, Durham, North Carolina

Alan E. Fruzzetti, PHD, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts

Marvin R. Goldfried, PHD, Department of Psychology, Stony Brook University,Stony Brook, New York

Kelly R. Harris, BA, Department of Psychological Sciences, Monash University,Clayton, Victoria, Australia

Alexa M. Hays, BA, Department of Psychology, Drexel University, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania

John Hunsley, PHD, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Psychology,University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Rick E. Ingram, PHD, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas,Lawrence, Kansas

Gayle Y. Iwamasa, PHD, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC

John R. Keefe, MA, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philip C. Kendall, PHD, Department of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania

Alexandra M. King, MS, Department of Psychology, Rutgers, The State Universityof New Jersey, Highland Park, New Jersey

Jennifer S. Kirby, PHD, private practice, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Mark J. Knepley, MA, Department of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania

Jaslean J. LaTaillade, PHD, JBS International, Inc., North Bethesda, Maryland;Department of Family Science, University of Maryland, College Park,College Park, Maryland

Isabella Marker, BPsych, Department of Psychological Sciences, Monash University,Clayton, Victoria, Australia

Christopher R. Martell, PHD, Psychological Services Center, University ofMassachusetts Amherst, Amherst, Massachusetts

Amanda M. McEpplan, PHD, Calgary West Central Primary Care Network,Calgary, Alberta, Canada

R. Kathryn McHugh, PHD, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, McLean Hospital,Belmont, Massachusetts

Caitlin McLean, MA, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Belmont,Massachusetts

Arthur M. Nezu, PHD, Department of Psychology, Drexel University, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania

Christine Maguth Nezu, PHD, Department of Psychology, Drexel University,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

John C. Norcross, PHD, Department of Psychology, University of Scranton,Scranton, Pennsylvania

Peter J. Norton, PHD, Department of Psychological Sciences, Monash University,Clayton, Victoria, Australia

Sophie A. Palitz, MA, Department of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania

David W. Pantalone, PHD, Faculty of Psychology, University of MassachusettsBoston, Boston, Massachusetts

Shaun Pearl, BA, Department of Psychological Sciences, Monash University,Clayton, Victoria, Australia

Jacqueline B. Persons, PHD, private practice, Oakland, California

Adam M. Reid, PHD, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, McLean Hospital,Belmont, Massachusetts

Shireen L. Rizvi, PHD, Department of Psychology, Rutgers, The State Universityof New Jersey, Highland Park, New Jersey

Katerina Rnic, MSc, Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario,London, Ontario, Canada

Zindel V. Segal, PHD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto,Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Greg J. Siegle, PHD, Department of Psychology, Western Psychiatric Instituteand Clinic, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Aliza Werner-Seidler, PHD, National Health and Medical Research Council, Centreof Research Excellence in Suicide Prevention, Black Dog Institute, Randwick,New South Wales, Australia


Graduate students and practitioners in clinical psychology, psychiatry, clinical social work, counseling, and psychiatric nursing.

Course Use

Serves as a text in courses on CBT and evidence-based psychotherapy.
New to this edition: