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Handbook of PTSD

Third Edition
Science and Practice

Edited by Matthew J. Friedman, Paula P. Schnurr, and Terence M. Keane

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
August 5, 2021
ISBN 9781462547074
Price: $120.00
670 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
November 1, 2023
ISBN 9781462553785
Price: $80.00
670 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
June 4, 2021
Price: $80.00
670 Pages
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Now in an extensively revised third edition with 65% new material, this is the authoritative reference on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Contributors examine the breadth of current knowledge on the mechanisms by which stressful events can alter psychological processes, brain function, and individual behavior. Risk and protective factors across development and in specific populations are explored. Reviewing the state of the science of assessment and treatment, the volume covers early intervention and evidence-based individual, couple/family, and group therapies. Conceptual and diagnostic issues are addressed and key questions for the next generation of researchers are identified.

New to This Edition

Handbook of PTSD, Third Edition, should be on the bookshelf of every clinician who treats PTSD, every graduate student who wants to do so, and every trauma researcher. The editors are the rock stars of PTSD. Comprehensive yet accessible, this work is a testament to all the scientific and clinical progress that has been achieved in the field.”

—Barbara Olasov Rothbaum, PhD, ABPP, Professor of Psychiatry, and Director, Emory Healthcare Veterans Program and Trauma and Anxiety Recovery Program, Emory University School of Medicine

“The third edition of this handbook helps fill many clinical and research gaps and sets the stage for future research. Several important new chapters address the revised diagnostic criteria for PTSD, the establishment of a PTSD brain bank, treatment of comorbid disorders, the psychoneurobiology of resilience, and dissemination and implementation science. The volume provides excellent coverage of the most vital topics for clinicians and researchers. I would use it as a required text for our doctoral course titled Military Health Psychology.”

—Alan L. Peterson, PhD, ABPP, Krus Endowed Chair in Psychiatry and Director, STRONG STAR Consortium to Alleviate PTSD, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

“Once again, the Handbook meets its lofty goal of advancing our understanding of PTSD. This volume fully updates the field and is a cornucopia of synthesis, integration, and review of the cradle-to-grave issues involving PTSD. The examination of treatments at the family and community levels is especially important, given how we have seen families and communities so affected by world events. Comprehensive and authoritative, this book should be kept within arm's reach of clinicians, researchers, and educators, and is an excellent text for a graduate course on traumatic stress.”

—Stevan E. Hobfoll, PhD, ABPP, private practice, Chicago, Illinois; former Presidential Professor, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Rush University Medical Center

“A momentous addition to the literature. This third edition will serve as a critical reference for clinicians, researchers, and students by providing cutting-edge research and practical insights into the science and clinical impact of PTSD. It presents exemplary clinical approaches to keep in mind with our patients. Thank you to the authors and editors for this fantastic accomplishment!”

—Kerry J. Ressler, MD, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, McLean Hospital; Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Table of Contents

I. Historical Overview: Setting the Context

1. PTSD from DSM-III to DSM-5: Progress and Challenges, Matthew J. Friedman, Paula P. Schnurr, & Terence M. Keane

2. DSM-5 Criteria for PTSD, Matthew J. Friedman, Michelle J. Bovin, & Frank W. Weathers

3. Historical Roots of the PTSD Construct: How PTSD Became a Diagnosis and Launched the Traumatic Stress Field, Alexander C. McFarlane & Dean G. Kilpatrick sample

II. Scientific Foundations and Theoretical Perspectives

4. Epidemiology of Trauma and PTSD in Adults, Kristina J. Korte, Tammy Jiang, Karestan C. Koenen, Sandro Galea, & Jaimie L. Gradus

5. Epidemiology of Trauma and PTSD in Childhood and Adolescence, William E. Copeland & Ellen W. McGinnis

6. Psychological Models of PTSD, Richard A. Bryant

7. Alterations in Memory and Other Neurocognitive Processes, Chris R. Brewin & Jennifer J. Vasterling

8. Trauma-Induced Dissociation, Anne P. DePrince, Martin J. Dorahy, Ruth Lanius, & Francesca L. Schiavone

9. Examining Neurocircuitry and Neuroplasticity in PTSD, Lynnette A. Averill, Christopher L. Averill, Teddy J. Akiki, & Chadi G. Abdallah

10. Neurochemistry, Neuroendocrinology, and Neuroimmunology of PTSD, Ann M. Rasmusson, Byung K. Kim, Tiffany R. Lago, Kayla Brown, Caitlin Ridgewell, & Arieh Y. Shalev

11. Genetics of PTSD, Daniel Bustamante, Kaitlin Bountress, Christina Sheerin, Karestan C. Koenen, Guia Guffanti, Lulu Yan, Michelle Haloossim, Monica Uddin, Nicole Nugent, & Ananda B. Amstadter

12. What Brain Tissue Can Tell Us: Postmortem Brain Banking and Analysis of PTSD Molecular Pathology, Matthew J. Girgenti, Bertrand R. Huber, Matthew J. Friedman, & Ronald S. Duman

13. Gender Issues in PTSD, Rachel Kimerling, Julie C. Weitlauf, & Amy E. Street

14. A Developmental Perspective on Childhood Traumatic Stress, Adam D. Brown, Emily Becker-Weidman, & Glenn N. Saxe

15. Trauma and PTSD in Older Adults, Joan Cook & Vanessa Simiola

III. Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based State of the Art

16. Assessment of PTSD and Its Comorbidities in Adults, Nicholas A. Livingston, Deborah J. Brief, Mark W. Miller, & Terence M. Keane

17. Assessment of PTSD in Children and Adolescents, Ernestine C. Briggs, Kate Nooner, & Lisa M. Amaya-Jackson

18. Early Intervention Following Trauma, Alvi Azad, Leonard Skipper, Gary H. Wynn, & David M. Benedek

19. Psychosocial Treatments for Adults with PTSD, Tara E. Galovski, Carmen P. McLean, C. Adrian Davis, & Jennifer S. Wachen

20. Psychosocial Treatments for Children and Adolescents with PTSD, Judith A. Cohen & Anthony P. Mannarino

21. Empirically Supported Couple and Family Therapies for PTSD, Candice M. Monson, Alexandra Macdonald, Steffany J. Fredman, Jeremiah A. Schumm, & Casey Taft

22. Group Treatments for PTSD, J. Gayle Beck & Denise Sloan

23. Pharmacotherapy for PTSD, Lori Davis, Patricia Pilkinton, & Garrett Aikens

24. Treating PTSD When Common Comorbid Disorders Are Present, Sonya B. Norman, Elizabeth Straus, Robert C. Lyons, Laura D. Crocker, Peter J. Colvonen, & Jessica C. Tripp

25. Trauma Exposure, PTSD, and Physical Health, Paula P. Schnurr, Jennifer S. Wachen, Bonnie L. Green, & Stacey Kaltman

IV. Emerging Territory

26. Culture, Trauma, and Traumatic Stress among Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Postconflict Populations, Derrick Silove & Louis Klein

27. PTSD and the Law: Forensic Considerations, Dean G. Kilpatrick, Alexander C. McFarlane, & Lucy A. Guarnera

28. Technology-Based Interventions for PTSD, Josef I. Ruzek

29. Treating PTSD Using Telemental Health Technology, Leslie A. Morland, Lisa H. Glassman, Carolyn J. Greene, Julia E. Hoffman, & Craig Rosen

30. Psychoneurobiology of Resilience, Lynnette A. Averill, Christopher L. Averill, Robert H. Pietrzak, Dennis S. Charney, & Steven M. Southwick

31. Public Mental Health Interventions Following Disasters, Joshua C. Morganstein, Holly B. Herberman Mash, Mary C. Vance, Carol S. Fullerton, & Robert J. Ursano

32. Dissemination and Implementation of Best Practices in Prevention and Treatment of PTSD, Shannon Wiltsey Stirman

33. Key Questions and an Agenda for Future Research, Matthew J. Friedman, Paula P. Schnurr, & Terence M. Keane

About the Editors

Matthew J. Friedman, MD, PhD, is Senior Advisor to the National Center for PTSD, where he served for 24 years as Executive Director; founder and Director of the National PTSD Brain Bank; and Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Psychiatry at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. Dr. Friedman has worked as a clinician and researcher since the 1970s, and has approximately 350 publications, including 28 books. He is past president of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and past chair of the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5 and DSM-IV-TR PTSD Work Groups. He has served on numerous national research, education, and policy committees and has received many honors for his leadership and contributions to the field.

Paula P. Schnurr, PhD, is cofounder and Executive Director of the National Center for PTSD and Professor of Psychiatry at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. Dr. Schnurr is editor of the Clinician's Trauma Update Online, former editor of the Journal of Traumatic Stress, past president of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, and a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science. With over 250 publications, she has won a number of awards for her research and contributions to the field of traumatic stress studies. Her research focuses on the treatment of PTSD and the longitudinal study of the effects of traumatic exposure on physical and mental health.

Terence M. Keane, PhD, is Director of the Behavioral Sciences Division of the National Center for PTSD, Associate Chief of Staff for Research at the VA Boston Healthcare System, and Professor of Psychiatry and Assistant Dean for Research at Boston University School of Medicine. Dr. Keane is past president of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), and the Division of Trauma Psychology (Division 56) of the American Psychological Association. Currently, he is president of the American Psychological Foundation. He is a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the ISTSS, two honorary doctorates, the John Blair Barnwell Award from the Department of Veterans Affairs, and many other awards recognizing his research and scientific contributions to the field.


Matthew J. Friedman, MD, PhD, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, White River Junction, VT;Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

Paula P. Schnurr, PhD, National Center for PTSD, Washington DC; Geisel School of Medicine atDartmouth

Terence M. Keane, PhD, VA Boston Healthcare System; Boston University School of Medicine

ChadiAbdallah,M.D.,Nat'l Ctr for PTSD - Clinical Neuroscience Div.,West Haven, West Haven, CT; VA Connecticut Healthcare System

Garrett B.Aikens,PharmD,Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center,Tuscaloosa, AL

Teddy J.Akiki, MD,

Lisa Amaya-Jackson, MD, MPH, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC

Ananda B.Amstadter,PhD,Virginia Inst for Psychiatric & Behavioral Genetics, Richmond, VA;Virginia Commonwealth University

ChristopherAverill, BS

LynnetteAverill, PhD

AlviAzad, D.O.,Dept of Psychiatry,Bethesda, MD;Uniformed Services University

J. Gayle Beck, PhD, University of Memphis, TN

EmilyBecker-Weidman, PhD.,

David M.Benedek, M.D.,Dept of Psychiatry,Bethesda, MD;Uniformed Services University

KaitlinBountress, PhD,Biotech One, Richmond, VA

MichelleBovin, PhD,National Center for PTSD, Boston, MA;VA Medical Center

Chris R. Brewin, PhD, University College London

Deborah J. Brief, PhD,VA Boston Healthcare System,BU School of Med. Psych. Service (116B), MA

Ernestine C. Briggs, PhD,UCLA/DU Nat'l Ctr for Child Traumatic Stress, NC

Adam D. Brown, PsyD, NYU Child Study Center, New York University School of Medicine

Richard A. Bryant, PhD, University of New South Wales, Sydney

DanielBustamante, B.S.,Biotech One, VA

DennisCharney, M.D.,Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, NY

Judith A. Cohen, MD, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia

PeterColvonen, PhD,VA San Diego, CA

Joan M. Cook, PhD,Yale School of Medicine, CT

WilliamCopeland, PhD,Vermont Ctr for Children, Youth & Families Clinic, VT

LauraCrocker, PhD,VA San Diego, CA

C. Adrian Davis, MA,VA Palo Alto Healthcare System, CA

Lori L. Davis, MD,VA Medical Center, AL

Anne P.DePrince, PhD,University of Denver, CO

MartinDorahy, PhD,University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Ronald Duman, PhD,Yale University School of Medicine, CT

Steffany J. Fredman, PhD, Pennsylvania State University

Carol S.Fullerton, PhD,Uniformed Services Univ of the Health Sciences, MD

Sandro Galea, MD, DPH, University Michigan School of Public Health

Tara E.Galovski, PhD,VA Boston Healthcare System, MA

Dr. Matthew Girgenti, PhD,Yale University School of Medicine, CT

LisaGlassman, PhD

Jaimie L. Gradus,DMSc, DSc, MPH,Boston University, MA

Bonnie L.Green, PhD,Georgetown University Medical School, DC

Carolyn J.Greene, PhD

LucyGuarnera, PhD,Univ. of Virginia, VA

Guia Guffanti, PhD,Computational Genomics Lab, McLean Hospital, MA

Michelle R.Haloossim,DACM MPH LAc,Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, MA

JuliaHoffman, PsyD,Livongo Health, CA

Bertrand R. Huber, M.D.,Neurology 127, MA

Tammy Jiang, MPH,Boston University School of Public Health, MA

StaceyKaltman, PhD,Georgetown University Medical School, DC

Dean Kilpatrick, PhD,Medical University of South Carolina, SC

Byung K. Kim, MD,VA Boston Healthcare System, MA

Rachel Kimerling, PhD, Universty of California San Francisco

LouisKlein,MRes,PRTU,Liverpool Hospital, L1, Australia

Karestan C. Koenen, PhD, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health; Massachusetts General Hospital

Kristina J. Korte, PhD,Massachusetts General Hospital, MA

TiffanyLago, MD,Boston Univ. School of Medicine, MD

Ruth A. Lanius, MD, PhD, Western University, London, Ontario

Nicholas Livingston, PhD,VA Boston Healthcare System, MA;National Center for PTSD (116B3)

Robert Lyons, MA,VA San Diego, CA

Alexandra Macdonald, PhD,The Citadel Military College of SC, Charleston

Anthony P. Mannarino, PhD, Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh; Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia

Holly B. HerbermanMash, PhD,Uniformed Services University, MD

Alexander C. McFarlane, MD, Center for Traumatic Stress Studies, University of Adelaide

Ellen McGinnis, PhD,Vermont Ctr for Children, Youth & Families Clinic, VT

Carmen P. McLean, PhD,Palo Alto VA Healthcare System, CA

Mark W. Miller, PhD,National Center for PTSD, MA;Behavioral Science Division

Candice M. Monson, PhD, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto

Joshua C. Morganstein, MD,Uniformed Services University, MD

Leslie Morland, PhD,VA San Diego Healthcare System, CA

Kate Brody Nooner, PhD,University of North Carolina Wilmington, NC;Dept of Psychology

SonyaNorman,VA San Diego, CA

Nicole R.Nugent, PhD,Rhode Island Hospital, Coro West Bldg, RI;Children's Research Center

Robert H. Pietrzak,Ph.D., MPH,VA Connecticut Healthcare System, CT;National Center for PTSD

PatriciaPilkinton, MD,Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center, AL

Ann M.Rasmusson, MD,VA Boston Healthcare System, MA

Caitlin Ridgewell,B.A., MPH

Craig S.Rosen, PhD,VA Palo Alto Health Care System, CA

Josef I. Ruzek, PhD, National Center for PTSD, VA Palo Alto Health Care System

Glenn N. Saxe, MD, NYU Child Study Center, New York University School of Medicine

Francesca L. Schiavone, MD,Women’s College Hospital, Toronto

Jeremiah A. Schumm, PhD,Wright State University, OH

Arieh Y. Shalev, MD,NYU Langone Health, NY

Christina Sheerin, PhD,Biotech One, VA

DerrickSilove,AM, MB ChB,Liverpool Hospital, Australia

Vanessa L. Simiola,PsyD,Kaiser Permanente Ctr for Integrated Health Research, HI

LeonardSkipper, PhD

Denise M. Sloan, PhD, National Center for PTSD, Washington, DC; Boston University School of Medicine

Steven M. Southwick, MD,National Center for PTSD, CT

Shannon Wiltsey Stirman, PhD,VA Palo Alto Healthcare System, CA

Elizabeth Straus, PhD,VA San Diego, CA

Amy E.Street, PhD,Nat'l Ctr for PTSD Women's Health Sciences, VA Medical Center, MA

Casey T.Taft, PhD,National Center for PTSD,Boston VAMC, MA

Jessica C.Tripp, PhD, VA San Diego, CA

Monica Uddin, PhD,University of South Florida, Tampa

Robert J.Ursano, MD,Uniformed Services University, MD

Mary C. Vance, MD,Uniformed Services University, MD

Jennifer J. Vasterling, PhD, VA Boston Healthcare System; Boston University School of Medicine

Jennifer S. Wachen, PhD,Nat'l Center for PTSD,VA Boston Healthcare System, MA

Frank W. Weathers, PhD,Auburn University, AL

JulieWeitlauf, PhD,VA Palo Alto Health Care, CA

Gary H.Wynn,Uniformed Services University, MD

LuluYan, MA,Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, MA


Clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, counselors, and psychiatric nurses; graduate students and residents.

Course Use

Serves as a text in graduate-level courses on trauma and PTSD.
Previous editions published by Guilford:

Second Edition, © 2014
ISBN: 9781462525492

First Edition, © 2007
ISBN: 9781609181741
New to this edition: