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Handbook of Pain Assessment

Third Edition

Edited by Dennis C. Turk and Ronald Melzack

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
November 22, 2010
ISBN 9781606239766
Price: $104.00
542 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
August 8, 2011
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Price: $104.00
542 Pages
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This definitive clinical reference comprehensively reviews the most advanced methods for assessing the person in pain. The field's leading authorities present essential information and tools for evaluating psychosocial, behavioral, situational, and medical factors in patients' subjective experience, functional impairment, and response to treatment. Empirically supported instruments and procedures are detailed, including self-report measures, observational techniques, psychophysiological measures, and more. Best-practice recommendations are provided for assessing the most prevalent pain syndromes and for working with children, older adults, and people with communication difficulties. The book also weighs in on the limitations of existing methods and identifies key directions for future research.

“The individual chapters are well written, thorough, and an excellent source of information. This volume will undoubtedly prove extremely useful to researchers in decision making concerning instruments to use for the assessment of pain and related variables (e.g., physical and psychological functioning, pain beliefs, and coping strategies) for particular purposes or with specific populations....[It] also will be useful for clinicians of different specialties that wish to learn more about the assessment of patients with pain.”

APS (American Pain Society) Bulletin (on previous edition)

“This book should be on the bookshelf of anyone who treats patients with chronic pain, anyone who is called upon to assess patients for pain, and anyone who has to teach others how to properly monitor pain states. I would recommend that this book be available to all students, interns, and residents in training programs as a reference when they have patients with pain.”

Psychosomatics (on previous edition)

“Extremely useful both for researchers and clinicians….Researchers might use it to find new useful measurement instruments or review the latest research on these means of assessment. Clinicians from many specialties may find the book useful for learning more about assessing and understanding the pain their patients may be experiencing. This book is recommended for all kinds of medical libraries, from clinical and hospital libraries to academic research libraries.”


“This is the authoritative reference on pain assessment, and has been since the first edition. The Handbook integrates the rapidly growing body of assessment research into a single manageable volume. It reminds us that identifying and measuring meaningful behavioral outcomes—assessing the patient and not just the pain—is the key to the process. The third edition covers new instruments, methods, and procedures, as well as the latest refinements of older instruments. Importantly, it also cautions us not to blindly accept any measure, even the most technical and face-valid. A 'must have' for health care professionals and students.”

—Beverly E. Thorn, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, University of Alabama

“There is simply no other text or resource that so thoroughly defines the current status of pain assessment. This book is critical to understanding that we do have tools that can help us to objectify the pain experience, even though we are still without a pain ‘meter’ to measure the subjective level of a person’s suffering. With careful assessment, a more effective pain therapy regimen can be created. The importance of assessing the biopsychosocial factors that contribute to the pain experience is still undervalued and underutilized. This well-written, easy-to-read volume from some of the most eminent specialists in the field should be required reading for all health professionals who come into contact with people in pain.”

—Margaret Caudill-Slosberg, MD, PhD, MPH, Departments of Anesthesiology and Community and Family Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School

Table of Contents


1. The Measurement of Pain and the Assessment of People Experiencing Pain, Dennis C. Turk and Ronald Melzack

I. Self-Report Measures of Pain

2. Self-Report Scales and Procedures for Assessing Pain in Adults, Mark P. Jensen and Paul Karoly

3. The McGill Pain Questionnaire: Development, Psychometric Properties, and Usefulness of the Long Form, Short Form, and Short Form–2, Joel Katz and Ronald Melzack

4. Psychosocial Assessment: Comprehensive Measures and Measures Specific to Pain Beliefs and Coping, Douglas E. DeGood and Andrew J. Cook

5. Assessment of Couples and Families with Chronic Pain, Joan M. Romano, Annmarie Cano, and Karen B. Schmaling

II. Measures of Pain Not Dependent on Self-Report

6. The Facial Expression of Pain, Kenneth D. Craig, Kenneth M. Prkachin, and Ruth E. Grunau

7. Assessment of Pain Behaviors, Francis J. Keefe, Tamara J. Somers, David A. Williams, and Suzanne J. Smith

8. Psychophysiological and Neuroimaging Measures in the Assessment of Patients with Chronic Pain, Herta Flor and Patric Meyer

9. Quantification of Function in Chronic Low Back Pain, Peter B. Polatin, Whitney E. Worzer, Emily Brede, and Robert J. Gatchel

10. Assessment of Patients with Chronic Pain: A Comprehensive Approach, Dennis C. Turk and James P. Robinson

III. Assessment of Special Populations

11. Assessment of Pain in Infants, Children, and Adolescents, Danielle A. Ruskin, Khush A. Amaria, Fay F. Warnock, and Patricia A. McGrath

12. Assessment of Pain in Older Persons, Lynn R. Gauthier and Lucia Gagliese

13. Assessment of Pain in Adults and Children with Limited Ability to Communicate, Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, Lynn M. Breau, and Kenneth D. Craig

IV. Assessment of Specific Pain Conditions and Syndromes

14. Assessment of Acute Pain, Pain Relief, and Patient Satisfaction, Shawn T. Mason, James A. Fauerbach, and Jennifer A. Haythornthwaite

15. Clinical Assessment of Low Back Pain, Paul J. Watson

16. Assessment of Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Myofascial Pain Syndromes, and Whiplash-Associated Disorders, James P. Robinson and Dennis C. Turk

17. Assessment of Neuropathic Pain, Ian Gilron, Nadine Attal, Didier Bouhassira, and Robert H. Dworkin

18. Assessment of Headaches, Frank Andrasik, Dawn C. Buse, and Alyssa Lettich

19. Assessment of Patients with Cancer-Related Pain, Karen O. Anderson

V. Special Issues and Applications

20. Assessment of Psychiatric Disorders, Mark D. Sullivan and Jennifer Brennan Braden

21. Disability Evaluation in Painful Conditions, James P. Robinson

22. The Importance of Biopsychosocial Screening before Surgical Intervention or Opioid Therapy for Patients with Chronic Pain, Robert J. Gatchel

23. Assessment of Chronic Pain in Epidemiological and Health Services Research: Empirical Bases and New Directions, Michael Von Korff

24. Assessment of Pain and Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Pain Clinical Trials, Alec B. O’Connor and Robert H. Dworkin


25. Trends and Future Directions, Dennis C. Turk and Ronald Melzack

About the Editors

Dennis C. Turk, PhD, is the John and Emma Bonica Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Research and Director of the Center for Pain Research on Impact, Measurement, and Effectiveness at the University of Washington School of Medicine. His research focuses on the assessment and treatment of a range of chronic pain conditions, clinical trial design, comparative effectiveness research, subgroup identification and treatment matching, and coping and adaptation. Dr. Turk is a recipient of the John C. Liebeskind Award for Career Contribution to Pain Research from the American Academy of Pain Management and the Wilbert E. Fordyce Clinical Investigator Award from the American Pain Society.

Ronald Melzack, PhD, until his death in 2019, was Professor Emeritus of Psychology at McGill University in Québec, Canada. Dr. Melzack developed the McGill Pain Questionnaire, the world's most widely used measurement tool for research on pain in human subjects. In recognition of his breakthrough research on pain, Dr. Melzack was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada and received the Prix du Québec for research in pure and applied science. Among numerous awards, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, was honoured with a Killam Prize, and earned the Grawemeyer Award for Psychology. In 2009, he was inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame.


Karen O. Anderson, PhD, Department of Symptom Research, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Khush A. Amaria, PhD, Divisional Center for Pain Management and Pain Research, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Frank Andrasik, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee

Nadine Attal, MD, PhD, Center of Evaluation and Treatment Doleur, Hospital Ambroise Pare, Boulogne, France

Didier Bouhassira, MD, PhD, Center of Evaluation and Treatment Doleur, Hospital Ambroise Pare, Boulogne, France

Lynn M. Breau, PhD, School of Nursing, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Emily Brede, RN, Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas

Jennifer Brennan Braden, MD, MPH, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Dawn C. Buse, PhD, Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and Clinical Health Psychology Doctoral Program, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University, Bronx, New York

Annmarie Cano, PhD, Department of Psychology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan

Andrew J. Cook, PhD, Mental Health and Behavioral Medicine, Olin E. Teague VA Medical Center, Central Texas Veterans Health Care System, Temple, Texas

Kenneth D. Craig, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Douglas E. DeGood, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

Robert H. Dworkin, PhD, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York

James A. Fauerbach, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Herta Flor, PhD, Department of Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience, Central Institute of Mental Health, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany

Lucia Gagliese, PhD, Department of Anesthesia, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Robert J. Gatchel, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas

Lynn R. Gauthier, PhD, Behavioral Sciences and Health Research Division, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ian Gilron, MD, MSc, Department of Anesthesiology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Ruth E. Grunau, PhD, Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Jennifer A. Haythornthwaite, PhD, Center for Mind-Body Research, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

Mark P. Jensen, PhD, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Paul Karoly, PhD, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

Joel Katz, PhD, Department of Psychology, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Francis J. Keefe, PhD, Department of Medical Psychology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina

Alyssa Lettich, MD, Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York

Shawn T. Mason, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Patricia A. McGrath, PhD, Divisional Center for Pain Management and Pain Research, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario,


Ronald Melzack, PhD, Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Patric Meyer, PhD, Department of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany

Alec B. O'Connor, MD, MPH, Department of Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York

Peter B. Polatin, MD, The Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Victims of Torture, Copenhagen, Denmark

Kenneth M. Prkachin, PhD, Psychology Program, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

James P. Robinson, MD, PhD, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Joan M. Romano, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Danielle A. Ruskin, PhD, Divisional Center for Pain Management and Pain Research, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Karen B. Schmaling, PhD, Office of the Dean, College of Health and Human Services, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina

Suzanne J. Smith, PhD, Nicholas School of the Environment, Durham, North Carolina

Tamara J. Somers, PhD, Department of Medical Psychology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina

Mark D. Sullivan, MD, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Dennis C. Turk, PhD, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Michael Von Korff, ScD, Center for Health Studies, Group Health Coop of Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington

Fay F. Warnock, PhD, School of Nursing, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Paul J. Watson, PhD, PCSP, Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester, Gwendolen Road, Leicester, United Kingdom

David A. Williams, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann, Arbor, Michigan

Whitney E. Worzer, MA, Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas


Clinical and health psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, counselors, and nurses; pain medicine and rehabilitation specialists; public health professionals; researchers in these fields.

Course Use

May serve as a text in graduate-level courses.
Previous editions published by Guilford:

Second Edition, © 2001
ISBN: 9781572304888

First Edition, © 1992
ISBN: 9780898628838
New to this edition: