Product Cover

Handbook of Treatment for Eating Disorders

Second Edition

Edited by David M. Garner and Paul E. Garfinkel

April 18, 1997
ISBN 9781572301863
Price: $99.00
528 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"

In this seminal work, leading clinicians and researchers present the major treatments for eating disorders, including cognitive-behavioral, educational, psychodynamic, feminist, family-based, and medical approaches. Therapeutic approaches are described in step-by-step detail and illustrated with extensive case material. Several chapters function as self-contained treatment manuals, enabling practitioners to easily learn and implement each model, as well as adapt it to suit the needs of individual patients. The volume also covers diagnosis, assessment, sequencing of treatments, and ways to manage frequently encountered co-occurring problems.

“The chapters are very well referenced and are written by experts who are both clinicians and researchers, which gives readers exceptional insight into the specific therapy being described. Each chapter includes case studies and excerpts of therapist-client dialogue that bring the therapies to life....Especially helpful are the treatment plan and protocols included as appendixes[sic] to specific chapters....This text is a powerful handbook of substantiated treatment approaches.”

Journal of the American Dietetic Association

“The book edited by these authors in 1985 on the treatment of eating disorders was the standard at that time. This new volume, which has contributions by the leading authorities in each field, is a worthy successor. It is an important new reference and is likely to be the new standard for the field of eating disorders.”

—Walter H. Kaye, MD, Director, Eating Disorder Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh

“Written by an internationally renowned group of experts, this state-of-the-art compendium is an essential companion for clinicians working with eating disorders.”

—David B. Herzog, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital Research

The Handbook of Treatments for Eating Disorders is a stunning achievement. The editors have assembled a group of the world's leading authorities to provide us with a volume that simultaneously presents the broadest range of contemporary biological, psychological, and social perspectives for understanding and dealing with these complex disorders, and with the depth and sophistication that each subject deserves. Novices and experienced practitioners alike will find a great deal to value and re-read. In these pages you will find considerable scholarship, wisdom and experience, and a great deal of down-to-earth practical advice and information on assessment and treatment. Several of the chapters are virtual treatment manuals, offering detailed, step-by-step guidance for practitioners. All mental health professionals will be well served by studying these chapters. Not only will this information provide substantial benefits in helping patients with eating disorders, but readers can expect that the positive carryover of these lessons to almost all other areas of clinical concern will be enormous.”

—Joel Yager, MD, Professor and Vice Chair for Education, University of New Mexico School of Medicine; Professor Emeritus, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute; President-Elect, Academy for Eating Disorders; Editor-in-Chief, Eating Disorders Review

“...remarkable....this handbook is particularly valuable for professionals wanting state-of-the-art information as well as for newcomers needing authoritative overviews. The 30 chapters are all well grounded in research and written primarily by clinicians on the cutting edge of the treatment research literature. ...Superb chapter references. 'Must reading' for professionals and general health care practitioners.”

—R. Kabatznick, Choice

Table of Contents

I. The Context for Treatment

1. Historical Perpective on Anorexia Nervosa, 1689-1936, Silverman

2. The History of Bulimia Nervosa, Russell

3. Diagnostic Issues, Walsh and Garner

4. Assessment, Crowther and Sherwood

5. Sequencing and Integration of Treatments, Garner and Needleman

II. Cognitive-Behavioral and Educational Approaches

6. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa, Wilson, Fairburn, and Agras

7. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa, Garner, Vitousek, and Pike

8. Psychoeducational Principles in Treatment, Garner

9. Nutritional Counseling and Supervised Exercise, P. J. V. Beumont, C. C. Beumont, Touyz, and Williams

10. Cognitive-Behavioral Body Image Therapy, Rosen

III. Psychodynamic, Feminst, and Family Approaches

11. Self Psychology, Goodsitt

12. Consultation and Therapeutic Engagement in Severe Anorexia Nervosa, Strober

13. Anorexia Nervosa as Flight from Growth, Crisp

14. Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Bulimia Nervosa, Fairburn

15. The Etiology and Treatment of Body Image Disturbance, Kearney-Cooke and Striegel-Moore

16. Family Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa, Dare and Eisler

IV. Hospital and Drug Treatments

17. Inpatient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, Andersen, Bowers, and Evans

18. Partial Hospitalization, Kaplan and Olmsted

19. Behavioral Treatment to Promote Weight Gain in Anorexia Nervosa, Touyz and Beumont

20. Drug Therapies, Garfinkel and Walsh

V. Special Topics in Treatment

21. Managing Medical Complications, Mitchell, Pomeroy, and Adson

22. Sexual Abuse and Other Forms of Trauma, Fallon and Wonderlich

23. Management of Substance Abuse and Dependence, Mitchell, Specker, and Edmonson

24. Management of Patients with Comorbid Medical Conditions, Powers

25. Treatment of Patients with Personality Disorders, Dennis and Sansone

26. Addressing Treatment Refusal in Anorexia Nervosa, Goldner, Birmingham, and Smye

27. Group Psychotherapy, Polivy and Federoff

28. Prepubertal Eating Disorders, Lask and Bryant-Waugh

29. Adapting Treatment for Patients with Binge-Eating Disorder, Marcus

30. Self-Help and Guided Self-Help for Binge-Eating Problems, Fairburn and Carter

About the Editors

David M. Garner, Ph.D., is the Director of the Toledo Center for Eating Disorders, a Staff Member of the Toledo Hospital, Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Bowling Green State University and Adjunct Professor of Women's Studies at the University of Toledo. He is a Founding Member of the Academy for Eating Disorders, a scientific consultant for the National Screening Program for Eating Disorders, and a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Eating Disorders.

Paul E. Garfinkel, M.D., is Professor and Chair of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and the President and Psychiatrist-in-Chief of the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry. He has been a consultant to the National Institute of Mental Health, the Medical Research Council of Canada and an examiner for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and has been elected to the Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada.


A wide range of mental health and healthcare professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, nutritionists, nurses, and physicians in primary medicine, as well as students in these areas.

Serves as a primary text for courses on eating disorders and graduate seminars on treatment techniques for eating disorders.

Course Use

Serves as a primary text for courses on eating disorders and graduate seminars on treatment techniques for eating disorders.
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