Product Cover

Help for Struggling Readers

Strategies for Grades 3-8

Michael C. McKenna

A Paperback Original
A Paperback Original
April 17, 2002
ISBN 9781572307605
Price: $36.00
200 Pages
Size: 8½" x 11"

This practical book presents an array of research-based instructional strategies for use with struggling readers in the upper-elementary and middle grades. It is filled with proven ideas for engaging students and developing the key components of successful reading: vocabulary, comprehension, word recognition, and fluency. Each chapter reviews techniques for working on specific skills, provides needed materials and teacher-friendly instructional tips, and lists suggestions for further reading. The book's utility is enhanced by its convenient 8½“ x 11” format and numerous reproducible charts, graphic organizer templates, and activities.

Table of Contents


Understanding Struggling Readers

A Stage Perspective

Three Struggling Readers

Assessment and Instruction

Design of This Volume

Section 1. Decoding Strategies

Guiding Principles of Teaching Decoding

Phonics in the Upper Grades

Tape-Recorded Text

Electronic Books

Section 2. Fluency Strategies

Guiding Principles of Teaching Fluency

Effective Fluency Methods

Classwide Peer Tutoring

Self-Selected Reading

Section 3. Vocabulary Strategies

Guiding Principles of Teaching Vocabulary

Feature Analysis

Graphic Organizers Semantic Maps

Vocabulary Venns

Semantic Scales


Concept Sorts

Vocabulary Clusters

Silly Questions

Possible Sentences

Section 4. Comprehension Lesson Formats

Guiding Principles of Teaching Reading Comprehension

Directed Reading Activity

Directed Reading\n-Thinking Activity



Section 5. Questioning Strategies

Levels of Questions

Question\n-Answer Relationships

Between the Lines (Inferential Reproducibles)

Question Clusters

Reciprocal Questioning

Questioning the Author

Section 6. Other Comprehension Strategies

Specific Skill Approaches




Teaching with Analogies

Charting New Territory

Guiding Notes

Reading Guides

Anticipation Guides

Reciprocal Teaching

Guided Reading in Textual Settings

Summary Writing

Cloze Venns



20 More Ideas for Inferential Comprehension

Section 7. Suggested Professional Resources


About the Author

Michael C. McKenna, PhD, was Thomas G. Jewell Professor of Reading in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia until his death in 2016. He authored, coauthored, or edited more than 20 books and over 100 articles, chapters, and technical reports on a range of literacy topics. Dr. McKenna also served as Series Editor, with Sharon Walpole, of The Essential Library of PreK–2 Literacy. His research was sponsored by the National Reading Research Center and the Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement. He was a corecipient of the Edward B. Fry Book Award from the Literacy Research Association and the Award for Outstanding Academic Books from the American Library Association, and a member of the Reading Hall of Fame.


Elementary and middle-school teachers, reading professionals, and undergraduate- and graduate-level students of education.

Serves as a supplemental text in advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses in reading instruction, language arts methods, content area literacy, literacy foundations, and elementary and middle-school literacy methods.

Course Use

Serves as a supplemental text in advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses in reading instruction, language arts methods, content area literacy, literacy foundations, and elementary and middle-school literacy methods.