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Innovations in Literacy Professional Learning

Strengthening Equity, Access, and Sustainability

Edited by Dana A. Robertson, Leigh A. Hall, and Cynthia H. Brock

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
February 2, 2023
ISBN 9781462551309
Price: $62.00
276 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
February 14, 2023
ISBN 9781462551293
Price: $41.00
276 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
January 23, 2023
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Price: $41.00
276 Pages
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276 Pages
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Professional learning (PL) opportunities are essential for PreK–12 literacy educators, but too often these efforts fail to help teachers develop and deeply engage with their work. This forward-looking book describes keys to providing effective, sustainable literacy PL that values teachers over test scores and capitalizes on social networks and communities. The volume presents case studies of transformational initiatives tailored to culturally and linguistically diverse populations of teachers and students, varying school resources, urban or rural settings, and other factors. Issues of access and equity are emphasized throughout the book's discussions of innovative in-person, hybrid, and remote PL models. The companion website features 11 brief videos in which chapter authors provide engaging commentary on their respective topics.

“True to its title, this book conveys leading-edge ideas. It offers practical ideas for PL that ensures teachers and students alike are supported to learn and to sustain their learning. The book emphasizes that teachers must continually evaluate and grow their instructional practice through just-right, just-at-the-right-time learning experiences. It shares insights that will make such professional growth a reality. This powerful work is a major contribution to the development of teacher learning.”

—Diane Lapp, EdD, Distinguished Professor of Education, San Diego State University; instructional coach, Health Sciences High and Middle College

“This book shows the power of educators working together. When teachers and school leaders collaborate to find solutions for student literacy, students win!”

—Wayne Tuttle, MEd, Assistant Principal, Kelly Walsh High School, Casper, Wyoming

“From editors and contributors who have successfully implemented PL in a variety of contexts, the book offers detailed insights into issues of equity and sustainability. Readers learn about a range of practices drawing on the role of cognitive access, contextual fit, and agency to address challenges and opportunities associated with PL. This book could be used for graduate-level courses in literacy coaching and supervision. Courses on professional development/learning would benefit from the book, as it takes a wide lens on the overall concepts associated with PL.”

—Virginia J. Goatley, PhD, Interim Dean, School of Education, University at Albany, State University of New York

“In my 30 years of research and involvement in PL, there have been many well-intentioned changes to PL practices—most of them linked to accountability, accreditation, and mandates. Teachers have lacked opportunities to improve their knowledge and pedagogy based on their own understanding of what they and their students need. This book is a breath of fresh air! School, district, and community leaders grappling with the complexities of literacy learning today will find numerous innovative ideas that resonate with their contexts and challenges.”

—Jan B. Turbill, PhD, School of Education, University of Wollongong, Australia

“This volume takes seriously the importance of planning and delivering highly contextual PL for literacy teachers. Resisting the tendency to standardize, commercialize, and scale up PL, the editors and contributors demonstrate the imperative to understand and value the uniqueness of each context and the range of people in it. The adaptive expertise of teachers shines through. The book shows that when literacy PL is personalized, the outcomes are heightened levels of innovation, teacher agency, and sustainability. School leaders, department heads, early-career teachers, and student teachers will see themselves and others in one or more of the case studies, and through that process will better recognize the multiple opportunities and pathways to improve students' learning.”

—Beryl Exley, PhD, School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Table of Contents

Introduction: Innovation, Equity, and Sustainability in Literacy Professional Learning, Dana A. Robertson & Cynthia H. Brock

I. Professional Learning as Reflexive Growth-in-Practice

1. Developing Adaptive Expertise to Support Effective Professional Learning, Deidre M. Le Fevre

2. Innovative Hybrid Professional Learning at Redmond Mountain High School, Cynthia H. Brock, Leigh A. Hall, Erin E. Silcox, & Jeff Makelky sample

3. Professional Learning Designed to Cultivate Continuous Learning and Innovation, Cynthia L. Greenleaf, Mira-Lisa Katz, Mary Stump, & Gayle Cribb

4. Enhancing Secondary Teachers’ Opportunities to Learn about Comprehension in Culturally Sustaining Ways, Sarah M. Lupo, Dianna R. Townsend, & Rachel Knecht

5. Situated Professional Learning through Targeted Reading Instruction: Building Teacher Capacity and Diagnostic Practice, Steven J. Amendum, Heather H. Aiken, Mary Bratsch-Hines, & Leslie M. Babinski

6. Teacher Agency and Sustainable Learning through Literacy Coaching with Teachers of Adolescents Who Are Emergent Bi- and Multilingual Students, Jennifer Sharples Reichenberg

II. Professional Learning in/through/with Social Networks and Communities

7. Equitable, Accessible, and Sustainable Professional Learning That Makes a Difference: The Case of the Aboriginal Reading Project, Pauline Harris

8. Whole-Community Early Literacy Improvement: K-3 Academic Vocabulary Instruction, Susan V. Piazza, Sarah Summy, & Robert Herrera

9. Using Digital Tools to Promote Teacher Agency and Enhance Teacher Professional Learning, Lauren Breckenridge Padesky, Dana A. Robertson, Alexis Barney, & Noelle Clark

10. Innovations in Elementary Literacy Coaching: Sustaining Coaching Practices in Virtual Spaces, Jacy Ippolito, Rita M. Bean, & Kristine Sacha

11. How Micro-Courses Shape Teachers’ Perceptions, Engagement, and Learning in Professional Development, Leigh A. Hall

Epilogue. Creating Professional Learning That Works: Lessons for Going Forward. Leigh A. Hall


About the Editors

Dana A. Robertson, EdD, is Associate Professor of Reading and Literacy in the School of Education at Virginia Tech. He is a former elementary classroom teacher, literacy specialist, and literacy coach, and conducts research focused on classroom discourse, reading and writing challenges, and literacy professional learning and whole-school literacy improvement. Prior to coming to Virginia Tech, Dr. Robertson was Executive Director of the Literacy Research Center and Clinic at the University of Wyoming. He was named an Emerging Scholar by the Reading Hall of Fame, is a frequent presenter at national and international conferences, was a collaborating author on the International Literacy Association’s Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals (2017), and serves as a board member-at-large for the International Literacy Association. His work has appeared in many journals and books of educational practice and research.

Leigh A. Hall, PhD, is Director of Research at Merlyn Mind in Fort Collins, Colorado, where she focuses on understanding and improving K–12 educators' experiences with AI technology in their classrooms. Previously, she was a Professor at the University of Wyoming, where she held the Wyoming Excellence in Higher Education Endowed Chair in Literacy Education. During her time in Wyoming, she focused on how teachers can work with diverse learners to improve their literacy instruction, and the role that technology can play in enhancing and supporting that instruction. Dr. Hall is a recipient of the Outstanding Dissertation award from the International Literacy Association and the Early Career Achievement Award and Edward B. Fry Book Award from the Literacy Research Association. She has published in leading journals of literacy research and practice.

Cynthia H. Brock, PhD, is Professor at the University of Wyoming, where she holds the Wyoming Excellence in Higher Education Endowed Chair in Literacy Education. Her scholarly research agenda centers on the study of opportunities for learning. Dr. Brock explores the literacy learning opportunities of elementary children from diverse cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds; she also explores ways to work with pre- and inservice teachers and administrators to foster children’s literacy learning opportunities. She has conducted qualitative research in cross-cultural contexts, including in the United States, Australia, England, Fiji, Thailand, Laos, Spain, Chile, and Costa Rica.


Heather H. Aiken, PhD, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Steven J. Amendum, PhD, School of Education, University of Delaware, Newark, DE

Leslie M. Babinski, PhD, Center for Child and Family Policy, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, Durham, NC

Alexis Barney, MS, NBCT, Tongue River Elementary School, Ranchester, WY

Rita M. Bean, PhD, School of Education (Emerita), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Mary Bratsch-Hines, PhD, Lastinger Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Cynthia H. Brock, PhD, Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

Noelle Clark, MS, NBCT, Evansville Elementary School, Casper, WY

Gayle Cribb, MA, Department of Literacy, WestEd, San Francisco, CA

Cynthia Greenleaf, PhD, Department of Reading Apprenticeship/Literacy, WestEd, San Francisco, CA

Leigh A. Hall, PhD, Merlyn Mind, Fort Collins, CO

Pauline Harris, EdD, Early Childhood Education Research, Education Futures, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia

Robert Herrera, PhD, Superintendent (retired), Farmington (Michigan) public schools, and Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

Jacy Ippolito, EdD, School of Education, Salem State University, Salem, MA

Mira-Lisa Katz, PhD, Department of Learning and Technology, WestEd, San Francisco, CA

Rachel Knecht, BA, doctoral student, College of Education and Human Development, University of Nevada, Reno, NV

Deidre M. Le Fevre, PhD, Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Sarah M. Lupo, PhD, Department of Middle, Secondary, and Math Education, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

Jeff Makelky, MA, Principal, Big Piney High School, Big Piney, WY

Lauren Breckenridge Padesky, PhD, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN

Susan V. Piazza, EdD, Department of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

Jennifer Sharples Reichenberg, PhD, Department of Elementary Education, Literacy, and Educational Leadership, State University of New York, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY

Dana A. Robertson, EdD, School of Education, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Kristine Sacha, MA, Akron Public Schools, Akron, OH

Erin E. Silcox, MA, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

Mary Stump, MA, Department of Reading Apprenticeship, WestEd, San Francisco, CA

Sarah Summy, EdD, Department of Special Education and Literacy Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

Dianna R. Townsend, EdD, Department of Literacy Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV


K–12 literacy leaders, coaches, and specialists; staff developers; school principals; teacher educators and graduate students.

Course Use

May serve as a supplemental text in such courses as Literacy Coaching and Administration and Supervision of Literacy Programs.