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Introduction to Neuropsychology

Second Edition

J. Graham Beaumont

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
May 21, 2008
ISBN 9781593850685
Price: $75.00
382 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
2-Page Color Insert
March 1, 2011
PDF and ePub ?
Price: $75.00
382 Pages
2-Page Color Insert
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382 Pages
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This outstanding text gives students a solid grounding in clinical and experimental neuropsychology. The author is a leading authority whose engaging writing style and thorough yet concise coverage of brain localization, anatomy, and their links to cognitive function make the book ideal for undergraduate or graduate use. It is illustrated with more than 60 figures, including six color plates.

“Particularly impressive is the coverage of theoretical models of cognitive neuroscience, a unique aspect of the text. An additional exceptional aspect of this book is the reporting on experimental neuropsychology, an often neglected area in many introductory neuropsychology texts. The book also provides excellent coverage of the various types of aphasias, the Glasgow Coma Scale, and states of consciousness....Students will benefit from the unique synthesis of clinical and experimental information found in the second edition of Introduction to Neuropsychology. In presenting such information in a comprehensive yet accessible format, Dr. Beaumont succeeds in improving on his already-solid first edition.”

Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology

“This book is an excellent introductory text. It is clearly written, with humor and many interesting comments. All the striking neuropsychological syndromes are lucidly described, and students will know that they are learning from a true expert with over 30 years of experience to draw on. The new chapters on imaging, degenerative conditions, profound forms of brain injury, and psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, as well as the increased focus on rehabilitation, are valuable additions which students will find fascinating. While the text will be particularly valuable for graduate students specializing in clinical neuropsychology, beginners in the field also will find it useful and accessible.”

—Andrew Mayes, DPhil, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

“The superb first edition of Introduction to Neuropsychology has been prominently displayed on my bookshelf and used in my teaching. Covering both clinical and experimental applications, this book provides what I have always found to be the best approach for teaching students the art and science of neuropsychological assessment. The second edition retains all of the good qualities of its predecessor and adds key advances in the clinical neurosciences, including brain imaging. This highly readable text constitutes an essential overview of the field, and I plan on using it in my Introduction to Human Neuropsychology course.”

—Erin D. Bigler, PhD, Department of Psychology, Brigham Young University

“Beaumont produced a classic with his first edition. The second edition continues the tradition while presenting a comprehensive, well-balanced, and accessible introduction to modern clinical neuropsychology. It provides an overview of syndromes, symptoms, methods, and commonly used techniques. This book sets a new standard for neuropsychology texts.”

—Antonio E. Puente, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

1. The Discipline of Neuropsychology

2. The Structure of the Central Nervous System

II. Clinical Studies

3. The Frontal Lobes

4. The Temporal Lobes

5. The Parietal Lobes

6. The Occipital Lobes

7. Language

8. Degenerative Diseases and Profound Brain Injury

9. The Subcortex and Psychosurgery

III. Experimental Studies

10. Split Brains and Dual Minds

11. Divided Visual Field Studies

12. Dichotic Listening

13. Electrophysiology and Imaging

14. Individual Differences: Gender and Handedness

IV. Applications

15. Neuropsychological Practice

16. Neuropsychiatry and Neuropsychology

About the Author

J. Graham Beaumont, PhD, CPsychol, FBPsS, is Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology at the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability in Putney, London, United Kingdom. Widely published, Professor Beaumont is a past Honorary General Secretary of the British Psychological Society and Chair of the Division of Neuropsychology, and holds an Honorary Chair at Roehampton University, London. He was formerly a Reader and Associate Dean for Combined Science at the University of Leicester and Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology at Swansea University.


Instructors and students in neuropsychology and clinical neuroscience; also of interest to clinicians.

Course Use

Will serve as a primary text in introductory neuropsychology courses at the advanced undergraduate or graduate level.
Previous editions published by Guilford:

First Edition, © 1983
ISBN: 9780898625158
New to this edition: