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Latino Families in Therapy

Second Edition

Celia Jaes Falicov

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
November 11, 2013
ISBN 9781462512515
Price: $56.00
484 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
April 10, 2015
ISBN 9781462522323
Price: $37.00
484 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
November 11, 2013
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Price: $37.00
484 Pages
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"As family therapists and first-generation Latino/a immigrant scholars, we have experienced Falicov’s work to be profoundly inspiring and enlightening for our personal and professional lives and identities...."   read more »
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy

This acclaimed work—now in an extensively revised second edition—provides an up-to-date conceptual framework and hands-on strategies for culturally competent clinical practice with Latino families and individuals. Practitioners and students gain an understanding of the family dynamics, migration experiences, ecological stressors, and cultural resources that are frequently shared by Latino families, as well as variations among them. Through many in-depth case illustrations, the author shows how to apply a multicultural and social justice lens to assessment and intervention that draw on each client's strengths. Creative ideas are presented for addressing frequently encountered clinical issues and challenges at all stages of the family life cycle.

New to This Edition

“This is still one of the few practice based books on the familial impact of migration in Latinos with extensive case examples and figures illustrating practice tools based on Falicov’s model. This book bridges the gap between the context and culture of clients and clinicians by including migration, cultural factors, and socio-political context into clinical practice. Falicov’s writing is very relatable and many readers may recognize aspects of their own migration experience, as I have, through her model and examples, regardless of nationality. I have used her book successfully in my family therapy courses and recommend it for students, clinicians, and supervisors looking for an integrative framework for conceptualizing and working with Latino families in the US.”

The Family Psychologist

“The greatest value of the book lies within the Multidimensional Ecosystemic Comparative Approach model and the multiple clinical vignettes. The model itself transcends particular schools of psychotherapy with an intense focus on culture, context, and social justice….Clinicians will appreciate the multiple contextual and family dimension Falicov illuminates. Moreover, the model offers powerful ideas for teaching concepts of social justice, migration and acculturation, and family systems. Educators will appreciate the multiple family cases that offer rich learning experiences for students who are developing awareness of the importance of culture and context. I strongly recommend that any professionals working with transnational families, especially Latino families, or any educators wishing to teach students how to work with migrant populations read this book.”

Family Medicine

“The content in the new edition has been expanded and reorganized to provide a more detailed explanation of the culturally focused and strength-based MECA framework (Multidimensional Ecosystemic Comparative Approach). MECA constitutes one of the most comprehensive theoretical models for guiding prevention programs and clinical practice with Latino families….Falicov's book provides concrete and highly applicable insights for professionals working with Latino families in diverse and complex sociocultural settings. This is accomplished through detailed case examples, which are complemented with culturally relevant resources and tools focused on important themes such as immigration, the process of acculturation, family organization, and the family life cycle as influenced by cultural and contextual factors. A unique strength of Latino Families in Therapy is its usefulness to family therapy students, seasoned practitioners, and researchers. Although informed by highly relevant cultural scholarship and research, Falicov presents all key concepts in clear and applicable ways….A notable strength of the book is evidenced by Falicov's determination to debunk deleterious myths and stereotypes associated with Latinos….She also brings a balanced perspective by encouraging clinicians to consider multiple viewpoints and avoid pathologizing individuals and families….As family therapists and first-generation Latino/a immigrant scholars, we have experienced Falicov’s work to be profoundly inspiring and enlightening for our personal and professional lives and identities.”

Journal of Marital and Family Therapy

“Falicov has addressed the subject of Latino families with mucho respeto and personalismo....Falicov's contribution goes beyond an approach to working with Latino families to be a very helpful guide to work with any family in therapy. This book is a great reference for all practicing family therapists, regardless of orientation, and a valuable text for graduate and post-graduate couples and family therapy education and training.”

Journal of Family Psychotherapy (on the first edition)

“Falicov's writing style is informative, easy to read, and not overloaded with academic jargon. What makes this book so fascinating are the many case presentations….Falicov has artfully put into words many of the nuances of Latino culture, and Latino Families in Therapy is well worth its price.”

Family Medicine (on the first edition)

“It is rare to find a family therapy book that you cannot stop reading. Latino Families in Therapy qualifies with honors....Throughout the book, the reader will find a rich account of how therapists construe the Latino experience and how therapy works as a cultural context.... Falicov has given us a presente. I encourage you to open it, taste it, devour it, and say muchas gracias.”

Journal of Systemic Therapies (on the first edition)

“Although Falicov...gears her book to those interested in Latino families, its message is critical to any student, researcher, or professional who studies or encounters people from another culture....Falicov includes numerous case examples that illustrate the practice of a pluralistic approach that is readily generalized to human interaction beyond the realm of mental health. Upper-division undergraduates through professionals.”

Choice Reviews (on the first edition)

“Both Falicov's approaches and her writing are culturally sensitive, humane, and respectful of differences....Incorporating her model or some of her suggested techniques into one's teaching and clinical practice will go a long way towards preventing cultural misunderstandings in treatment....Falicov has imbued culturally sensitive therapeutic practice with a new richness, encouraging therapists to delve into an invaluable therapeutic approach that, for all its complexity, remains straightforward and accessible.”

Journal of Feminist Family Therapy (on the first edition)

“Eloquently written and full of creative practice ideas, Latino Families in Therapy provides rich templates for therapists and others no matter what kind of cross-cultural work one does. Falicov's multidimensional ecosystemic comparative approach (MECA) defines culture with nuance, helping readers to understand the importance of a comparative approach to culture and integrating cultural awareness into all aspects of therapeutic work regardless of theoretical orientation….Uniquely, the book demonstrates throughout how to learn culture-specific competencies using popular media, films and books, and understanding cultural values and themes, while highlighting that cultural humility on the part of professionals is key to developing cultural competencies….Once you start reading Latino Families in Therapy it is hard to put it down. Dr. Falicov intertwines clinical wisdom, new theories, and the latest scholarship. Each page pulls you into incisive ideas. I found myself writing notes for upcoming sessions with clients and underlining key practice reflections (which are in each chapter) for future training. The book has the term therapy in its title, but it is an extremely helpful resource for anyone working with immigrants, including teachers, nurses, doctors, translators, and social service providers….Essentially a new book…at 484 pages, it is 180 pages longer than the first edition (published in 1998) and case examples and theories from the first book have been significantly reworked….To enter into Celia Falicov's writing is to enter into the world of a passionate woman with a brilliant mind and eye….One could not ask for a more creative thinker and guide.”

Journal of Family Therapy

“Falicov has outdone herself with the second edition of Latino Families in Therapy. She deftly guides therapists working with Latino families through the complexities and intersectionalities of this work. The volume's clarity makes it highly accessible to therapists-in-training, while its clinical wisdom and conceptual depth make it delectable for the most seasoned researcher, theoretician, or therapist. An essential addition to the libraries of those involved in multicultural clinical practice, by the best in the field.”

—Carola Suárez-Orozco, PhD, Co-Director, Institute of Immigrant Children, Youth, and Families, University of California, Los Angeles

“The second edition of this groundbreaking text updates Falicov's stellar contributions to understanding the interplay of culture and immigration as they play out in the therapy process. Falicov's vast experience as a clinician is evident in her examples of concrete interventions. This edition incorporates insights about the impact of the recent immigration landscape and the consequent transformations of family life. I look forward to using this text in my courses on gender and immigration for doctoral students in psychology.”

—Oliva M. Espin, PhD, Professor Emerita, San Diego State University and California School of Professional Psychology of Alliant International University

“A feast for our minds and hearts, this rich volume challenges our field's truisms and offers carefully crafted concepts to enlarge our thinking. Falicov invites us to embrace complexity with a framework that is created for Latino families yet applicable to all families. She generously weaves her own life experiences as an immigrant with the moving stories of those whose lives she has masterfully touched, providing a profound balance of the personal and the professional that is so needed in our work. I can't wait to use this book with my graduate and postgraduate students in family therapy.”

—Evan Imber-Black, PhD, Professor and Program Director, Marriage and Family Therapy Master's Program, Mercy College

“Broad in scope, the book encompasses the process of immigration, the encounter of two cultures, the ecology of the immigrant family, family organization, the family life cycle, and specific aspects of therapy, illustrated with examples of clients treated by the author. As a family therapist born and raised in Argentina, I was surprised and humbled by the many new things I learned about my own migratory process and about the cultures I thought I knew well. This second edition is essential reading for everybody who is working, or plans to work, with this growing and varied population.”

—Salvador Minuchin, MD

“Falicov methodically deepens the reader’s understanding of Latino families and culture, with sensitivity and depth of knowledge. Her scholarship is articulated with precision, keen observation, and penetrating insight. Offering an approach that integrates the cultural and sociopolitical issues that affect Latino families, the book guides the clinician to develop culturally sensitive assessments and practical interventions. Falicov's writing is notable for its eloquence, theoretical sophistication, clinical utility, and cultural authority. This is an indispensable text for graduate-level courses in clinical psychology, family therapy, and cultural diversity.”

—Salvador D. Treviño, PhD, Director, Practicum in PsyD Program, Antioch University Santa Barbara

Table of Contents


I. Overview

1. MECA: A Meeting Place for Culture and Therapy

2. Latino Diversity: Contexts and Cultures

II. Migration and Acculturation

3. Journeys of Migration: Losses and Gains

4. Transnational Therapies: Separations and Reunifications

5. The Second-Generation Identity Struggles: Roots and Wings

III. Ecological Contexts

6. Mental Health Disparities: The Need for Equal and Just Care

7. Religion, Spirituality, and Traditional Healing Practices

8. Racism, Ethnic Prejudice, and Discrimination

9. The Challenge of School and Work

IV. Family Organization

10. The Persistence of Extended Kin

11. Couples: Presenting Issues and Approaches

V. Family Life Cycle

12. Raising Children in Culture and Context

13. Adolescents and Parents Crossing Cultural Borders

14. Young, Middle, and Late Adulthood Transitions

VI. Conclusion

A Reflection: Finding Strengths

About the Author

Celia Jaes Falicov, PhD, is an internationally known family therapy author, teacher, and clinician. A clinical psychologist, she is Clinical Professor in the Department of Family and the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego, where she is also Director of Mental Health Services at the Student-Run Free Clinic. Past president of the American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA), Dr. Falicov is a Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and the American Orthopsychiatric Association and a recipient of AFTA’s Distinguished Contribution to Family Therapy Theory and Practice Award. She serves on the advisory boards of several family therapy journals. Dr. Falicov is well known for her writings on family transitions, migration, and cultural perspectives in family therapy practice and training. Her current work focuses on addressing the mental health care needs of underserved families, facilitating empowerment groups for Latino parents, and training medical students to take into account the impact of migration and culture on health risks and strengths.


Therapists and counselors working with families; instructors and students in family therapy, clinical psychology, psychiatry, social work, counseling, and nursing.

Course Use

Serves as a primary text in graduate-level courses on working with ethnic minority clients, or as a supplemental text in more general family therapy and psychotherapy courses.
Previous editions published by Guilford:

First Edition, © 1998
ISBN: 9781572305939
New to this edition: