Product Cover

Managing Challenging Behaviors in Schools

Research-Based Strategies That Work

Kathleen Lynne Lane, Holly Mariah Menzies, Allison L. Bruhn, and Mary Crnobori

A Paperback Original
A Paperback Original
September 29, 2010
ISBN 9781606239513
Price: $47.00
255 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"

Solidly grounded in research, this book provides an overview of tested, easy-to-implement strategies for preventing problem behavior in the classroom and responding effectively when it does occur. Part I focuses on prevention, discussing best practices in classroom management and instructional delivery. Part II covers more intensive interventions for students who require individualized behavior support. Chapters describe the use of behavioral contracts, self-monitoring, and functional assessment-based interventions. The authors' model is fully compatible with positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS) and response-to-intervention (RTI) frameworks. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes more than a dozen reproducible checklists, self-assessment tools, and planning forms. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.

See also Supporting Behavior for School Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Key Strategies, by Kathleen Lynne Lane et al., which provides a quick and easy guide to implementing seven effective low-intensity strategies in the classroom.

“Each section provides extensive practical application information, ready-to-use tools, and additional research-based resources....The strength of this book is that the research is briefly described in each section and an extensive list of additional resources is provided. This enables the reader to understand the research basis of the practical tools without poring through endless theory and research studies....The authors also describe interventions based on the three-tiered response-to-intervention model....Social workers could utilize this book to provide guidance and training in setting up effective classrooms. The checklists and self-assessments can assist social workers in consulting with teachers regarding classroom management difficulties.”

School Social Work Journal

“An in-depth and well structured guide to preventing and responding to problem behaviours in the classroom....The book layout is clear and easy to follow and each chapter provides a useful resources guide based on the prior content covered. Overall, this book would be especially helpful to people currently training to become teachers or other school based professionals.”

“These authors not only know the research on behavior change, but they also know how to use the research to design appropriate, evidence-based programs that can be reasonably implemented in the classroom. They know how to present these programs so that teachers can see that implementation is a reasonable goal. In other words, this book has excellent face validity as a usable but scientifically sound guide to designing classrooms and classroom programs for managing challenging behavior....The authors practice what they preach. The organization of the book uses the principles generally thought to lead to maximum learning....This book would be an excellent ancillary text for any course in classroom management....It should be on the bookshelf of every teacher looking for creative but proven approaches to classroom problems. Psychologists who consult with parents and teachers will also find it invaluable. Having mastered the behavior change research as well as the art of writing in an engaging and clear manner, the authors have provided us with a clear bridge between research and practice. I'll have this book with me the next time I meet with my colleague in the Education Department.”


“Using the best evidence from research and practice, this comprehensive book presents a wealth of information for managing challenging behavioral difficulties in schools. Readers learn how to systematically plan and deliver approaches that increase in intensity of support. The strategies are described in a step-by-step format, with consideration for different age groups of learners, so that both new and experienced teachers can immediately apply them in their classrooms. As a text, this book would be an excellent addition to any teacher education, educational administration, or school psychology training program. It will also be an extremely useful professional development resource.”

—Melody Tankersley, PhD, Special Education Program, Kent State University

“No one knows the literature on challenging behavior better than Lane and her colleagues. This book translates that knowledge into practice in a way that teachers will benefit from tremendously. With a focus on both instructional and management variables associated with preventing and dealing with difficult behavior, the book provides concise, easy-to-follow explanations of interventions. It is a unique resource that preservice and practicing teachers will refer to often.”

—Timothy J. Landrum, PhD, Department of Special Education, University of Louisville

“I am extremely impressed with this book, including its content, organization, and the strong emphasis on workable, effective strategies for today's schools and classrooms. The strategies are presented in the context of a three-tiered model that allows teachers to specifically match student needs. I have not seen a resource of this type that is so well tailored to the needs of classroom teachers. In addition, school psychologists, who are often called on to work collaboratively with teachers to design and implement effective interventions, will find this book invaluable. I recommend it without reservation.”

—Hill M. Walker, PhD, Codirector, Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior, University of Oregon

Table of Contents

I. Preventing Behavior Problems

1. Preventing and Managing Learning and Behavior Problems: An Overview

2. Classroom Management

3. Instructional Delivery

4. Low-Intensity Strategies

II. Responding to Problem Behaviors

5. Behavior Contracts

6. Self-Monitoring

7. Functional Assessment-Based Interventions

III. Getting Started

8. Getting Started in Your Classroom

About the Authors

Kathleen Lynne Lane, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Kansas. A former classroom teacher of general and special education students, she conducts research on school-based interventions (academic and behavioral) with students at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders. She has designed, implemented, and evaluated multilevel prevention models in elementary, middle, and high school settings. Dr. Lane is coeditor of Remedial and Special Education, an associate editor of Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions and Education and Treatment of Children, and serves on several editorial boards. She has published several books and more than 100 refereed journal articles.

Holly Mariah Menzies, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Charter College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles, and the program coordinator in mild–moderate disabilities in the Division of Special Education and Counseling. She worked as both a general educator and special educator for over 10 years. Dr. Menzies has provided staff development in the areas of assessment, language arts, and schoolwide positive behavior supports. Her scholarly interests focus on inclusive education and school-based interventions. She serves on the editorial board of Learning Disabilities Research & Practice.

Allison L. Bruhn, MA, is in the doctoral program in special education at Vanderbilt University. She previously worked for 3 years as a middle school science teacher. Her research interests include functional assessment-based interventions, treatment integrity of schoolwide positive behavior supports, and motivation.

Mary Crnobori, MEd, is in the doctoral program in special education at Vanderbilt University. She previously worked for 3 years as a special education teacher. Her research interests include positive behavior support, school-based interventions for students with and at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders, systematic screening, and issues surrounding diversity.


Teachers, special educators, and school psychologists working in K–12; school administrators; students training to work in school settings.

Course Use

May serve as a supplemental text in courses addressing classroom management strategies.