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Mapping in the Cloud

Michael P. Peterson

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
March 27, 2014
ISBN 9781462514038
Price: $108.00
421 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
March 28, 2014
ISBN 9781462510412
Price: $72.00
421 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
March 28, 2014
Price: $72.00
421 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $144.00 $86.40
421 Pages
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This engaging text provides a solid introduction to mapmaking in the era of cloud computing. It takes students through both the concepts and technology of modern cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), and Web-based mapping. Conceptual chapters delve into the meaning of maps and how they are developed, covering such topics as map layers, GIS tools, mobile mapping, and map animation. Methods chapters take a learn-by-doing approach to help students master application programming interfaces and build other technical skills for creating maps and making them available on the Internet. The companion website offers invaluable supplementary materials for instructors and students.

Pedagogical Features

“Peterson's book is both a primer on enduring principles of cartography and a hands-on, down-and-dirty guide to the mashups, scripts, tools, and work-arounds that are the new playing field of 21st-century cartography. This text offers the keys to geo-enabled Web maps, database searches, Web design, and cloud computing. Peterson uses such simple and clear explanations of what to do that readers will be surprised by how painlessly they reach the giddy heights of web coding. For those who love maps—and also love coding, scripting, and making cool stuff happen on the Web—this book is your jumping-off point.”

—Keith Clarke, PhD, Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara

“Peterson successfully covers a mix of theory and practical applications. Each chapter is built on solid cartographic principles, but the text's real distinctiveness is how those principles are connected to today's technologies. A welcome addition to the literature on cartography and GIS Science, this is an excellent text for classes in computer mapping, cartography and GIS visualization, or Web mapping application development.”

—Jeffrey S. Torguson, PhD, Department of Geography and Planning, St. Cloud State University

“A seminal contribution to the rapidly expanding field of Internet and Web-based mapping. The text is written at a level that can be grasped by beginning students but can also help professionals learn the details of Internet mapping operations. Peterson provides detailed examples of map creation and use and guides the reader to design, develop, and implement Web-based mapping projects.”

—E. Lynn Usery, PhD, Research Geographer and Director, Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science, U.S. Geological Survey, Rolla, Missouri

“This text provides access to an exciting new world and grounds the reader in important concepts. Alternating chapters cover theoretical and practical aspects of making effective online maps. The book is rich in ideas, illustrations, and examples of codes that will soon have the reader creating accessible, interesting, and useful maps.”

—Patrick Kennelly, PhD, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Long Island University

Table of Contents

1. An Introduction to Maps and the Internet

2. The Internet Map Landscape

3. The Meaning of Mapping

4. A Map Gallery

5. Maps as a Mirror of Civilization

6. The Online Street Map

7. Map Scale and Abstraction

8. Programming the Web with JavaScript

9. Map Digitizing and GPS

10. Map Mashups

11. Points and Point Data

12. Point Maps and Graduated Symbols

13. The Online Map

14. Line and Area Map Mashups

15. Map Layers and GIS

16. Map Layer Mashups

17. Databases, MySQL, and PHP

18. Mapping from a Database

19. Mobile Mapping

20. Local Mapping

21. Maps That Move

22. Animated Mapping

23. The Cartographic Exchange

About the Author

Michael P. Peterson, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Geography/Geology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where he has been on the faculty since 1982. He has been a visiting scholar or fellow at universities around the world; most recently, he was Fulbright Fellow and Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Vienna, Austria (1999, 2011), Visiting Professor at the University of Applied Technology in Munich, Germany (1999, 2000, 2001), Visiting Research Fellow at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada (2004), and Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand (2012). Dr. Peterson is past president of the North American Cartographic Information Society and former editor of Cartographic Perspectives. The author of numerous articles and several books, he chaired the Commission on Maps and the Internet of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) from 1999 to 2011 and is currently chair of the ICA's publication committee.


Geography students and instructors; others seeking to make more effective online maps.

Course Use

Serves as a text in advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses; assumes only minimal programming background.
Pedagogical Features: