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Mental Disorders in Older Adults

Second Edition
Fundamentals of Assessment and Treatment

Steven H. Zarit and Judy M. Zarit

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
October 3, 2006
ISBN 9781572309463
Price: $90.00
468 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
March 14, 2011
ISBN 9781609182328
Price: $60.00
468 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
August 22, 2012
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Price: $60.00
468 Pages
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Illustrated with abundant clinical material, this book provides essential knowledge and skills for effective mental health practice with older adults. It demonstrates how to evaluate and treat frequently encountered clinical problems in this population, including dementias, mood and anxiety disorders, and paranoid symptoms. Strategies are presented for implementing psychosocial interventions and integrating them with medications. The book also describes insightful approaches for supporting family caregivers and addresses the nuts and bolts of consulting in institutional settings. Combining their expertise as a researcher and an experienced clinician, the authors offer a unique perspective on the challenges facing older adults and how to help them lead more fulfilling and independent lives. Three reproducible forms can also be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8½“ x 11” size.

“Provides excellent references and strong clinical materials. The authors focus on function rather than disease and their use of clinical situations reinforces their emphasis on the importance of respecting the individual and family unit....This book makes an excellent contribution to the field of mental health and aging.”

Journal of Women and Aging

“This book will serve as an excellent text for graduate students and beginning gerontologists, and I suspect it will stimulate many readers to enter the rewarding specialty of treating the elderly.”

American Journal of Psychotherapy

“A rich guidebook for assessing and treating the most common mental disorders likely to be encountered by mental health professionals working with older adults....An exceptional contribution to the field.”

Contemporary Gerontology

“Two accomplished practitioners and researchers offer a spirited and holistic approach to working with older adults. Their optimism will go a long way in inspiring our students and in helping established practitioners to take a fresh approach toward a range of problems.”

Aging & Mental Health

“I found one of this book's great strengths to be the authors' ability to enrich the theoretical and research-based material they present with practice wisdom and practical advice for clinicians just beginning work with older adults. The insights they share with readers are clearly the result of many years of experience working with this client group.”

Social Work in Health Care

“A comprehensive and readable resource for clinicians and clinical students who work with older people and their families....Useful to upper-division undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty in psychology, social work, and gerontology, as well as to practitioners.”


“The unique component of this book is that every topic presented is supported with reality-based examples and case studies that are further supported by a rigorous literature review of current evidence. The text is easy to understand and integrates clinical practice and research….I highly recommend Mental Disorders in Older Adults, Second Edition to experienced or student clinicians for use as a reference or learning tool to better understand assessment, care, and treatment of the older adult faced with mental health problems. Experienced professionals, researchers, as well as students will benefit from the knowledge this book has to offer.”

Activities, Adaptation, and Aging

“This work offers an outstanding blend of scientific fact and clinical utility. The fields of gerontology and geriatrics have evolved substantially since the publication of the first edition, and this second edition captures the latest scientific advances for students and clinicians alike. Diagnosis of dementias, for example, is a complex and difficult task, but the authors make it clear and understandable with examples and tables.”

—Jerome Yesavage, MD, Stanford University School of Medicine

“Knowledge and understanding in the field of mental health in later life has developed so much over the last decade that this second edition, which is comprehensive in scope and yet detailed and thorough in its approach, is a major achievement. I will recommend it equally to clinical psychologists-in-training and to experienced colleagues, and will use it with our psychology undergraduates taking elective courses in this field. I found the use of numerous detailed case studies most helpful in bringing to life the research and theory. There is so much clinical wisdom in this book that reading it is comparable to a supervision session with a really experienced clinician. The tone of the book is refreshing: optimism and hope emerge from every page, grounded in a realistic appraisal of what can be achieved and in respect for the value of each older person and his or her caregivers.”

—Bob Woods, Professor of Clinical Psychology with Older People, University of Wales, Bangor, UK

“This second edition is an extraordinary guide for clinical professionals and graduate trainees who work with aging populations. The authors succeed in integrating clinical and research information in a highly readable, clinically relevant format. The case examples address the rich complexity of clinical psychology practice with aging populations, as well as the deeply satisfying nature of the work. For newcomers to the field, the book can function as a field guide. Anyone who engages in geriatric mental health services or research needs to read this book.”

—Sara Honn Qualls, PhD, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

“This important, inspiring book is destined for the 'must-read' list of students in psychology, geriatrics, social work, nursing, and other health professions who are interested in working with older people and their families. With this revised text, Zarit and Zarit have succeeded once more in providing mental health professionals with a clear and well-written reference tool for their own clinical practice. Of particular benefit to students and practicing clinicians alike are the useful and practical case examples that illustrate the key concepts presented in each chapter.”

—Lynn Friss Feinberg, MSW, National Center on Caregiving, Family Caregiver Alliance

“Liberally illustrated with case examples, this book artfully blends clinical expertise and research findings to provide sound guidance and proven approaches to assessment and intervention. It is no short order to write a book that appeals to students, to experienced practitioners seeking to build their skills for working with older adults, and to researchers seeking a broad foundation in clinical concepts, but Zarit and Zarit have successfully achieved that goal. I found the chapters on assessment to be particularly well done. I would use this book as a resource in undergraduate psychiatric nursing courses or as a supplemental text in clinical courses for family, adult, or psychiatric nurse practitioners.”

—Donna L. Algase, PhD, RN, FAAN, FGSA, Center on Frail and Vulnerable Elders, University of Michigan School of Nursing

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: Clinical Practice with Older Adults

2. Normal Processes of Aging

3. Disorders of Aging: Dementia, Delirium, and Other Cognitive Problems

4. Mood and Anxiety Disorders

5. Other Common Mental Health Problems in Later Life

6. The Clinical Interview

7. Psychological Testing for Differential Diagnosis and Capacity Evaluations

8. Foundations of Treatment

9. Treatment of Depression

10. Treatment of Anxiety Symptoms

11. Treatment of Paranoid Symptoms

12. Treatment of Dementia

13. Family Caregiving

14. Consultation in Institutional Settings

15. Ethical Issues in Geriatric Psychology

About the Authors

Steven H. Zarit, PhD, is Professor and Head of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Pennsylvania State University, and is also Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Gerontology, Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden. He has conducted research on late-life issues, particularly family caregiving and adaptation for older adults. Dr. Zarit is a recipient of the Distinguished Career Contribution Award from the Gerontological Society of America.

Judy M. Zarit, PhD, has been in private practice in State College, Pennsylvania, since 1986. She specializes in neuropsychological assessment of dementia and clinical interventions with older adults. Dr. Zarit also provides consultation services to nursing homes and assisted-living facilities.


Practitioners who work with older adults, including gerontologists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, and social workers; advanced students in these areas.

Course Use

Serves as a text for courses in psychology and aging, gerontology, geriatric psychiatry, and social work and the aged.
Previous editions published by Guilford:

First Edition, © 1998
ISBN: 9781572303683
New to this edition: