Product Cover

Neuropsychological Interventions

Clinical Research and Practice

Edited by Paul J. Eslinger

February 8, 2002
ISBN 9781572307445
Price: $78.00
360 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
January 24, 2005
ISBN 9781593851637
Price: $52.00
360 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

This volume brings together leading clinical investigators to describe effective interventions for a wide range of neuropsychological impairments. Coverage includes cognitive impairments—problems with attention, learning and memory, visuoperception, language, apraxia, and executive functions—as well as neurologically based social and emotional difficulties. Presented is a framework for developing, delivering, and evaluating services that target these specific areas of functioning while promoting the individual's overall adaptation and recovery. Chapters also address the importance of multidimensional assessment, provide best practice guidelines for clinical research, and discuss the role of pharmacotherapy in cognitive rehabilitation.

“A very readable, well-edited book applicable to both students in rehabilitation and neuropsychology and well-established practitioners....This book serves to update the clinician's knowledge by providing research-based findings, novel ideas, and concepts that can be directly applied to their practice. It also can serve as a textbook for advanced students who have chosen to specialize in rehabilitation and are just beginning to work with patients who have neuropsychological impairments due to brain injury....I highly recommend this book.”

Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology

“The book's title captures its essence: A lovely combination of the latest scholarly research on a wide range of neuropsychological interventions combined with practical guidelines for the clinician. Rarely does one find this combination in such a readable and useful book. It is clear that the editor and authors are not simply academics but are also dedicated to the very real needs of their patients....Rehabilitation specialists will want to keep this book close at hand in their work. It is an excellent resource for effective treatment suggestions as well as a valuable guide for future research as we refine our knowledge of which treatments are effective for which people under which conditions.”

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

“A jewel of a book for the experienced clinician and an important text for those entering the field....Almost all of the chapters are sophisticated presentations that are both thoughtful and thought-provoking....Rarely am I as excited about a book as I was reading Neuropsychological Interventions. It provides a needed resource for clinicians and researchers in the field. It also is a fine textbook for training young clinicians.”

The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences

“This book is well-written and would serve well as a general guide in graduate neuropsychology, occupational health, and assessment classes. It contains many useful, up-to-date references and excellent brief task-orienting tables.”

Psychological Reports

“This book will be of immediate and vital importance to clinical neuropsychologists and allied professionals involved in caring for brain-damaged patients. Dr. Eslinger has assembled a superb collection of cutting-edge contributions that provide an exquisite blend of science and practice. The field of neuropsychological rehabilitation, growing exponentially in size and importance, has been waiting for two decades for a definitive textbook of this caliber. This book is essential reading for clinical and experimental neuropsychologists, rehabilitation therapists, speech therapists, and others who care for patients with brain injury. It would also serve as an excellent textbook for a graduate-level course on neuropsychological rehabilitation. Finally, students enrolled in postdoctoral residency training programs in clinical neuropsychology should have access to this book.”

—Daniel Tranel, PhD, Department of Neurology, University of Iowa

“This book is a timely and worthy contribution to the field. Each author has hewed to the editor's charge to evaluate neuropsychological interventions 'clinically and scientifically.' The result is a comprehensive treatment of current problems and practice in neuropsychological rehabilitation that is refreshingly frank and honest. The theoretical and evidentiary bases for practice are critically reviewed. This volume not only can serve as a reference for practitioners and students, but also sets out a clear research agenda for the field.”

—Michael Weinrich, MD

“This book offers the most current, integrated knowledge of neuropsychological rehabilitation and clinical neuroscience. It examines many new advances in the field and demonstrates the significance of treating the brain-injured person as a whole, rather than as a collection of symptoms. Focusing on studies that have real-world applications, the book clearly outlines innovative research methodology to improve chances for replication. For students, researchers, and practitioners, this book will become a gold standard in the field.”

—Giuseppe Zappalà, MD, Unit of Behavioral Neurology, Clinical Neurotraumatology and Rehabilitation, Garibaldi Hospital, Catania, Italy

“This timely book, edited by a leading cognitive neuroscientist, represents an important contribution to the movement toward evidence-based interventions. Chapters by recognized experts provide a background in the history and methodology of cognitive neurorehabilitation, synthesize recent research, and appraise the applications to intervention in various neurobehavioral domains. Written from a scientific perspective, yet equally relevant to clinical practice, this is an indispensable book for both investigators and practitioners. It will also be a useful text for graduate courses in neurorehabilitation.”

—Harvey S. Levin, PhD, Head, Psychology Division, Baylor College of Medicine

Table of Contents

I. Foundations of Neuropsychological Interventions

1. Approaching Interventions Clinically and Scientifically, Paul J. Eslinger and Michael V. Oliveri

2. Theoretical Bases for Neuropsychological Interventions, Anna M. Barrett and Leslie J. Gozalez-Rothi

3. Neuropsychological Assessment for Treatment Planning and Research, Thomas F. Bergquist and James F. Malec

4. Pharmacological Treatment of Cognitive Impairments: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations, John Whyte

5. Design and Evaluation of Rehabilitation Experiments, Brian Levine and Maureen M. Downey-Lamb

II. Models of Intervention for Neuropsychological Impairments

6. The Rehabilitation of Attention, Tom Manly, Sarah Ward, and Ian Robertson

7. Learning and Memory Impairments, Elizabeth L. Glisky and Martha L. Glisky

8. Visuoperceptual Impairments, Steven W. Anderson

9. Models of Language Rehabilitation, Jacqueline J. Hinckley

10. Apraxia, Caroline van Heugten

11. The Enigma of Executive Functioning: Theoretical Contributions to Therapeutic Interventions, Keith D. Cicerone

12. The Rehabilitation of Neurologically Based Disturbances, Lynn M. Grattan and Marjan Ghahramanlou

13. Emotion-Related Processing Impairments, Claire V. Flaherty, Anna M. Barrett, and Paul J. Eslinger

III. Future Directions

14. Neuropsychological Interventions in the 21st Century, Paul J. Eslinger

About the Editor

Paul J. Eslinger, PhD, is Professor and Clinical Neuropsychologist in the Departments of Neurology, Neural and Behavioral Sciences, and Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Penn State/Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania.


Steven W. Anderson, PhD, ABPP, Department of Neurology, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA

Anna M. Barrett, MD, Departments of Neurology and Neural and Behavioral Sciences, College of Medicine, Penn State/Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA

Thomas F. Bergquist, PhD, LP, ABPP, Department of Psychology, Mayo Medical School, Rochester, MN

Keith D. Cicerone, PhD, Director of Neuropsychology, JFK-Johnson Rehabilitation Institute, Edison, NJ

Maureen M. Downey-Lamb, PhD, Department of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Paul J. Eslinger, PhD, Departments of Neurology, Neural and Behavioral Sciences, and Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Penn State/Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA

Claire V. Flaherty-Craig, PhD, Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Penn State/Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA

Marjan Ghahramanlou, MA, doctoral candidate, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ

Elizabeth L. Glisky, PhD, Department of Psychology, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Martha L. Glisky, PhD, private practice, Tucson, AZ

Leslie J. Gonzalez-Rothi, PhD, Program Director, VA RR&D Brain Rehabilitation Research Center, Gainesville, FL; Department of Neurology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL

Lynn M. Grattan, PhD, Department of Neurology, University of Maryland Hospital and Medical School, Baltimore, MD

Jacqueline J. Hinckley, PhD, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

Brian Levine, PhD, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Departments of Psychology and Medicine (Neurology), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

James F. Malec, PhD, ABPP, Department of Psychology, Mayo Medical School, Rochester, MN

Tom Manly, PhD, Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK

Michael V. Oliveri, PhD, Department of Neuroscience, St. John's Mercy Medical Center, St. Louis, MO

Ian Robertson, PhD, Department of Psychology and Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

Caroline van Heugten, PhD, Institute for Rehabilitation Research, Hoensbroek, The Netherlands

Sarah Ward, BSc, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

John Whyte, MD, PhD, Moss Rehabilitation Institute, Philadelphia, PA


Clinical practitioners, researchers, and students in neuropsychology, clinical and cognitive psychology, neurology, speech–language pathology, occupational and physical therapy, rehabilitation medicine, and psychiatry.

Course Use

Will serve as a text in graduate-level courses addressing brain injury, cognitive rehabilitation, and/or neuropsychological assessment and intervention.