Power, Intimacy, and the Life Story

Personological Inquiries into Identity

Dan P. McAdams

A Paperback Original
A Paperback Original
May 20, 1988
ISBN 9780898625066
Price: $47.00
336 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

Who am I? And how do I fit into the world? These are the questions individuals ask themselves to make sense of their lives. Power, Intimacy and the Life Story addresses the human quest for identity. The author reinterprets some of the classic writings in psychology as he shows how each of us constructs a life story in order to meet the identity challenge and create a sense of unity and purpose in our lives.

“McAdams' book is a rewarding combination of conceptual and empirical contributions. He provides a thoughtful, integrative discussion in each area in his model, summarizing important literature in each area and carefully comparing his approach to others....The synthesizing power of McAdams' perspective is impressive and exciting.”

Contemporary Psychology

About the Author

Dan P. McAdams, PhD, Northwestern University


Mental Health Professionals.