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Practical Handbook of School Psychology

Effective Practices for the 21st Century

Edited by Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, Ruth A. Ervin, Edward J. Daly III, and Kenneth W. Merrell

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
September 2, 2009
ISBN 9781593856977
Price: $104.00
626 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
July 20, 2012
ISBN 9781462507771
Price: $69.00
626 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
February 13, 2017
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Price: $69.00
626 Pages
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626 Pages
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This authoritative guide addresses all aspects of school psychology practice in a response-to-intervention (RTI) framework. Thirty-four focused chapters present effective methods for problem-solving-based assessment, instruction, and intervention. Specific guidelines are provided for promoting success in core academic domains—reading, writing, and math—and supporting students' positive behavior and social-emotional functioning. The book also describes ways to team with teachers and parents to develop collaborative solutions and overcome obstacles. Grounded in research, this is an indispensable resource for daily practice and an invaluable text for school psychology training programs.

“The Practical Handbook of School Psychology (PHSP) is a reference that should be in the hands of every school psychologist....It is practical in the sense that it is loaded with useful information about adopting and implementing a problem-solving approach to RTI, from basic concerns to advanced technical features. It is revolutionary in its implications for general education through its documentation of the effectiveness of school-wide, evidence-based practices. PHSP is an edited text. This might turn some people against it, but it should not. The chapters are better organized and integrated than most edited books, so that the volume holds together well as a single work....This book will provide background for those who have only an introductory knowledge of RTI and the problem-solving model. It will provide a stimulating integration of knowledge for those who are more familiar with the RTI/problem-solving process. It will be a welcomed text for school psychology trainers who have previously had to draw from multiple and diverse reference sources to cover such a broad range of material.”

NASP Communiqué

“An impressive resource on applied research in a small but important field....Highly recommended. Graduate students, researchers, faculty, and professionals.”


“This comprehensive book applies the problem-solving model to both academic and social-emotional problems. The authors address topics that are highly relevant for school psychologists who are moving beyond the traditional assessment role, and I was impressed with the breadth and scope of their treatment. The style is concise, capturing the essence of what practitioners need to know and do. The book is appropriate for both graduate students and professionals. Sections and chapters are well organized, making it easy to pinpoint specific topics during practicum and internship classes.”

—Ellie L. Young, PhD, Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Brigham Young University

“The editors have brought together some of the field's best authors to produce a unique resource that will meet the needs of both experienced practitioners and those new to the profession. The Handbook will be especially important for practitioners in the midst of shifting their practice to support response to intervention in general and special education—the consistent problem-solving focus is exactly what is needed.”

—Michael Vanderwood, PhD, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Riverside

“The volume offers a wealth of evidence-based strategies for working with children exhibiting a wide range of academic and behavioral problems. Readers will greatly appreciate the practicality and clarity of the problem-solving procedures provided throughout the chapters. Graduate students and practitioners will find themselves frequently consulting this excellent handbook for guidance on both assessment and intervention.”

—George G. Bear, PhD, School Psychology Program, University of Delaware

“This text is that rarest of finds—a compilation of highly readable, informative, and practical chapters written by recognized experts. The challenge for me as an instructor has been to decide which of the 34 chapters to exclude from my syllabus; our solution was to assign it in multiple courses! I truly feel this is one of the best texts available on the market.”

—Kathy McNamara, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, Cleveland State University

Table of Contents

I. The School Psychologist as a Problem Solver: Establishing a Foundation and a Vision

1. The School Psychologist as a Problem Solver in the 21st Century: Rationale and Role Definition, Ruth A. Ervin, Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, and Kenneth W. Merrell

2. Choosing Targets for Assessment and Intervention: Improving Important Student Outcomes, Renee O. Hawkins, David W. Barnett, Julie Q. Morrison, and Shobana Musti-Rao

II. Assessment and Analysis: Focus on Academic Outcomes

3. Analysis of Universal Academic Data to Plan, Implement, and Evaluate Schoolwide Improvement, Amanda M. VanDerHeyden

4. Assessment of Cognitive Abilities and Cognitive Processes: Issues, Applications, and Fit within a Problem-Solving Model, Randy G. Floyd

5. Assessment of Academic Skills in Reading within a Problem-Solving Model, Amanda M. Marcotte and John M. Hintze

6. Assessment of Academic Skills in Math within a Problem-Solving Model, Matthew K. Burns and David A. Klingbeil

7. Assessment of Academic Skills in Written Expression within a Problem-Solving Model, Kristin A. Gansle and George H. Noell

8. Selecting Academic Interventions for Individual Students, Edward J. Daly III, Kristi L. Hofstadter, Rebecca S. Martinez, and Melissa Andersen

III. Assessment and Analysis: Focus on Social Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes

9. Schoolwide Analysis of Data for Social Behavior Problems: Assessing Outcomes, Selecting Targets for Intervention, and Identifying Need for Support, Kent McIntosh, Wendy M. Reinke, and Keith C. Herman

10. Assessing Disruptive Behavior within a Problem-Solving Model, Brian K. Martens and Scott P. Ardoin

11. Assessing Internalizing Problems and Well-Being, David N. Miller

12. Using Functional Assessment to Select Behavioral Interventions, Kevin M. Jones and Katherine F. Wickstrom

IV. Implementing Prevention and Intervention Strategies

13. Guidelines for Evidence-Based Practice in Selecting Interventions, Karen Callan Stoiber and Jennifer L. DeSmet

14. Proactive Strategies for Promoting Learning, Kenneth W. Howell and Joan Schumann

15. Proactive Strategies for Promoting Social Competence and Resilience, Kenneth W. Merrell, Verity H. Levitt, and Barbara A. Gueldner

16. Evidence-Based Reading Instruction: Developing and Implementing Reading Programs at the Core, Supplemental, and Intervention Levels, Sylvia Linan-Thompson and Sharon Vaughn

17. Evidence-Based Math Instruction: Developing and Implementing Math Intervention Programs at the Core, Supplemental, and Intervention Levels, David J. Chard, Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller, Kathleen Jungjohann, and Scott K. Baker

18. Evidence-Based Written Language Instruction: Teaching Written Language Skills at the Core, Merilee McCurdy, Stephanie Schmitz, and Amanda Albertson

19. Peer-Mediated Intervention Strategies, Leslie MacKay, Theresa Andreou, and Ruth A. Ervin

20. Self-Management Interventions, Kathryn E. Hoff and Kristin D. Sawka-Miller

21. Interventions for Homework Problems, Donna Gilbertson and Rebecca Sonnek

22. Teaching Functional Life Skills to Children with Developmental Disabilities: Acquisition, Generalization, and Maintenance, Ronnie Detrich and Thomas S. Higbee

23. Parents and School Psychologists as Child Behavior Problem-Solving Partners: Helpful Concepts and Applications, Patrick C. Friman, Jennifer L. Volz, and Kimberly A. Haugen

24. Parent Training: Working with Families to Develop and Implement Interventions, Mark D. Shriver and Keith D. Allen

25. Problem-Solving Skills Training: Theory and Practice in the School Setting, Bryan Bushman and Gretchen Gimpel Peacock

26. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Depression and Anxiety, Susan M. Swearer, Jami E. Givens, and Lynae J. Frerichs

27. Strategies for Working with Severe Challenging and Violent Behavior, Lee Kern, Jaime L. Benson, and Nathan H. Clemens

28. Psychopharmacological Interventions, George J. DuPaul, Lisa L. Weyandt, and Genery D. Booster

V. Evaluating Interventions

29. Summarizing, Evaluating, and Drawing Inferences from Intervention Data, Edward J. Daly III, David W. Barnett, Sara Kupzyk, Kristi Hofstadter, and Elizabeth Barkley

30. Empirical and Pragmatic Issues in Assessing and Supporting Intervention Implementation in Schools, George H. Noell

VI. Building Systems to Support the Problem-Solving Model

31. Collaboration across Systems to Support Children and Families, Susan M. Sheridan, Katie L. Magee, Carrie A. Blevins, and Michelle S. Swanger-Gagné

32. The School Psychologist's Role in Assisting School Staff in Establishing Systems to Manage, Understand, and Use Data, Elizabeth Schaughency, Brent Alsop, and Anna Dawson

33. Implementing the Problem-Solving Model with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students, Robert L. Rhodes

34. Making Problem-Solving School Psychology Work in Schools, W. David Tilly III, Bradley C. Niebling, and Alecia Rahn-Blakeslee

About the Editors

Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, PhD is Professor and Department Head of Psychology at Utah State University. She served as program director of the School Psychology Program from 1997 to 2009. Her research, publications, and professional presentations focus on child behavior problems and associatedfamily issues, as well as professional issues in school psychology. She serves on the editorial advisory boards of several school psychology and related journals. Dr. Gimpel Peacock is coauthor of School Psychology for the Twenty-First Century, Second Edition, and Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Young Children, Second Edition, and coeditor of Practical Handbook of School Psychology, among other books.

Ruth A. Ervin, PhD, is Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Ervin's research addresses the research-to-practice needs of local school districts and promotes a preventative and problem-solving approach to addressing the academic and emotional-behavioral needs of children and adolescents.

Edward J. Daly III, PhD, is Professor of Educational (School) Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Daly's research and publications are in the areas of developing functional assessment methods for reading problems and the measurement and evaluation of academic and behavioral interventions.

Kenneth W. Merrell, PhD, until his death in 2011, was Professor of School Psychology and Director of the Oregon Resiliency Project at the University of Oregon. For 25 years, Dr. Merrell's influential teaching and research focused on social-emotional assessment and intervention for at-risk children and adolescents and social-emotional learning in schools. He published over 90 peer-reviewed journal articles; several books and nationally normed assessment instruments; and the Strong Kids programs, a comprehensive social and emotional learning curriculum. Dr. Merrell was a Fellow of the Division of School Psychology (Division 16) and the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (Division 53) of the American Psychological Association. He received the Senior Scientist Award from Division 16, the Division's highest honor for excellence in science.


Amanda Albertson, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Keith D. Allen, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe–Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation, Omaha, Nebraska

Brent Alsop, PhD, University of Otago, Department of Psychology, Dunedin, New Zealand

Melissa Andersen, MEd, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Theresa Andreou, MEd, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Scott P. Ardoin, PhD, University of Georgia, Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology, Athens, Georgia

Scott K. Baker, PhD, Pacific Institutes for Research, Eugene, Oregon

Elizabeth Barkley, MEd, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio

David W. Barnett, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio

Jaime L. Benson, MEd, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Carrie A. Blevins, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Genery D. Booster, MEd, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Matthew K. Burns, PhD, University of Minnesota, Department of Educational Psychology, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Bryan Bushman, PhD, McKay–Dee Behavioral Health Institute, Ogden, Utah

David J. Chard, PhD, Southern Methodist University, Simmons School of Education and Human Development, Dallas, Texas

Nathan H. Clemens, MEd, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Edward J. Daly III, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Anna Dawson, MA, University of Otago, Department of Psychology, Dunedin, New Zealand

Jennifer L. DeSmet, MS, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Department of Educational Psychology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Ronnie Detrich, PhD, Wing Institute, Oakland, California

George J. DuPaul, PhD, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Ruth A. Ervin, PhD, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Randy G. Floyd, PhD, University of Memphis, Department of Psychology, Memphis, Tennessee

Lynae J. Frerichs, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Patrick C. Friman, PhD, Father Flanagan’s Boys Home, Clinical Services and Research, Boys Town, Nebraska

Kristin A. Gansle, PhD, Louisiana State University, Department of Educational Theory, Policy, and Practice, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Donna Gilbertson, PhD, Utah State University, Department of Psychology, Logan, Utah

Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, PhD, Utah State University, Department of Psychology, Logan, Utah

Jami E. Givens, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Barbara A. Gueldner, PhD, The Children's Hospital, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Aurora, Colorado

Kimberly A. Haugen, PhD, Father Flanagan’s Boys Home, Clinical Services and Research, Boys Town, Nebraska

Renee O. Hawkins, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio

Keith C. Herman, PhD, University of Missouri, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Columbia, Missouri

Thomas S. Higbee, PhD, Utah State University, Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Logan, Utah

John M. Hintze, PhD, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Department of Student Development and Pupil Personnel Services, Amherst, Massachusetts

Kathryn E. Hoff, PhD, Illinois State University, Department of Psychology, Normal, Illinois

Kristi L. Hofstadter, EdS, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Kenneth W. Howell, PhD, Western Washington University, Department of Special Education, Bellingham, Washington

Kevin M. Jones, PhD, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Department of Psychology, Shreveport, Louisiana

Kathleen Jungjohann, MA, University of Oregon, Department of Special Education and Clinical Services, Eugene, Oregon

Lee Kern, PhD, Lehigh University, Department of Education and Human Services, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller, PhD, Southern Methodist University, Department of Educational Policy, Dallas, Texas

David A. Klingbeil, PhD, University of Minnesota, School Psychology Program, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Sara Kupzyk, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Verity H. Levitt, PhD, Glenview School District, Glenview, Illinois

Sylvia Linan-Thompson, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Special Education, Austin, Texas

Leslie MacKay, MA, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Katie L. Magee, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Amanda M. Marcotte, PhD, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Department of Student Development and Pupil Personnel Services, Amherst, Massachusetts

Brian K. Martens, PhD, Syracuse University, Department of Psychology Syracuse, New York

Rebecca S. Martinez, PhD, Indiana University, Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Bloomington, Indiana

Merilee McCurdy, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Kent McIntosh, PhD, University of British Columbia, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology and Special Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Kenneth W. Merrell, PhD (deceased), University of Oregon, Department of Special Education and Clinical Sciences, Eugene, Oregon

David N. Miller, PhD, University at Albany, State University of New York, Division of School Psychology, Albany, New York

Julie Q. Morrison, PhD, University of Cincinnati, Division of Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio

Shobana Musti-Rao, PhD, National Institute of Education, Early Childhood and Special Needs Education, Singapore, Singapore

Bradley C. Niebling, PhD, Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, Iowa

George H. Noell, PhD, Louisiana State University, Department of Psychology, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Alecia Rahn-Blakeslee, PhD, Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, Iowa

Wendy M. Reinke, PhD, University of Missouri, Department of Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Columbia, Missouri

Robert L. Rhodes, PhD, New Mexico State University, Department of Special Education and Communicative Disorders, Las Cruces, New Mexico

Kristin D. Sawka-Miller, PhD, Siena College, Department of Psychology, Loudonville, New York

Elizabeth Schaughency, PhD, University of Otago, Department of Psychology, Dunedin, New Zealand

Stephanie Schmitz, EdS, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Joan Schumann, MEd, University of Utah, Department of Special Education, Salt Lake City, Utah

Susan M. Sheridan, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Mark D. Shriver, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe–Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation, Omaha, Nebraska

Rebecca Sonnek, EdS, Utah State University, Department of Psychology, Logan, Utah

Karen Callan Stoiber, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Educational Psychology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Michelle S. Swanger-Gagné, MA, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

Susan M. Swearer, PhD, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Department of Educational Psychology, Lincoln, Nebraska

W. David Tilly III, PhD, Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, Iowa

Amanda M. VanDerHeyden, PhD, Education Research and Consulting, Inc., Fairhope, Alabama

Sharon Vaughn, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Special Education, Austin, Texas

Jennifer L. Volz, PhD, Father Flanagan’s Boys Home, Clinical Services and Research, Boys Town, Nebraska

Lisa L. Weyandt, PhD, University of Rhode Island, Department of Psychology, Kingston, Rhode Island

Katherine F. Wickstrom, PhD, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Department of Psychology, Shreveport, Louisiana


School psychologists and counselors; graduate students in the field. Also of interest to child and adolescent clinical psychologists.

Course Use

Serves as a primary or supplemental text in graduate-level courses such as Introduction to School Psychology and Roles and Functions of the School Psychologist.