Product Cover

Practical Psychometrics

A Guide for Test Users

Benjamin J. Lovett

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
May 19, 2023
ISBN 9781462552108
Price: $71.00
206 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
April 18, 2023
ISBN 9781462552092
Price: $47.00
206 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
April 24, 2023
PDF and Accessible ePub ?
Price: $47.00
206 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF and Accessible ePub) ?
Price: $94.00 $56.40
206 Pages
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This is the first practitioner-oriented guide to basic psychometrics—the science behind test construction and validation. It can be used as a course text or clinical reference for anyone who needs to select and administer diagnostic tests or review test score data obtained by others. Without assuming any mathematical background, the author describes the fundamentals of diagnostic testing, how to interpret score data, and how specific tests are used in school psychology, special education, counseling, and other contexts. Concepts such as reliability, validity, and fairness and test bias are explained in an accessible, conversational way. Detailed case examples illustrate the dos and don'ts of presenting test score data to clients, parents, and teachers in oral feedback and written reports.

Pedagogical Features:

“This well-written text offers a concise, clinically relevant guide to using psychometrically based tests in psychology, social work, counseling, and related areas. The author’s voice is clear and approachable, almost like he is speaking with you. Discussion of bias and fairness is particularly well done, and will help students to deconstruct the many issues that are involved when using psychometric instruments. I was particularly impressed with the discussion of norming and multicultural issues, as this topic can be dissentious. The exercises at the end of each chapter are effective and thoughtful; the way they span multiple professional areas helps to make the volume applicable to students across various training programs.”

—J. Gayle Beck, PhD, Emerita Chair of Excellence, Department of Psychology, University of Memphis

“It has been a struggle to find a resource that strikes the right balance of theory and applied practice to empower future practitioners with regard to test use, selection, and interpretation. Many of us have been clamoring for a resource like this for use in our master's-level programs! The presentation is incredibly accessible, and is anchored in a strong balance of practical, timely examples throughout.”

—Laura M. Spenceley, PhD, Dean, School of Education, State University of New York at Oswego

“The case examples are really helpful and the writing style very accessible.”

—Matthew K. Burns, PhD, Rose and Irving Fein Endowed Professor of Special Education, University of Florida; Assistant Director, University of Florida Literacy Institute

“Across eight chapters, Practical Psychometricsoffers a concise introduction to key terms, concepts, and research methods associated with mental measurement. The book achieves its goals of being readable, intuitive, clinically relevant, and technically accurate. Lovett’s writing is crystal clear, and his examples are vivid. This book covers a lot of ground and is well designed for graduate programs in school psychology, behavior analysis, social work, and counseling.”

—Randy G. Floyd, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Memphis

Table of Contents

Preface sample

1. Introduction to Testing

- Four Testing Stories

- A Preview of the Book

- Basic Terms in Testing

- Tests as Assessment Tools

2. Statistical Concepts

- Univariate Descriptive Statistics

- Bivariate Descriptive Statistics: Correlation and Regression

- Group Differences

- Conclusions

- Applied Exercises

3. The Meaning of Test Scores

- Norm-Referenced Scores

- What’s Normal? What’s Not?

- Issues in Norm-Referenced Score Interpretation

- Conclusions

- Applied Exercises

4. Reliability

- Defining Reliability

- Evaluating a Test’s Reliability: Background

- Practical Ways of Estimating Reliability

- Interpreting and Applying Reliability Estimates

- Reliability of Differences and Profiles

- Item Response Theory

- Conclusions

- Applied Exercises

5. Validity

- Tests, Constructs, and Inferences

- Types of Validity Evidence

- Validity and Classification

- Evaluating Validity Evidence

- Conclusions

- Applied Exercises

6. Factor Analysis

- EFA: A Few Motivating Examples

- Reviewing EFA Data

- Factor Analysis and Diagnostic Testing

- Factor Analysis and Validity

- Confirmatory Factor Analysis

- Conclusions

- Applied Exercises

7. Bias and Fairness

- The Problem of Group Differences

- Test Bias and Psychometric Validity

- Contrasting Bias with Other Problems

- Fairness in Test Use

- Conclusions

- Applied Exercises

8. Sharing Test Results

- The Oral Feedback Session

- The Written Report

- Conclusions

Appendix A. Resources for Further Study

Appendix B. Answers for Applied Exercises




About the Author

About the Author

Benjamin J. Lovett, PhD, is Associate Professor of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he teaches courses in psychoeducational assessment, legal and ethical issues for school psychologists, and the history of psychology. Dr. Lovett has over 100 publications, focusing on the assessment of high-incidence disabilities, the provision of testing accommodations, and the nature and management of test anxiety. He also serves as a consultant to schools and testing agencies on disability and assessment issues.


Graduate students, instructors, and practitioners in school psychology, special education, counseling, speech–language pathology, clinical psychology, and social work.

Course Use

Serves as a text in master's-level courses such as Psychoeducational Assessment, Cognitive Assessment, Psychological Testing and Assessment, and Appraisal and Assessment in Counseling.