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Principles of Effective Literacy Instruction, Grades K-5

Edited by Seth A. Parsons and Margaret Vaughn
Foreword by Nell K. Duke

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
May 11, 2021
ISBN 9781462546077
Price: $62.00
334 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
May 21, 2021
ISBN 9781462546046
Price: $41.00
334 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
March 30, 2021
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Price: $41.00
334 Pages
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334 Pages
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What are the principles that every elementary teacher must learn in order to plan and adapt successful literacy instruction? This concise course text and practitioner resource brings together leading experts to explain the guiding ideas that underlie effective instructional practice. Each chapter reviews one or more key principles and highlights ways to apply them flexibly in diverse classrooms and across grade levels and content areas. Chapters cover core instructional topics (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension); high-quality learning environments; major issues such as assessment, differentiation, explicit instruction, equity, and culturally relevant pedagogy; and the importance of teachers’ reflective practice and lifelong learning.

“Parsons and Vaughn have invited a group of extraordinary literacy researchers and practitioners to reflect on state-of-the art principles for teaching students at arguably the most important developmental grade levels. In addition to a laser focus on the most pressing issues of K–5 literacy instruction, the volume honors the work of teachers. Each scholar respectfully presents how instruction can and should cause young readers to maximize their literacy potential. This book is a perfect text for preservice elementary literacy methods courses, will likely be used in reading specialist graduate programs, and can frame lively conversations about effective literacy instruction in professional learning communities.”

—Barbara A. Marinak, PhD, Dean, School of Education, Mount St. Mary's University

“I have learned from both my research and my more than 50 years of working with K–5 classroom teachers that teaching reading is a complex, creative process based in principles, not rules. Teachers must apply those principles in various ways at various times to help students become all they are capable of being. This book helps teachers understand that the key to success is thoughtful adaptation of an array of environmental, instructional, and personal principles. It is a valuable introductory resource for preservice and inservice teachers immersed in the complexities of teaching reading to diverse populations of students.”

—Gerald G. Duffy, EdD, College of Education (Emeritus), Michigan State University

“This book is impressive on several counts, including the caliber of the contributors and the compelling chapter topics. Teacher educators who are intent on preparing preservice teachers for a world in which diversity, equity, and inclusion are the mainstays undergirding effective literacy instruction will find myriad reasons to adopt this book.”

—Donna E. Alvermann, PhD, Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of Georgia

“A detailed, current, and comprehensive guide to the essential elements of teaching reading and other components of literacy. As a former reading specialist, classroom teacher, and administrator, I highly encourage all educational leaders to read this exceptional text for a deeper understanding of the principled approach to literacy instruction.”

—Mary E. McNamee, MS, early childhood specialist, School Readiness Project, Fairfax County Government Office for Children, Virginia

Table of Contents

I. Environment

1. Print- and Text-Rich Classroom Environments, Allison Ward Parsons & Christy Irish

2. Well-Managed and Efficient Literacy Learning Environments, D. Ray Reutzel & Sarah K. Clark

3. Literacy Teaching for Equity, María Paula Ghiso, H. Gerald Campano, & Ankhi G. Thakurta

II. Instruction

4. Phonemic Awareness and Phonics, Evan Ortlieb, Susan Schatz, & Kathy Ganske

5. Reading Fluency, Chase Young, Timothy Rasinski, & Shelly Landreth

6. Comprehension and Vocabulary, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, & Rachelle S. Savitz

7. Assessment, Dixie Massey

8. Appropriate Intervention, Ying Guo & Allison Breit-Smith

9. Effective Differentiation, Steven J. Amendum & Kristin Conradi Smith

10. Explicit Instruction, Dana A. Robertson

11. Using Discussion to Support Literacy Learning, Jacquelynn A. Malloy & Leslie D. Roberts

12. Writing–Reading Integration, Zoi A. Philippakos

13. Literacy in the Disciplines, Cynthia H. Brock, Vicky I. Zygouris-Coe, Andrea Hayden, Joshua Montgomery, Kathleen Kniss, & Katherine Muir Welsh

14. Arranging for Reading Engagement, Gay Ivey & Erika S. Gray sample

15. Authentic, Challenging Tasks, Roya Q. Scales

16. Autonomy-Supportive Classroom Environments, Samantha T. Ives, Madelyn Stephens Wells, & Seth A. Parsons

17. Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Multiliteracies, Jennifer D. Turner, Chrystine Mitchell, & Olivia A. Murphy

18. Critical Approaches to Text, Grace Enriquez

19. Integrating Digital Technology, Amy C. Hutchison

20. Adaptive Teaching, Margaret Vaughn

III. Teachers

21. Reflective Practice, Mary McGriff & Michelle Rosen

22. Teachers as Lifelong Learners, Aimee L. Morewood & Julie W. Ankrum


About the Editors

Seth A. Parsons, PhD, is Professor in the Sturtevant Center for Literacy in the School of Education at George Mason University. He teaches in the Elementary Education, Literacy, and Research Methods program areas. His award-winning research focuses on student motivation and engagement, teacher instructional adaptations, and teacher education and development. Dr. Parsons is currently coeditor of the Journal of Literacy Research and is past president of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers. He is coeditor of Principles of Effective Literacy Instruction, Grades K–5, and coauthor of Accelerating Learning Recovery for All Students.

Margaret Vaughn, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at Washington State University. She teaches in the program areas of Research and Literacy, Language, and Technology. As a former classroom teacher, Dr. Vaughn recognizes the valuable role of teacher input and decision making in policy and practice and supports efforts to develop equity-focused learning environments. She is an advocate for student agency and developing equitable schools across the nation. Her award-winning research addresses issues of teacher practice and contemporary educational issues. Dr. Vaughn is coeditor of Principles of Effective Literacy Instruction, Grades K–5, and coauthor of Accelerating Learning Recovery for All Students and Teaching with Children’s Literature.


Steve Amendum, PhD, School of Education, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware

Julie W. Ankrum, PhD, Department of Professional Studies in Education, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Allison Breit, PhD, School of Education, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

Cynthia H. Brock, PhD, School of Teacher Education, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming

Gerald Campano, PhD, Literacy, Culture, and International Education Division, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Sarah K. Clark, PhD, David O. McKay School of Education, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

Grace Enriquez, EdD, Language and Literacy Division, Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Douglas Fisher, PhD, Department of Educational Leadership, San Diego State University, San Diego, California

Nancy Frey, PhD, Department of Educational Leadership, San Diego State University, San Diego, California

Kathy Ganske, PhD, Department of Teaching and Learning, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee

María Paula Ghiso, EdD, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York

Erika Gray, PhD, Department of Teacher Education and Higher Education, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina

Ying Guo, PhD, School of Education, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

Andrea Hayden, MA, Albany County School District #1, Laramie, Wyoming

Amy C. Hutchison, PhD, Sturtevant Center for Literacy, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

Christy K. Irish, PhD, College of Education, University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, Virginia

Samantha T. Ives, MA, School of Education, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

Gay Ivey, PhD, Department of Teacher Education and Higher Education, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, North Carolina

Kathleen Kniss, PhD, Albany County School District #1, Laramie, Wyoming

Shelly Landreth, EdD, Curriculum and Instruction Department, University of Texas–Permian Basin, Odessa, Texas

Jacquelynn A. Malloy, PhD, Teaching and Learning Department, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina

Dixie D. Massey, PhD, Teaching and Learning Department, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Mary McGriff, EdD, Department of Literacy Education, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, New Jersey

Chrystine Cooper Mitchell, PhD, Department of Education, York College of Pennsylvania, York, Pennsylvania

Joshua Montgomery, MA, School of Teacher Education, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming

Aimee L. Morewood, PhD, Department of Curriculum and Instruction/ Literacy Studies, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia

Olivia Ann Murphy, MA, Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Evan Ortlieb, PhD, Zucker Family School of Education, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina

Allison Ward Parsons, PhD, Sturtevant Center for Literacy, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

Seth A. Parsons, PhD, Sturtevant Center for Literacy, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

Zoi A. Philippakos, PhD, Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

Timothy Rasinski, PhD, School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

D. Ray Reutzel, PhD, College of Education, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming

Leslie D. Roberts, PhD, Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading, Georgia Southern University, Statesville, Georgia

Dana A. Robertson, EdD, School of Teacher Education, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming

Michelle L. Rosen, EdD, Department of Literacy Education, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, New Jersey

Rachelle Savitz, PhD, College of Education, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina

Roya Qualls Scales, PhD, School of Teaching and Learning, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina

Susan Schatz, PhD, The School of Education, St. John’s University, Queens, New York

Kristin Conradi Smith, PhD, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, William & Mary School of Education, Williamsburg, Virginia

Ankhi Guha Thakurta, MA, Literacy, Culture, and International Education Division, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Jennifer Turner, PhD, Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Margaret Vaughn, PhD, College of Education, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington

Madelyn Stephens Wells, MEd, School of Education, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

Katherine Muir Welsh, PhD, School of Teacher Education, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming

Chase J. Young, PhD, School of Teaching and Learning, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas

Vassiliki (Vicky) I. Zygouris-Coe, PhD, Department of Teaching and Learning Principles, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida


Teacher educators and students; K–5 classroom teachers, literacy specialists/coaches, and staff developers.

Course Use

May serve as a supplemental text in advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses such as Elementary Literacy Methods, Elementary Reading Methods, and Literacy Teaching and Learning.