Program Evaluation Theory and Practice
Third Edition
A Comprehensive Guide
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
Covering both the theory and practice of evaluation in one engaging volume, this leading text is now in a revised third edition. It features additional evaluation approaches, such as the Indigenous paradigm; new examples, ranging from small to large and multi-site evaluations; and more. Instructors praise the diverse evaluations, many with reflective commentary from evaluators, and rich pedagogical features. The text describes the major theoretical paradigms in evaluation and the ways they inform methodological choices. Readers learn effective strategies for clarifying their own theoretical assumptions; working with stakeholders; developing questions; using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods designs; choosing data collection and sampling strategies; analyzing data; and communicating and utilizing findings. The book includes guidance for planning an evaluation of a specific project or program. Extensive recommended online resources and tools are provided at the
companion website.
New to This Edition
- Restructured section on philosophical frameworks, with a new chapter on the Indigenous paradigm and expanded coverage of disability, feminist, and LGBTQ+ theories.
- Additional sample studies, including multi-site and systems- and complexity-informed evaluations.
- Expanded coverage of logic models, cost–benefit evaluations, and mixed methods designs.
- New and updated coverage of data collection technologies, qualitative coding methods, Sustainable Development Goals, and uses and pitfalls of artificial intelligence.
Pedagogical Features
- Reflection questions that prepare students to read each chapter.
- “Extending Your Thinking” questions and learning activities.
- New within-chapter maps to aid in navigating chapter sections.
- Boxes offering sample evaluations and closer looks at key concepts.
- Helpful checklists and tables, bolded key terms, and an end-of-book Glossary.
- Companion website with links to recommended online resources and tools.
“I will continue using
Program Evaluation Theory and Practice as my go-to text for all my foundational and advanced evaluation courses. Mertens, Hall, and Wilson seamlessly integrate evaluation theory and practice in a comprehensive and accessible format. The inclusion of the transformative paradigm and social justice branch has always made this a standout text. The introduction of the Indigenous paradigm in the third edition is laudable. This book is essential for new, intermediate, and seasoned evaluators.”
—Ayesha S. Boyce, PhD, Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
“This text does a great job of providing a wide overview of program evaluation and an initial knowledge base about the most relevant topics in theory and practice. Readers who take a deep dive into this text will be ready to venture into the field under the guidance of a senior evaluator.”
—Dorothy Skierkowski-Foster, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Rhode Island
“The pedagogical features support student learning. The 'Preparing to Read' and 'Moving On' elements that bookend each chapter help to guide students through the material. My students are especially interested in the numerous and varied evaluation examples, including examples from international programs. I have not found another program evaluation text that offers this quality and diversity of international examples.”
—Adriana Cimetta, PhD, MPH, Director, Center for Educational Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, University of Arizona College of Education
“I chose this book because of the strong, detailed chapters on paradigms and theories. The text truly helps students identify their theoretical frames for their pending research. The examples are critically important in bringing the theories and methods to life.”
—Juan C. Gonzales, PhD, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, The University of Texas at Austin
“The strengths of this text include its readability and pedagogical features. The presentation of concepts and practices is just as comprehensive as in other evaluation texts, but the pedagogical features highlight the main concepts and move the reader along. Case study applications provide sufficient detail for integration into course activities and assignments. The book is well balanced in laying a theoretical foundation and guiding the user through the evaluation cycle with diverse applications. Students will continue to reference the resources in this text when they become practicing evaluators.”
—Kristin Koskey, PhD, Research Professor and Co-Director, The Methods Lab, Drexel University School of Education
“This book offers a theoretically grounded introduction to program evaluation, along with practical examples. It provides insightful guidance to help prepare the reader for professional practice.”
—Christopher Gareis, EdD, William & Mary School of Education
Table of Contents
I. The Landscape of Evaluation
1. Introduction to Evaluation: Defining Terms and Ethical Considerations
2. History of Evaluation and Philosophical Frameworks
II. Evaluation Paradigms, Branches, Theories, and Approaches
3. The Postpositivist Paradigm and the Methods Branch
4. The Pragmatic Paradigm and the Use Branch
5. The Constructivist Paradigm and the Values Branch
6. The Transformative Paradigm and the Social Justice Branch
7. The Indigenous Paradigm and the Needs and Context Branch
III. Planning Evaluations
8. Working with Stakeholders: Establishing the Context and the Evaluand
9. Evaluation Purposes, Types, and Questions
10. Evaluation Designs
11. Data Collection Strategies and Indicators
12. Stakeholders, Participants, and Sampling
13. Data Analysis and Interpretation
IV. Implementation in Evaluation: Communication and Utilization of Findings, Management, Meta-Evaluation, and Challenges
14. Communication and Utilization of Findings
15. Meta-Evaluation and Project Management
16. Perennial and Emerging Challenges in Evaluation
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Authors
About the Authors
Donna M. Mertens, PhD, is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Educational Foundations and Research at Gallaudet University. She continues to pursue an active professional life, consulting about evaluations across the globe and, of course, writing about methodological issues and social justice. A past president of the American Evaluation Association (AEA), Dr. Mertens has received AEA’s highest honors for service to the organization and the field, as well as for her contributions to evaluation theory. She is the author of several books and is widely published in major professional journals.
Jori N. Hall, PhD, is President's Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is an award-winning author and multidisciplinary researcher. Dr. Hall has conducted evaluations in various fields with historically minoritized communities, and has taught graduate-level courses on culturally responsive evaluation, evaluation theory, and mixed methods. Guided by her extensive training and collaborative experiences, she brings a values-engaged, culture-oriented lens that contributes to responsive, rigorous, and innovative evaluation theory and practice.
Amy T. Wilson, PhD, is former Director of Mill Neck International at the Mill Neck Family of Organizations, where she led a team of deaf education specialists sharing their expertise, knowledge, and technical skills with parents, educators, and professionals in economically poor countries. Previously, she was Program Director of the International Development Programs at Gallaudet University. For 20 years, Dr. Wilson engaged in international program development, conducting evaluations in various venues around the world, teaching graduate students, and training people from underserved communities.
Graduate students and instructors in education, psychology, sociology, social work, nursing, public administration, and management; applied researchers and evaluators.
Course Use
Serves as a text in graduate-level evaluation courses.
Previous editions published by Guilford:
Second Edition, © 2019
ISBN: 9781462532759
First Edition, © 2012
ISBN: 9781462503155
New to this edition:
- Restructured section on philosophical frameworks, with a new chapter on the Indigenous paradigm and expanded coverage of disability, feminist, and LGBTQ+ theories.
- New and updated coverage of data collection technologies, qualitative coding methods, Sustainable Development Goals, and uses and pitfalls of artificial intelligence.
- Additional sample studies, including multi-site and systems- and complexity-informed evaluations.
- Expanded coverage of logic models, cost–benefit evaluations, and mixed methods designs.