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Social Psychology

Third Edition
Handbook of Basic Principles

Edited by Paul A. M. Van Lange, E. Tory Higgins, and Arie W. Kruglanski

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
October 6, 2020
ISBN 9781462543984
Price: $99.00
638 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
April 21, 2022
ISBN 9781462550241
Price: $66.00
638 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
October 6, 2020
Price: $66.00
638 Pages
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638 Pages
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This definitive work—now extensively revised with virtually all new chapters—has introduced generations of researchers to the psychological processes that underlie social behavior. What sets the book apart is its unique focus on the basic principles that guide theory building and research. Since work in the field increasingly transcends such boundaries as biological versus cultural or cognitive versus motivational systems, the third edition has a new organizational framework. Leading scholars identify and explain the principles that govern intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup processes, in chapters that range over multiple levels of analysis. The book's concluding section illustrates how social psychology principles come into play in specific contexts, including politics, organizational life, the legal arena, sports, and negotiation.

New to This Edition

“The book is excellent because it contains so much information over 30 chapters and 638 pages. It is written by an international collection of experts in the field. The third edition justifies replacing the second because it has been 13 years and research has increased dramatically over that time span. Readers will not be disappointed by this Guilford volume. *****!”

Doody’s Review Service

“It is a must for empirical researchers in the field....Highly recommended. Graduate students, researchers, and professionals.”

Choice Reviews (on the second edition)

“I was bowled over by this book! It is an ode to ideas and their conceptual evolution into principles and theories. With 24 chapters ranging from the intrapersonal to the intergroup level, plus six chapters illustrating the principles at work, the third edition extends the prior edition substantially with new topics and the latest scholarship and applications. This masterfully edited and lucidly written intellectual feast will be appreciated by researchers as well as by graduate students and advanced psychology majors, and is a suitable text or companion to most—if not all—social psychology courses.”

—Constantine Sedikides, PhD, School of Psychology, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

“This volume provides a panoramic view of classic and emerging topics in social psychology. The geographic diversity of the authors brings forth an exciting range of topics as well as offering up a more accurate perspective on the psychology of social behavior. The third edition of this work will be a treasured companion as you navigate human social nature as we understand it today.”

—Mahzarin R. Banaji, PhD, Richard Clarke Cabot Professor of Social Ethics, Harvard University

“Bringing the social resoundingly back to social psychology, this third edition highlights intergroup processes, cultural systems, motivation, and meaning-making as social rather than individual processes. Chapters explore the deeply social nature of human evolution and the biological and neurological evidence supporting such basic processes as social bonds and empathy. I highly recommend this handbook to readers who want to attain a solid grounding in current perspectives, topics, and methodologies of social psychology.”

—Daphna Oyserman, PhD, Dean’s Professor of Psychology and Co-Director, Dornsife Center for Mind and Society, University of Southern California

“The outstanding third edition of this important, well-regarded handbook reflects the editors' deep and up-to-date knowledge of the field. With an international scope, the book emphasizes classic and contemporary ideas, theories, and principles, rather than the all-too-common conglomeration of disjointed empirical findings. It offers a rich and stimulating foundation for graduate courses in social psychology and is an essential reference for researchers at all levels. The volume covers an unusually broad range, from evolutionary psychology and core intrapsychic processes to interpersonal relationships, intra- and intergroup relations, and real-world applications in law, organizational behavior, sports, and politics. With its many new chapters and highly accomplished authors, this volume captures the excitement and richness of social psychology today.”

—Phillip R. Shaver, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology Emeritus, University of California, Davis

“Social psychology in one volume? Not if you want a complete assemblage of significant findings. But if you are looking for a conceptually integrated collection of the basic ideas and principles on which social psychology is built, you cannot do better than this book. Leading experts provide the theoretical foundations of the discoveries that have shaped the field. The breadth of the editors’ approach makes this a comprehensive and highly readable account of current social psychology.”

—Fritz Strack, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University of Würzburg, Germany

Table of Contents

I. Principles in Theory

- Intrapersonal Level

1. Evolutionary Foundations of Social Psychology, William von Hippel, Frank A. von Hippel, & Thomas Suddendorf

2. Approach Motivation and Emotion from a Biological Perspective, Eddie Harmon-Jones & Cindy Harmon-Jones

3. Judgment and Decision Making: Basic Principles of Adaptive Behavior, Klaus Fiedler & Linda McCaughey

4. Construal Processes, Alexa D. Hubbard, David A. Kalkstein, Nira Liberman, & Yaacov Trope

5. Motives Working Together: Value, Truth, and Control in Goal Selection and Pursuit, E. Tory Higgins & Emily Nakkawita

6. Human Autonomy in Social Psychology: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective, Richard M. Ryan & Edward L. Deci

- Interpersonal Level

7. The Biological Foundations and Modulation of Empathy, Grit Hein, Yanyan Qi, & Shihui Han

8. Social Bonds: A New Look at an Old Topic, Sara B. Algoe & Tatum Jolink sample

9. Understanding the Minds of Others: Activation, Application, and Accuracy of Mind Perception, Nicholas Epley & Michael Kardas

10. Shared Reality: Motivated Connection and Motivated Cognition, Gerald Echterhoff & E. Tory Higgins

11. Goal Transactivity, Eli J. Finkel & Gráinne M. Fitzsimons

12. Major Principles of Attachment Theory: Overview, Hypotheses, and Research Ideas, Jeffry A. Simpson, W. Steven Rholes, Jami Eller, & Ramona L. Paetzold

13. Relational Motives, Harry T. Reis

- Intragroup Level

14. Indirect Reciprocity, Gossip, and Reputation-Based Cooperation, Daniel Balliet, Junhui Wu, & Paul A. M. Van Lange

15. Aggression, Violence, and Revenge, C. Nathan DeWall & David S. Chester

16. Cultural Systems: Attunement, Tension, and Lewinian Social Psychology, Dov Cohen, Xi Liu, & Faith Shin

17. Social Ostracism: Theoretical Foundations and Basic Principles, Andrew H. Hales & Kipling D. Williams

18. The Social Power of Emotions: Emerging Principles of the Social Functions and Effects of Emotional Expression, Gerben A. van Kleef

- Intergroup Level

19. Intergroup Processes: Principles from an Evolutionary Perspective, David Pietraszewski

20. Stereotype Content Model: How We Make Sense of Individuals and Groups, Susan T. Fiske, Gandalf Nicolas, & Xuechunzi Bai

21. Perceiving Others as Group Members: Basic Principles of Social Categorization Processes, Kerry Kawakami, Kurt Hugenberg, & Yarrow Dunham

22. Intergroup Contact and Prejudice Reduction: Three Guiding Principles, Angelika Love & Miles Hewstone

23. Categorization and Identity as Motivational Principles in Intergroup Relations, Naomi Ellemers & Dick de Gilder

24. Culture and Intergroup Relations, Yoshihisa Kashima & Michele Gelfand

II. Principles in Context

25. Helping, in Context: Predictors and Products of Prosocial Behavior, Lara B. Aknin, Deborah A. Small, & Michael I. Norton

26. Social Psychology and Law: Basic Principles in Legal Contexts, Kees van den Bos

27. Psychological Shortcomings to Optimal Negotiation Behavior: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Challenges, Martha Jeong, Julia Minson, & Francesca Gino

28. How Prominent Features of Organizational Life Inform Principles of Social Psychology, Joel Brockner, Batia M. Wiesenfeld, & Ilona Fridman

29. Political Extremism, Katarzyna Jasko, David Webber, & Arie W. Kruglanski

30. Achievement Goals and Self-Regulation in the Sport Context, Nico W. Van Yperen

About the Editors

Paul A. M. Van Lange, PhD, is Professor and Chair of Social Psychology at VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Distinguished Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. His research focuses on human cooperation and trust. Dr. Van Lange has published over 200 articles in psychological and interdisciplinary journals. He is founding editor of Current Opinion in Psychology and Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, and is a past president of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology. His work has been recognized by the Kurt Lewin Medal from the European Association of Social Psychology, among other grants and awards. His website is

E. Tory Higgins, PhD, is the Stanley Schachter Professor of Psychology at Columbia University, where he is also Professor and Director of the Motivation Science Center at the Columbia Business School. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Higgins has received the Distinguished Scientist Award from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, the Anneliese Maier Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany, the William James Fellow Award from the Association for Psychological Science, and the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions from the American Psychological Association, among other awards for his research, teaching, and mentoring.

Arie W. Kruglanski, PhD, is Distinguished University Professor of Psychology at the University of Maryland, College Park. He has published over 400 articles, chapters, and books on motivated social cognition. A Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science, Dr. Kruglanski is co-founder of the National Center of Excellence for the Study of Terrorism and the Response to Terrorism. He is a recipient of awards including the Research Scientist Award from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Donald T. Campbell Award from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, and the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award from the Society for Experimental Social Psychology.


Lara B. Aknin, PhD, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Sara B. Algoe, PhD, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Xuechunzi Bai, BA, Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Daniel Balliet, PhD, Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Joel Brockner, PhD, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York, NY

David S. Chester, PhD, Department of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Dov Cohen, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL

Dick de Gilder, PhD, Department of Organisation Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Edward L. Deci, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

C. Nathan DeWall, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Yarrow Dunham, PhD, Department of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT

Gerald Echterhoff, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Münster, Münster, Germany

Naomi Ellemers, PhD, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Jami Eller, BS, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Nicholas Epley, PhD, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Klaus Fiedler, PhD, Department of Psychology, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany

Eli J. Finkel, PhD, Department of Psychology and the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Susan T. Fiske, PhD, Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Gráinne M. Fitzsimons, PhD, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University, Durham, NC

Ilona Fridman, PhD, Margolis Center for Health Policy, Duke University, Durham, NC

Michele Gelfand, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Francesca Gino, PhD, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA

Andrew H. Hales, PhD, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Shihui Han, PhD, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China

Eddie Harmon-Jones, PhD, School of Psychology, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Cindy Harmon-Jones, PhD, School of Psychology, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Grit Hein, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic and Psychotherapy, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany

Miles Hewstone, DPhil, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

E. Tory Higgins, PhD, Department of Psychology, Columbia University, New York, NY

Alexa D. Hubbard, PhD, Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, NY

Kurt Hugenberg, PhD, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

Katarzyna Jasko, PhD, Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Martha Jeong, PhD, Department of Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

Tatum A. Jolink, BA, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

David A. Kalkstein, PhD, Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

Michael Kardas, PhD, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Yoshihisa Kashima, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

Kerry Kawakami, PhD, Department of Psychology, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Arie W. Kruglanski, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park, MA

Nira Liberman, PhD, Department of Psychology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Xi Liu, MA, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL

Angelika Love, DPhil, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Linda McCaughey, MSc, Department of Psychology, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany

Julia Minson, PhD, Center for Public Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA

Emily Nakkawita, BS, Department of Psychology, Columbia University, New York, NY

Gandalf Nicolas, PhD, Department of Psychology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ

Michael I. Norton, PhD, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA

Ramona L. Paetzold, PhD, Department of Management, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

David Pietraszewski, PhD, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany

Yanyan Qi, PhD, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Psychology, Beijing, China

Harry T. Reis, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

W. Steven Rholes, PhD, Department of Psychology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Richard M. Ryan, PhD, Institute for Positive Psychology and Education, Australian Catholic University, North Sydney, Australia; Department of Psychology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

Faith Shin, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,Champaign, IL

Jeffry A. Simpson, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Deborah A. Small, PhD, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Thomas Suddendorf, PhD, School of Psychology, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia

Yaacov Trope, PhD, Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, NY

Kees van den Bos, PhD, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences and School of Law, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Gerben A. van Kleef, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Paul A. M. Van Lange, PhD, Department of Social Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Nico W. Van Yperen, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

Frank A. von Hippel, PhD, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ

William von Hippel, PhD, School of Psychology, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Australia

David Webber, PhD, Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Batia M. Wiesenfeld, PhD, Stern School of Business, New York University, New York, NY

Kipling D. Williams, PhD, Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Junhui Wu, PhD, Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China


Researchers and students in social and personality psychology.

Course Use

May serve as a text in graduate-level courses.
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