Storytelling, Narrative, and the Thematic Apperception Test
The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a systematic approach to storytelling that offers insight into the unique psychological reality of each individual. This book integrates a variety of interpretive approaches to the TAT to illuminate the meaning of narratives and explore their clinical implications. Informed by psychodynamic theory and empirical research, the book addresses such topics as the ways narratives reveal different personality organizations; how stories change over the course of therapy; the influence of age, gender, and defense mechanisms on narratives; and the use of the TAT in clinical studies. A new preface to the paperback edition situates the book within the contemporary landscape of personality research.
“This book is a valuable resource for psychology students at any level who are learning the foundations of projective testing, and it is destined to become standard reading for doctoral students who are enrolled in projective assessment courses....Should be required reading for every clinician who will be administering and interpreting the TAT.”
—Psychiatric Services
“This work is the most comprehensive, original, and creative integration of clinical and empirical approaches to the TAT yet produced. It begins with an emphasis on the multi-modal perspectives inherent in the depiction of the TAT as a narrative, interactive event between story-teller and story-interpreter. The remainder of the book then enacts this conception of narrative by providing multiple, overlapping reviews of the vast array of clinical and empirical investigations of personality using the TAT. Her clinical interpretations of TAT protocols are brilliant and provide outstanding material for the practitioner and teacher alike. Her scholarly review of the reliability and validity of the technique and, more importantly, her critique of the way conventional psychometric standards have misunderstood the essence of the TAT are of great significance in the recent debate about the merits of various assessment procedures. The work is also compelling in its ability to give equal and lucid emphasis to both the clinical/psychodynamic and social psychology/achievement traditions that have historically intertwined as the two primary configuration of TAT use since its introduction 60 years ago. This book is beautifully written, clinically astute, and extraordinarily well documented. It will no doubt be the standard TAT reference for many years to come.”
—Steven Tuber, Ph.D., ABPP, Director, Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, City College Graduate Center, New York
“The book provides a masterful synthesis of half a century of work on the TAT, placing it in the context of storytelling and narrative approaches to understanding individuals and clinical groups. Dr. Cramer does a particularly good job of integrating interpretative and empirical approaches to the TAT, showing how the interpretation of life narratives and the rigorous psychometric assessment of life narratives can be part of the same enterprise.”
—Drew Westen, Ph.D., Chief Psychologist, The Cambridge Hospital, and Associate Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
“This is a scholarly achievement written in a clear and lucid fashion. Its encyclopedic coverage will be of inestimable value to clinicians and researchers alike. Dr. Cramer also provides a historical background with varied theoretical conceptualizations of Storytelling and Narratives to aid the student in appreciating this age old form of communication.”
—Carol Eagle, Ph.D., Head, Child and Adolescent Psychology, Montefiore Medical Center; Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Table of Contents
I. Origins of the Thematic Apperception Test
1. Introduction
2. The TAT
II. Interpretation of the TAT
3. Narrative and Storytelling
4. Context and Storytelling
5. The TAT and the Life Story Narrative
6. Gender Identity: An Interpretive Perspective
7. Defense Mechanisms: Another Interpretive Perspective
III. Studies of Clinical Patients
8. The Storyteller's Narrative
9. The Anaclitic/Introjective Perspective: Two Personality Organizations
10. The Interpreter's Perspective: TAT and Psychopathology
IV. Changing Narratives: Studies of Normal Development
11. Developmental Differences in TAT Stories: Children and Adolescents
12. Developmental Differences in Adult TAT Stories
V. Research Issues with the TAT
13. General Issues in TAT Research
14. Questions of Reliability and Validity
15. The TAT in Personality Research Today
16. The TAT in Clinical Research Studies: Further Examples
17. Conclusion
About the Author
Phebe Cramer, PhD, until her death in 2021, was Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Williams College, where she joined the faculty in 1970. Dr. Cramer published more than 90 research articles and five books, on topics including defense mechanisms, narcissism, and longitudinal personality development. She was a recipient of the Bruno Klopfer Award from the Society for Personality Assessment and the Murray–Helson Award from the Association for Research in Personality. At Williams, Dr. Cramer was the first woman to hold the position of full professor, the first to chair a department, and the first tenured female professor in the psychology department, and she cofounded a committee that fought for and won salary equity and maternity leave for women. In addition to teaching and research, she maintained a private clinical psychology practice for much of her career and held staff positions in hospitals and institutes.
Clinicians and researchers who use the TAT or any narrative material, such as biography or interviews, for assessment and evaluation.
Course Use
Serves as a text in advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in clinical assessment, personality, and personality assessment.