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Teacher's Guide to ADHD

Robert Reid and Joseph Johnson

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
October 7, 2011
ISBN 9781609189792
Price: $41.00
274 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
November 21, 2011
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Price: $41.00
274 Pages
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274 Pages
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Meeting a key need for teachers, this book provides practical, data-based tools for helping students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) succeed in the classroom. The authors combine instructional expertise with extensive knowledge about the nature and treatment of ADHD. Coverage includes ways to support students and teach them needed strategies in core areas: academic skills, behavior, self-regulation, and social skills. Step-by-step instructions and concrete examples help teachers implement effective interventions and accommodations. The book also offers crucial guidance for teaming with other school professionals and with parents.

“This book can be used by the school social worker to guide teachers in working with their students. Alternatively, teachers can read about the interventions and implement what seems applicable. The book is easy to read, understand, and follow and would be a useful hands-on tool in any social worker's office.”

School Social Work Journal

“This book sets a new standard. Reid and Johnson do a superb job of translating current ADHD theory and research into practical, step-by-step recommendations for educators. The book dispels common myths while providing accurate, up-to-date information. Everything teachers need to know about ADHD is covered, including the use of functional behavioral assessment to design effective behavioral interventions and strategies for addressing academic and social difficulties and enhancing student self-regulation. This is an outstanding guide for general and special education teachers at any stage of their careers, and will be a useful text in teacher preparation programs.”

—George J. DuPaul, PhD, Department of Education and Human Services, Lehigh University

“Given the prevalence of ADHD and the trend toward including these students in general education classrooms, virtually every teacher has one or more students with ADHD. Most teachers, through no fault of their own, are not equipped to deal with the complexities of managing the behavior and learning problems that such students present. Fortunately, this book does just what the title suggests—it guides the teacher toward creating more productive learning environments for students with ADHD. Drawing on the most current theory and research, Reid and Johnson present with clarity what teachers need to do to help students with ADHD achieve their academic and social potentials.”

—Daniel P. Hallahan, PhD, Charles S. Robb Professor of Education and Director of Doctoral Studies, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia

“This book is uniquely tailored for educators working with children who have ADHD. It reflects current, evidence-based approaches to instruction, intervention, and family collaboration in a manner that is highly practical and useful. Coverage of instructional and behavioral interventions for use in classroom settings is stellar. The style of presentation is remarkably clear, straightforward, and easy to read. I strongly recommend this book for all educators at the elementary and secondary levels, as well those who are preparing for the profession.”

—Thomas J. Power, PhD, ABPP, Director, Center for Management of ADHD, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Professor of School Psychology in Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

“This is one of the most comprehensive, accessible, and useful books on meeting the needs of students with ADHD. Current, conceptually sound, clearly written, and practical. The authors apply key research on ADHD to practical considerations about how to improve students' outcomes. No important issue is left untreated. It will be an indispensable resource for teachers, school psychologists, behavior consultants, and researchers.”

—Deb Smith, PhD, Assistant Principal, Lincoln (Nebraska) Public School District

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. What Is ADHD?

3. Assessment of ADHD

4. ADHD in the Schools

5. School-Based Treatment for ADHD

6. Working with Parents

7. Medication

8. Functional Behavioral Assessment

9. Behavior Management

10. Academics and ADHD

11. Self-Regulation Strategies

12. Survival Skills

About the Authors

Robert Reid, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He has done extensive work nationally and internationally on children with ADHD and on cognitive strategy instruction. He has also conducted research with youth in residential settings and in out-of-home care. Dr. Reid has published over 100 articles and book chapters as well as the coauthored ADHD Rating Scale–IV, which is now used in seven countries, and presents at national and international conferences. He is a recipient of the Special Education Student Research Award from the American Educational Research Association and the Jeannie P. Baliles Child Mental Health Research Award from the Virginia Treatment Center for Children. Dr. Reid currently serves on the editorial boards of five journals and actively reviews for a number of others.

Joseph Johnson, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse. Prior to earning his doctorate in special education, he taught in public secondary schools for over 13 years, including 6 years as a special education teacher in both resource and cotaught classrooms. His interests include cognitive strategy instruction and academic interventions for adolescents with ADHD.


Classroom teachers and special educators in grades K–12; teacher educators. Also of interest to school and child clinical psychologists.

Course Use

May serve as a supplemental text in advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses.